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»Babygirl looks like
a Penelope.
Shawty comes to me
to get the pain away.
She wants it loud,
she wants 'Shades
Of Grey'.«

This Tuesday morning started out as every other morning.
Harry woke up, got dressed, combed his hair and woke his best friend Ron up.
"Today's Quidditch practice, Ron. Make sure you're on time today", Harry whispered and the still very drowsy Ron nodded.

The raven-haired Gryffindor walked up the stairs to Draco's room, as usual.
The first 90 minutes of the day consisted of potions class with Professor Snape.
"Today, you are going to brew Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in existence.
In my opinion, all of you need to improve, like seriously. Judging from what I heard when you all did this a while ago. Now, get on with it!", Professor Snape said, subtly hasty, for he wanted to get the lesson over with as fast as the students did.
So the students started brewing the potion. The classroom, or rather the dungeon, was quickly filled with bubbling sounds and chatter.

After a while, everyone was done with their potion.
"Okay, let's see what you guys cooked up", Professor Snape said, in an attempt to sound cool, which resulted in a lot of pained facial expressions from the students.
"Mr. Potter!", Harry's head shot up from his book, "how about you tell us what you smell?"
The Gryffindor gulped and he felt his stomach turn with nervousness.
Everyone turned around as Harry lowered his head over the cauldron to inhale the smell.
"And, what do you smell, Mr. Potter?", Professor Snape wanted to know after Harry had inhaled the slightly acidic smell for quite some time.

"Er-, well, the potion smells a bit like acid. It also smells of aloe vera shampoo, but also a bit of chili and a pinch of salt", Harry described, not mentioning the hint of cotton candy and the fragrance of sunflowers.
In the corner of his eye, he saw Draco's tensed facial expression. Was it because Harry had described how the Slytherin smelt?
"Very well. Let's move on to Miss Granger here", Professor Snape said and Harry was sure that the Professor had muttered 'our little insufferable know-it-all' under his breath.
Relieved about not having to describe the smell of his potion any further, Harry focused back on the lesson.

As the day went on, Harry's thoughts were still spinning around.
Did Draco smell him, too?
He didn't really know why he thought about it that intensively, Draco was his boyfriend after all.
His train of thoughts was rudely interrupted by Ron, who nudged Harry with his elbow.
"What is it?", Harry asked as he was slowly coming back to reality.
"Were you listening, mate? I asked you something", Ron said, frowning at Harry.
"No, not really. Sorry", the raven-haired Gryffindor muttered.
"Okay, I asked you if you have finished your essay already? Y'know, the one about Pandora", Ron repeated his question, "because if so, could you help me out after Quidditch practice today?"
Harry chewed thoughtfully on his bottom lip.
"Okay, since I'm already done that'll be no problem. How far have you come then?", Harry asked and Ron scratched the back of his head.

"Well uh-, I started writing about the parallels between the Pandora-myth and the biblical fall of Adam and Eve. Y'know, what's similar and stuff", Ron answered slowly.
"Hey, that's pretty good", Harry said, "that's quite a lot. Did you even sleep?"
A quick gaze at Ron's face was actually enough to know that he, in fact, hadn't slept.
"No, not that much at least. Maybe an hour or a half, I don't know", Ron said and Harry nodded.
Half an hour seemed more like it.
The bell rang and the classroom slowly emptied.

The 20-minute break was over as soon as it had started.
90 minutes of biology, Harry wanted to retch his guts out.
"So students, last time we stopped at page 394. That's where we are going to continue today", a tall man with long arms and legs said, his quicksilver grey iris' were dancing in his slightly watery eyes like little fairies under a glass bell.
The opening and closing of the biology books filled the room for a moment before every single student began to read page 394.
Their current topic in biology was 'Different Plant Types - toxic or useful?', they already had to write an essay about fifteen different plant types.
After the lesson was over, Professor Nikson returned the essays to the students, graded, of course.

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