Love advice

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»I know it hurts sometimes
but you'll get over it.
You'll find another life to live.
I swear that you'll get over it.
I know you're sad and tired,
you've got nothing left to give.
You'll find another life to live.
I know that you'll get over it.«

Harry actually wanted to sleep in, which was very easy because a softly snoring Draco was curled up in bed with him.

Ron, one floor under Draco's room, didn't have much success with his plan of sleeping in.
A very excited Oliver Wood entered the room. The brunet woke Ron up, a wide smile on his face.
"H-Hey Wood, what are you doing here on this early morning?", Ron asked, trying really hard not to sound too groggy. It wasn't even 8 am yet.
"I need your advice", Wood said, "I need your advice on boys."
Ron, now wide awake, sat up in his bed. He pushed the covers aside, slipped out of his bed and sat down on the floor.
Wood sat down on the floor as well, their backs were leaned against the wooden bed box.

"Okay um, well, let me see. What kind of advice do you need? 'Boys' is a very broad topic, and I'm pansexual so I can tell you loads of things about how it is to be attracted to all genders out there, but you must know that Blaise Zabini is my first boyfriend, not my first relationship but my first male partner, so if I can't give you that certain piece of advice that you expected to get from me, then I'm sorry. I didn't have that much experienc-", Ron went on and on, Wood let out a sigh.
"Listen, Weasley, first off, how about we go by first name? That'd be a bit easier. And second off, don't worry. You're stressing yourself out way too much. Just give me some advice on what I'm supposed to do when I fall for my enemy",
Wood said calmly as he rubbed Ron's shoulder to keep him from rambling on.

"You- Did you fall for Marcus Flint? Did you?", Ron exclaimed surprised, completely ignoring the sudden wave of panic that was rushing over Oliver Wood, who sat right next to him.
"Shh! Shh! We don't want the whole castle to know, do we?!", Wood hissed and Ron went silent.
"Now, can you give me some advice now or not?", the Quidditch player asked.
Ron shook his head. "Mate, my best friend Harry Potter could help you there. He got together with his archenemy Draco Malfoy. And if he managed to get together with his archenemy, then you'll find a way to ask your enemy out. Only if Flint has shown interest in you, of course. Otherwise, he could use your sweet request as a weapon against you", Ron said before he flashed an apologetic smile at Wood.
"Thanks, Ron", the Quidditch player said as he scrambled to his feet.
"Anytime, Oliver", Ron replied with a smile, slowly getting up to go back to sleep.

Later, the clock stroke 8 am, Oliver Wood made his way upstairs to Draco Malfoy's room.
He knocked on the wooden door. "Malfoy? Is Potter in there?", Oliver asked, trying not to shout too loud.
Harry recognized Wood's voice, confusion spread in his brain. What was Oliver Wood doing here this early on a weekend?
Careful not to wake up his boyfriend, the raven-haired Gryffindor got up and walked to the door.
"Oliver Wood? What are you doing here this early? Breakfast time is at 9, right?", Harry asked confused but Wood smiled.
"Harry Potter! Yeah, the breakfast time didn't change, I just came here because I need your advice on a topic that I know you can help me with", Wood said firmly before grabbing Harry by his arm and pulling him out of the door frame into the corridor.
"Okay, now what can I help you with?", Harry asked subtly irritated, missing the soft snoring and gentle breathing of Draco.
"Well", Wood began, "your friend Ronald Weasley told me to ask you about this. So, what am I supposed to do when I fall for my enemy?"
The information rattled through Harry's tired brain.
"Wait- what? You fell for- for who? For Flint?", the raven-haired Gryffindor said, slightly confused.
But the longer he thought about it, the less absurd it was.

"Yeah, I want to ask him out", Wood said, completely ignoring Harry's confused facial expression.
Harry took a deep breath. "Did he show interest in you, too? Because otherwise, this whole thing will be really awkward for you."
Wood scoffed. "Of course I made sure that he showed interest in me! I don't want to embarrass myself", he said.
Out of thin air, Wood pressed Harry against the wall. Harry's shoulder blades began to hurt.
"How did you do it? How did you get Malfoy? Was it complicated? Because I don't understand how you could do it so easily", Wood exploded with questions.
Harry, now wide awake and completely confused, answered: "It was a whole lot of chasing, really. I don't know how it happened, I can't break down the science behind it for you, because I have no idea how it happened either! But I'm glad that it did happen because Draco makes me the happiest I've ever been. So I suggest you go out there and get your man. Go for it."

Wood let go of Harry.
"Thanks, man. Also sorry about that", Wood said, slightly patting Harry's shoulders before he let them go completely, "but I'm really confused and don't know what to do. But I'll do now what you suggested. I'll go out there and get my man."
Harry smiled.
"That's the spirit, Wood!", he called out to Wood as he walked back into Draco's room.
Carefully, he laid back down next to the Slytherin and wrapped his arms around Draco's frail body.

The Gryffindor placed a kiss on Draco's forehead.
The Slytherin was breathing slowly and sometimes it sounded like he was groaning, but that was because of the feeding tube.
"Little snowflake", Harry muttered softly before he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep again.

"Little lion", whispered Draco softly after he had taken a quick glance at his boyfriend before he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

(Wortcount: 1050 words)

Crikey, another chapter's done! 👌🤠
The lyrics at the top are from the song "The Way Life Goes" by Lil Uzi Vert.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this chapter, because I wrote it instead of packing my suitcase.
My vacation is over, I'm tired and exhausted - sayonara! 👋🥵

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