What's up with you?

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»I love my Shawty,
my Shawty loves me, too.«

The next day started out great for Harry.
Well, he knew that he had quidditch practice today, but he still had loads of time until then.
After brushing his long hair and getting dressed, Harry made his way to the great hall.
Hermione was already sitting at the Gryffindor table, but Ron was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Ron?", Harry asked confused as he placed his plate and his glass of orange juice on the table.
Hermione just shrugged. "You guys share a room, you should know where he's at", Hermione then said, slightly grumpy.
A while later, Harry saw Ron walk up to the Gryffindor table.
"Hey, Ronald! Did you oversleep again?", Harry asked, looking at Ron's slightly messy hair.
The redhead nodded before smiling, his adorable dimples were showing.

It only felt like a second, but it were a few minutes later before Draco and his friends showed up at their table.
As Draco was walking past Harry, he passed him a note. His smug smirk didn't go by unnoticed, Hermione raised an eyebrow at that.
"Is there anything going on between you two? Since we've had that little game evening on Saturday you guys don't bark at each other as often as you once did", Hermione pointed out.
"Eh", Harry stuttered, "we're trying to stop with our constant fighting. We both agree that we've grown out of that age now and we should behave more like adults."
Hermione nodded, satisfied with Harry's answer.

Later, after the potions class, Harry and Ron made their way to their room.
On the way, Ron suddenly said: "Wait, Harry. Let's join Hermione in the common room, we all can study there."
Harry wanted to protest at first since he walked all the way up here to finally get a break, but then an idea shot into his head. Maybe Draco would be on his way up here. That would be great because then Harry would get another chance to talk to him.
As the two were walking down the moving stairs, Draco and Pansy passed them.
"You can go, Ron, I'll join you later. I have to talk to Malfoy", Harry said quickly before the two Slytherins were walking passed them.
Ron walked down the stairs, but Harry turned back around and walked next to Draco.
"What's up with you, Potter? What do you want?", Draco snapped. It hurt him to always snap at everyone like that, but he couldn't really help it. It only got worse when he was nervous, which was whenever Harry was around him.

"What's up with you, Malfoy? No need to snap at me like that", Harry said quick-witted, causing Draco to look like he was taken aback.
His eyebrows furrowed as he growled: "How about we have a little talk at the Slytherin common room? You really need to be taught some manners, Potter."
Harry's eyes were glowing with anger. "Fine, Malfoy."
Draco smirked. "Good. Anything else?", he asked.
Harry didn't say anything for a moment.
"Uh, yeah. Stay away from me", he said, trying to sound really pissed.
Pansy let out a sigh, she was so tired of this rivalry that was going on between the two teenage boys.
Did she really assume that a little fun game evening would fix things between them?

After they finally arrived upstairs, Draco stopped at the Slytherin common room.
"Bye, Parkinson. I'll see you later", Draco said and that was enough for Pansy to understand that she was supposed to leave.
As soon as the door to Pansy's room closed, Draco pushed Harry against the nearest wall.
"Eh, are you mad?", Harry breathed out, shocked about Draco's sudden roughness.
"No", Draco said calmly, "but I need to know something. Are you in love with me?"
Every single drop of blood left Harry's face.
"Damn, you have the audacity to ask me such a question", Harry said coldly, which confused Draco a bit.
The familiar knot of anger, which he always felt right before a tantrum, started to build inside of his stomach.

Draco came even closer to Harry, his chest was now pressing against Harry's chest.
They could almost feel the other one's heartbeat.
"Harry James Potter", Draco said, "do you love me?"
"Draco Lucius Malfoy, do you love me?", Harry asked back.
A sigh left both of their lungs.
"Look, you don't know how much it hurts to know that I'll never get to call you my boyfriend. My family would kill me if they'd find out that I love someone who's not a pureblood, a boy on top of that", Draco said, the sudden desperation in his voice ripped Harry's heart apart.
He just wanted to kiss Draco and tell him that he wanted to be his so badly.

A moment of silence later, Harry cleared his throat.
"Draco, you don't know how much I want to be your boyfriend. The whole throwing-insults-at-each-other-thing started to hurt me more and more every single day. It really did. Not because of the insults, more because I just wanted to be nice to you. I just wanted you to look at me without having the intention of getting on my nerves. I-", Harry said but he was cut off by the blond, who had put his soft lips on Harry's slightly chapped lips.
After they had pulled apart, the Slytherin whispered: "I need to buy you chapstick, Harry."
Hearing Draco say his first name was like music to Harry's ears.
They both had their foreheads leaned against each other, noses softly brushing and their lips were about to collide again.
Draco's hands wandered down to Harry's waist, holding him tightly.

Harry pressed himself against Draco's body, trying to get as much of his body warmth as possible.
He wanted to always be this close to Draco, feel his skin on his own and just touch his body.
The kiss turned into a full-on make-out session, they even started to French kiss each other.
"Mmh", this time Draco heard Harry moan clearly, it was one of the most attractive things ever.
Their tongues slithered around each other, Harry could do this all day.
His left hand gripped a good amount of Draco's hair while the other hand wandered down to Draco's butt, holding it tightly.
"You've got an obsession with my ass, don't you?", Draco asked after they had broken their kiss for a second.
"M'yeah, maybe. You've got a nice ass after all, Harry said with a smirk before they started kissing again.

"How about I come to your dorm tomorrow during the break so we can make out?", Harry asked after a quick look at the big wooden clock right across from the end of the hall.
Draco nodded, he was too drunk to respond. Drunk because of his love for Harry, of course.
"Wait, baby, let me do one thing real quick", Draco said before he took Harry's red Gryffindor scarf off.
He quickly placed his lips on Harry's warm neck, placing a few hickeys there.
While Draco was sucking on Harry's neck the younger one had to contain himself.
After Draco was done, he handed Harry his scarf.
"I'll see you around, Harry", Draco said, he was still flushed.
"See you around, Draco", Harry said as he watched the taller Slytherin walk away.

"Damn, this boy will be the death of me", Harry mumbled before he made his way to his room as well.

(Wortcount: 1250 words)

Guess what time it is? Yes, it's 2:20 am and ya boi is staying up way too late again. 🤧✨
Whoops, the summer holidays always make me do that. 👌🤠
Well, hopefully, you all enjoyed this.
Goodnight 'n go ☁️🦋🌌🍬

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