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Today was Prince T'Challa birthday, everyone who was anyone was invited. Wakanda was bursting with excitement, not only was it their Prince birthday but also he will become one with the Black Panther. The King and Queen was making sure everything would be ready for their son, Zuri was getting the ceremony ready with his underlings while the tribal elders was getting their tribe transported to the secret waterfall. T'Challa took a deep breath as he looked at himself in the mirror, this was the last day of him being a boy and running around freely with W'Kabi, after today he will become the Black Panther the protector of Wakanda. Also gaining more knowledge about his country and how to run it whenever his father decide to step down. A knock echo in his room and his father face peeping in smiling proudly at his son, "Hello son, how are you doing today? Are you excited?" T'Chaka asked while walking into his son room. T'Challa smiled at his father turning around, "I'm well Baba, and yes i'm very excited. I'm ready to become the Black Panther and my final training." T'Challa said giving his father a hug. T'Chaka was very proud of his son and how he grown into the man he always wanted him to become, "That's good son. Your sister told me about your adventure with the boys. How was that?" T'Chaka asked smiling at his son knowing W'Kabi was the partier of the two.

T'Challa smiled rolling his head walking away from this father, "Of course Shuri would tell you about that." T'Challa rolled his eyes at his younger sister big mouth. "It was fun. Nothing really special happened." T'Challa simply answered as he put on the rest of his outfit. T'Chaka laugh knowing something happened in the city, he was a young lad once in his life. "Of course son. I'm glad you had a good time. I just wanted to let you know that your mother is ready for us and waiting, also to make sure if you have any concerns or questions regarding the Black Panther i'm here." T'Chaka said giving his son a kiss on the head, T'Challa smiled at his father,"Thank you Baba. I think i'm ready and ok with everything." T'Challa humbling said reassuring his father. T'Chaka and T'Challa walked out of his room to head to his birthday celebration. Both men walked to the room where the rest of their family was waiting, T'Challa laugh seeing his sister being scold by their mother about something. "Now young lady this is your brother night. NO shenanigans." Ramanda said to her mischievous daughter. Shuri pouted as she spotted her father and brother walking towards them, "Baba! tell mother that I can bring my Kimoyo Beads. They won't be a distraction and watch one day everyone will be wearing them just wait and see." Shuri whined to her father knowing that he will fold easier then her mother. "Oh my sweet darling, I don't see no problem in bring those Beads. Those little things are very helpful." T'Chaka said winking at his daughter earning a glare from his wife. "Thank you Baba!" Shuri hollered given her father a hug.

Ramanda sigh at the two, no matter what anyone said, Shuri bat those big brown beautiful eyes at her father and he fold like metal. T'Challa chuckled at his family, "Hello my son. Are you ready?" Ramanda ask her son giving him a kiss. "Yes mother. I'm ready." T'Challa said hugging his mother tightly, "Come everyone the ceremony await." T'Chaka said holding his wife hand giving it a kiss when she glared at him for once again giving their daughter her way.The Dora Milaje was surrounding the family making sure no harm will come to them. Okoye smiled at the Prince and Princess, the siblings returning the gesture. When their parents was far enough a way Shuri smirked at her brother, "So how was your weekend brotha?" Shuri asked nudging her brother shoulder. T'Challa smiled at his sister not giving her an answer, "Oh come on brotha. Share some details, how is the city outside of Wakanda what's it's like." Shuri asked in naive excitement. T'Challa didn't really know how to answer his younger sister, "Well, it's a lot different from home. You aren't missing anything trust me." T'Challa simply answered. Shuri huffed at her brother boring answer, "Did you go to a strip club? Sydelle said the 'Dancing Impala' was the best club. I think I might go there for my birthday sounds like something I want to experience." Shuri joked knowing that will get her older brother rilled up. T'Challa paused looking at his sister with a disbelief look, "No you will not. That place is not for you or anyone to visit." T'Challa unknowingly told on himself. Shuri laugh, T'Challa rolled his eyes knowing that he feel into his smart sister trap.

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