Bickering girlfriends

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»You're making every story
just for me.
I know every story
about you.«

Harry didn't wake up in Draco's arms on this Monday morning, no.
Sadly, he woke up in his own bed, all alone without his boyfriend.
After he was done with getting ready, he and his dorm mates made their way to the great hall for breakfast.

From afar, Ron could see Hermione. She was walking to the great hall with her girlfriend Pansy.
"There comes 'mione", Ron whispered and Harry turned his head around.
"Hey guys", Pansy greeted the two Gryffindors as she and Hermione walked into the great hall.
Hermione just nodded as she saw her two best friends because she was going on and on about something, which was why there was no time for a proper greeting.

Today's breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, two slices of toast and some bacon.
Luckily, Harry and his friends were in the second half of their eight year at Hogwarts, because now they were allowed to have coffee with their breakfast.
Most of the eight year students were 17 to 20, depending on if there were students who were one or two years behind because they had to repeat one or two years, so Professor Dumbledore had considered these the perfect ages for the consumption of caffeine in the morning.
But, of course, the morning couldn't start out in a relaxed way.
Hermione and Pansy were bickering over something inconsequential, Ron and Harry didn't get the context but it was a bit amusing to see Hermione all that irritated.

"Eh, honey, no. Honestly, we're not doing that! I don't want to do that!", Hermione said, more irritated than ever.
"Please, just this once. It's just for one night, after that you'll never have to do it again", Pansy replied.
Harry leaned over to Ron, who was sitting in front of him, and whispered: "Do you know what's going on?"
Ron shook his head no. "Nah, but I don't want to ask. Otherwise, Hermione or Pansy will take one of my eyes out", he added and Harry chuckled.
"C'mon baby, do it for me. Please", Pansy continued. Hermione just shook her head, her hair got a bit messed up.
Pansy bent over the table and fixed it, which made Hermione smile a bit. Despite her refusing Pansy's idea, the other girl still managed to make her smile.

"What are you guys even arguing about?", Harry asked as he saw that the two girls had calmed down.
Pansy sighed. "I wanted her to wear a moss green dress for the autumn ball, that Professor McGonagall is hosting at the end of September, and she didn't want to. She doesn't look bad in green, right?", Pansy explained to the two Gryffindors while she was still fixing Hermione's hair. Well, now she was straight up massaging her scalp instead of fixing her hair.
Hermione hummed as she leaned forward a bit, now Pansy could massage her scalp even better.

"No! Hermione, I bet you look great in green", Harry exclaimed with a smile.
"Yeah! I really want to see you in a green dress now", Ron added with a beaming grin.
"Moss green", Pansy corrected, still massaging her girlfriends' scalp.
The brunette witch smiled. "Alright guys, I'll wear it. But then you have to wear a red dress to the Yule ball, babe", Hermione said and Pansy nodded. "Alright."

The day was halfway over now.
Herbology was next on the timetable. Usually, Herbology had always been in the second period, but that was different for each year of course. But this year, Professor Dumbledore had added PE to the timetable, which was why they had to switch the whole timetable up.
"Okay students", Professor Sprout spoke, "now I want you all to take care of your dragon fruit with your partner, pick one now if you haven't already. I know, it's a fruit that grows in the muggle world, but I wanted to switch my lessons up a bit. Plus, it doesn't hurt to educate yourselves on other plants. Ones that aren't magic for an example. The reward will be a delicious smoothie because a dragon fruit smoothie is really healthy and delicious."

Draco's blue eyes met Harry's green ones, they both knew what the other one wanted.
"So, where's your dragon fruit?", Harry asked, curious to see if Draco had even done the task. Even though Harry had a positive influence on Draco's grades, Draco sometimes didn't really feel motivated to actually do the task that he had to do. So Harry had to kick his butt from time to time.
"Here it is", Draco said, proudly. Harry smiled. "Hey, look at you! You actually did the task!", Harry said, being slightly cynical about it.
Draco scoffed. "Oh, as if you always do everything", he said and Harry nodded.
"I bet when we're moving in later, you'll be the one forgetting to do the dishes and I'll be the one that always reminds you of doing them, right after you've forgotten to do them of course", Harry said as Draco watered his dragon plant.
"Heh, yeah right. Scarhead", he said.
"Hey!", Harry exclaimed, pretending to be offended, "don't call me that, ferret boy!"

Draco gently pushed Harry.
The other boy did the same.
After Professor Sprout had told them to stop messing around, Draco looked at Harry and Harry looked at Draco.
"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now", Harry whispered.
"Same. I wish I could lift you up and spin you around right now", Draco spoke softly.
The Slytherin slightly bent down, grabbed Harry's chin and placed a soft kiss on the Gryffindors lips.

He didn't care if anyone saw them right now.
He wanted to kiss his boyfriend, the one that he wanted to be with for so long.
The one that he never wanted to let go again.
Hell, the one that he even thought about marrying one day.

His boyfriend.

(Wortcount: 1000 words)

And another chapter's done! 👌🥵
Sorry that this is shorter than the others, but I kind of needed to hurry up with getting this done.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this anyway!
The lyrics at the top are from the song "STORY" by Kidnfinity.
I know I use a lot of his amazing song lyrics, his songs are amazing though.
Bye-bye 👋🤠

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