Saturday games

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»Love or hate,
this game is played like chess.
You can trust nobody
except for your family and your wife.«

Saturday came around quicker than Harry had thought.
After finishing his homework, Harry made his way down to the great hall, where the meeting point was.
Pansy Parkinson was there, with her were Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise, and Draco.
Hermione and Ron were there as well, chatting with each other.
"Harry, what in the world is this all about?", Hermione asked the Gryffindor, but Harry just sighed.
"Hasn't Parkinson told you what she'd do today? Did she even give you the invitation or was it Zabini?", Harry asked, looking deeply into Hermione's eyes.
The brown-haired girl shook her head. "No, Zabini just gave me an envelope before he walked away", she said, slightly tensed.
"The only thing we know is that the Gryffindors and the Slytherins are going to hang out with each other", Ron interfered, getting tired of the tensed atmosphere.

Harry scoffed. Ron really had to rub his relationship with Hermione into his face, hadn't he?
Suddenly, Pansy turned around and clapped her hands twice.
"We'll go to the Slytherins' dorms now, we're going to sit down in my room", Pansy said before she walked towards her room and everyone followed after her.
While they were walking, Harry decided to ask Draco why they didn't invite the other two houses to their little game night.
"Hey, Malfoy", Harry said, "why is it that only two out of four houses are here?"
Draco clicked his tongue. "Well, Potter", he began, "there was a change in plans. Let's put it that way."
The Gryffindor nodded, deciding to leave it at that.

As soon as they arrived at Pansy's room and all sat down, they began with a round of Truth or Dare.
"First up is our beloved Draco Malfoy", Pansy said with a grin, "what do you pick, Malfoy? Truth or dare?"
Draco inhaled deeply. "I pick dare. I'm not a pussy", he said, smirking at his own statement.
"Well, I dare you to give our lovely Mr. Potter here a kiss on his lips. Let's say for half a minute", Pansy said, now she was the one that was smirking.
If Draco wasn't so pale already, he'd definitely have gotten ultra pale right now. He was supposed to kiss his archenemy, in front of half of Hogwarts!
Harry slowly came closer to Draco, until he sat next to him.

"You're making the first move, Malfoy. It's your dare after all", Harry said, he was already blushing like crazy.
Draco sighed before he put one hand on the side of Harry's head and his other hand held the boy's neck.
Harry's hands were on Draco's waist, he really had to twist his own waist in order to do that, they were sitting after all.
Harry's slightly chapped lips touched Draco's surprisingly soft lips, causing them both to shudder at the unknown feeling.
A wave of shock went down Harry's spine as the delicate fingers of the Slytherin started to move.
The kiss started getting a bit more heated, which didn't go unnoticed by the others in the room.
For a second, Draco thought he'd heard Harry moan. He could've been wrong, though.

"Okay, times up!", Pansy's voice cut through their little moment, causing them to part quickly.
"Good. Now it's Malfoy's turn to ask someone what they're going to pick", Pansy said and the game went on.
But Harry was caught up in his head again. The kiss had left him completely flushed and a bit hungry for more, actually.
Draco was thinking approximately the same.
While they all watched Ron do a dare task, Draco waved his wand in the air and a paper dove appeared.
He sat it down in his hands and blew it away, just like an air-kiss.
The little dove flew across the room to Harry, who caught it and unfolded it.
Luckily it wasn't a mean animation like the one in third year again, it was actually a sweet one.
The animated Draco was kissing the animated Harry passionately, leaning against the animated Harry's chest.

Harry's cheeks blushed immediately, a smile appeared on his lips.
"Hermione, it's your turn", Blaise Zabini's voice cut through Harry's thoughts like a knife cut through a cake.
"Uh, Harry. Truth or dare?", Hermione asked the Gryffindor.
"The latter", Harry said, and as his gaze went through the room and got stuck at Draco, he saw the Slytherin smile because of what Harry had just said.
"I dare you to make out with Draco. French kissing and everything. For two whole minutes", Hermione said and her grin was going to haunt Harry for days.
If Harry wouldn't be blushing already, he'd definitely do now.

"Good god, we're the main attraction of this game evening, aren't we?", Draco said as he got up.
"I honestly don't care. Get over here, you git", Harry said with a grin.
Instead of sitting down next to Harry, Draco went directly for Harry's lap.
While wrapping his arms around Harry's neck, the Slytherin started kissing the smaller Gryffindor.
Slightly desperate, Harry bucked his hips against Draco's crotch. Luckily, the older one began to grind back, creating the ultimate circle of friction.
Soon, Harry began to place hickeys on Draco's pale neck.
"That's going to look so beautiful later", Harry thought while his left hand wandered down on Draco's back, feeling his apple-shaped butt on his palms.

"Boys, the time's over", Hermione whispered.
2 minutes were long gone, but she didn't want to interrupt her best friend. Harry had been single for so long, this could be the chance for him to get a boyfriend. That's why Hermione had let them make out for almost 7 minutes.
Completely flushed, the two pulled apart.
Harry fixed his hair a bit, Draco had buried his left hand in there while kissing.
A glimpse at Draco's slightly swollen lips was enough for Harry to get a full-on boner.
Draco had already gotten one from making out with Harry.

The evening went on.
Draco actually didn't walk back to his place, he had leaned his back against Harry's chest.
That's how they spent the rest of the night - holding hands and soft smooches here and there.
Later, as everyone was going back to their dorms, Harry stayed with Draco for a while.
"Um, Malfoy? Is it okay if I call you Draco, whenever we're alone or something?", Harry asked he had been getting tired of having to call Draco by his last name the whole time they were at the game night.
"Yes, but only if I get to call you Harry", Draco said with a smile.
"Yeah, that's okay Draco", Harry said.
"Okay, cool. Thanks, Harry", Draco said in response, another smile appeared on his lips.

Every single fiber inside of Harry Potter's body was demanding another kiss from Draco.
Sighing internally, Harry leaned forward to kiss Draco.
But before their lips could connect, Pansy entered the room.
"Sorry Malfoy, I forgot my scarf here", Pansy said as she picked up her green Slytherin scarf.
In the corner of her eye, she could see Draco and someone else.
Her head snapped up, looking at the two boys who quickly inched away from each other.

Draco jumped up, pushed Harry back onto the bed and pinned him down.
"That should teach you a lesson, Potter!", Draco seethed, trying to put as much hatred into his voice as possible.
Pansy quickly left the room, not keen on witnessing anything that had to do with violence.
As soon as the door closed, Draco let go of Harry. Both of their cheeks were flushing like crazy.
"Heh, I think I should go now. Goodnight, Draco", Harry said.
"Goodnight, Harry", Draco said as he watched the Gryffindor quietly leave the room.

Draco sighed.
Even though he had really enjoyed pinning Harry to the bed like that, he was afraid that that might could have scared him off.

Harry had really enjoyed getting pinned down onto a bed like that, but he couldn't tell Draco that of course.
Hopefully, the blond-haired Slytherin didn't think that that could've scared him off or anything.

As 2 am came around, Draco decided to fall asleep.
He slept so little already, he wanted to feel fit in the morning for once.
And he wanted to look attractive for Harry, and that goal couldn't be reached with a sleep maximum of 2 to 3 hours per night.
Draco would've to wear a turtleneck sweater tomorrow, but he didn't mind.
He loved the thought of his neck being covered in hickeys.
After a few minutes of thinking about the day, Draco fell asleep.

"One day I'll get to kiss you every day, Draco."
"One day you'll be mine, Harry."

(Wortcount: 1475 words)

Bois, it's 2:10 am rn. I'm so tired! 🤠✨
Hopefully, you enjoyed this chapter.
I'll leave now. 🏃🏾‍♀️💃🏾

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