You can trust nobody

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»I've got 99 problems,
praying to god every day.
I would die for you,
the butterflies would do that, too.«

Anger was flashing through the veins of the blond-haired Slytherin.
Draco couldn't control himself any longer - he needed to destroy something.
His slim fingers ran through his blond hair, slowly gripping it before pulling in a very rough way.
Pure hatred was boiling inside Draco, though the boy didn't really understand why.
Nothing extraordinary had happened on this fine Friday evening.
Stop! - Something did happen.
Anger zapped through Draco's mind as he was picturing the scene from earlier in his head.
He saw Harry and Hermione, smiling, laughing and having a good time all together.

No, that couldn't be what he was getting so furious at.
Ah! The memory came back, sharp and clear like a piece of glass.
Ron Weasley had joined them, and for a second Draco thought he had seen Harry looking all lovey-dovey at Ron.
That mere memory was enough to get the anger to boil again.
"God, he's mine!", Draco hissed, the anger inside of him was daring to rip him apart.
The blond-haired Slytherin let himself drop to his knees, too weak to stand in his room and pull at his own hair any longer.

Draco wanted Harry to be his.
He wanted to be in a relationship with him so badly.
But he couldn't just do that, because he happened to be a pure-blood Malfoy.
He had to carry on his last name, he had to make sure that someone would come after him.
Draco never really felt attracted to girls, but to boys. If he had told anyone of his friends?
Of course not! Especially they had to believe that he was a heterosexual man.
If Draco would come out to them, what would they think of him?
A shudder went through Draco, quickly brushing off that thought.

"Yeah, and then she ate those pills that my brothers are selling. And, oh Merlin, they actually made her puke! So wicked!", Ron said, excitement laid in his voice.
Hermione had placed her head on Ron's shoulder, allowing herself to get some rest and to enjoy Ron's presence.
She was pretty hard to herself, even when she didn't have classes or exams to study for.
Sometimes, she even punished herself if she'd get a bad grade back.
Harry had once caught her carving the sentence 'you're not good enough' into her arm.
Luckily he could stop her from carving more sentences into her skin that night.

Anyway, back to this weirdly quiet Friday night.
Harry actually hadn't been paying attention to what Ron was saying.
His thoughts were elsewhere.
Year 1 and 2 had been so adventurous, Harry was glad that the middle part of year 3 wasn't that wild compared to the previous ones.
Most of the adventures were over by now, everyone was just enjoying the small break that they were having from exams and all that stuff.
Harry's focus had been a bit off of school this year, all thanks to a certain blond-haired Slytherin.
Which happened to be his archenemy, by the way.
Oh, and Harry had been busy with learning to accept himself.
It had taken a lot out of him to accept his bisexuality, but as time went on he had gotten more and more confident with his sexuality.

Luckily no one had screamed his sexuality into the world.
A few people still believed it was a rumor.
But Harry wasn't the only one who wasn't straight.
Neville Longbottom had just come out as asexual two weeks ago and Pansy Parkinson had come out as homosexual, both outings somehow didn't really surprise anyone.
"Pans, we've been knew", Hermione had said to Pansy, who then had smiled at that comment.
Hermione and Pansy had always sort of come along with each other.
Despite being from different houses, the two had managed to build up a pretty strong friendship.
After Pansy's outing, a few people even believed Hermione to be Pansy's girlfriend. None of the girls had commented on that rumor.

"Harry, were you listening to what I was saying?", Ron's voice cut through Harry's thoughts like a pair of scissors cut through paper.
"Eh, no. I'm sorry, Ron. I was caught up in my thoughts", Harry honestly said, looking down at his hands.
"No problem, mate. I was asking you if you know anything about Draco's sexuality. Since we're kind of friends with the Slytherins, I was wondering if anyone of us had found out anything about his sexuality", Ron said.
Harry shook his head no, a few strands of his long hair came in front of his eyes. He brushed them back behind his ears.
"No, I don't know anything about that. But just from guessing I'd say he definitely isn't straight", Harry said quietly, hoping his British accent would swallow his last sentence.
"Oh", Ron said, "and what gives you that idea?"

"Well", Harry began, "I sort of just know."
He threw his infamous 'Hermione, please help me out!'-look at the brunette witch, who luckily understood what Harry wanted.
"Well", Hermione began quickly, "I've seen the way Malfoy looks at Harry a few times. He's basically obsessed with our lovely scarehead here."
Harry smiled at Hermione, giving her his best 'thank you so much!'-look in the history of facial expressions.
"Ah yeah. I also believe that Malfoy has a sick obsession with Harry. The boy will soon go mad if you don't start flirting with him, Harry", Ron stated with a confident smile on his face.
Harry sighed. "Merlin, if I only knew how to start with that. He's supposed to be my archenemy. There's no way that he'll ever flirt back or that we become a couple. Plus I don't even know if he's into boys yet. He might be, but I have no proof", Harry said, becoming quieter at the end.

Hermione got up, pressed a kiss on Harry's forehead and said: "Hey, we're going to help you out. On Monday, you'll invite him to sit with us at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. From there on you can snowball it. I believe in you, now you have to believe in yourself."
Harry smiled. "Thanks, 'mione", he said before he watched her leave off to her bedroom.
Ron got up as well.
"You'll get him, mate. Believe in yourself, alright? I believe in you. Night, kiddo", Ron said before he patted Harry's shoulder and walked off to his bedroom.
Harry took a couple of breaths before he got up and headed to his bedroom as well.

"Oh boy, Malfoy. Not again", Pansy sighed as she entered Draco's room.
Draco had a room all for himself because he got really angry and aggressive all the time and Professor McGonagall wasn't that happy about the fact that Draco could hurt his roommates.
That's why Professor Dumbledore had blessed Draco with a room, that he didn't have to share with anyone else.
Sometimes Draco felt lonely, but Pansy was in his room most of the evenings.
So that was okay.

Pansy sighed at the sight of Draco.
The blond-haired Slytherin was laying on the floor, his eyes were red from crying so much and his arm was red.
"Did you- did you do that thing again?", Pansy asked, kneeling down next to Draco, who only nodded in response.
The dark brown haired Slytherin had never seen Draco cry, that was new.
But she had witnessed him trying to rip open his arm before. It was the scariest thing she'd ever seen.
"Always the left arm, isn't it?", Pansy asked as she was taking a closer look at the arm.
Just a bit red, just a few bloody spots. "Not as bad as the last time you did it. I remember you've almost killed yourself", Pansy said dryly, as if this was an everyday occasion.

"Look Parkinson", Draco hissed annoyed, "you don't know what it's like to have this fire of hatred and this burning fire of love for someone you can't be with inside of you! It hurts so damn much, it's nothing compared to ripping my skin open!"
Pansy swallowed.
"D- Do you want to talk about it, Draco?", Pansy offered with a sad facial expression on her face.
"Pfft, no! And don't you ever call me Draco again, Parkinson!", Draco growled, emphasizing Pansy's last name.
Pansy shrugged, got up and walked out of the room.
Draco closed his eyes as he felt the rest of his anger die inside of him.

The weekend was going to be rough.

(Wortcount: 1440 words)

Heyyo, welcome to this mess of a story! 🤠🤧🧸
The song lyrics at the top are from "Butterflies" by Melay. 🦋🎈
I hope you'll enjoy this story.

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