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»Two drinks on me, yeah.
Got a lot on my mind, yeah.
I ain't looking for love, nah.
But tonight you're mine,
I'm on one.

Drinking up in this club.
Girl, I'm on one,
sipping this 'til I'm drunk.
Girl, I'm on one,
I'd fuck with you lowkey.
Girl, I'm on one.
And you're coming home
with me.«

The school year was almost over.
There were only a few days left.
Harry, the golden boy, and his friends spend their time studying, attending classes and a lot of talking.
Occasionally, the stressful final exam phase of the school year was interrupted by one of Draco's vertigo attacks.
Even though Draco was in therapy and slowly getting better, his body was still weak and he fainted quite quickly.
Hermione still disliked PE, but she was hoping that there'd be a different topic next year than what they were doing right now - exercises on the horizontal bar.

"Well, that was quite an exhausting day", Harry said as he sat down in front of the fireplace.
"Yeah, I agree. Like I've always been saying, Wednesday's are so tiring", Ron said.
Hermione agreed with an elongated 'hmmm', she was preoccupied with reading the newest copy of the daily prophet.
Despite the fact that she had already read it this morning, she didn't feel the need to engage in the conversation between Harry and Ron.
"Where's your boyfriend? Because I don't want to sit here in the Slytherin common room forevermore. Didn't he want to join us?", asked Hermione confused, looking up from the newspaper for a second.
"I'm here. I said I was going to come later, now here I am", spoke a voice behind them.
Ron got up from the couch and walked over to Blaise, who stood in the doorframe.
The slightly taller Slytherin pressed a brief kiss onto Ron's chapped lips before the two sat down at the fireplace.
"And where's your boo at, Harry? Isn't he something like your better half?", Ron asked in a taunting tone as he placed a few kisses on Blaise's cheeks. Five on each, he was making sure to change it up every six seconds.

Harry scoffed. "First off, he isn't my better half and second, he should be here any minute. He's at the hospital wing, getting the calorie intake of his tube set up to 2,000 calories. His body needs to get used to the recommended amount now, otherwise, he'll never get stronger and healthy. Oh, and they're putting in a new plastic tube. They have to do that every two weeks, hygiene and bacteria and stuff", Harry explained and Ron nodded.

A loud moan came from the mouth of the young Slytherin.
"You're doing so well! Only a little bit, then we have it!", Madam Pomfrey praised as she gently pushed the new plastic tube down Draco's throat.
The blond-haired was moaning and squirming around, three other healers had to hold him so that the tube could safely reach Draco's stomach.
After a few more minutes, the tube sat in its place and Madam Pomfrey could send the other healers away.
A brown plaster made sure that the rest of the tube was sticking to Draco's face, so it wouldn't fall off.
"You're done, Malfoy. You're allowed to leave now", Madam Pomfrey said after checking with a syringe if the tube was really in its place, and the pinkish stomach acid in the syringe confirmed that.
Draco flashed her a weak smile, he was so exhausted. These appointments were so nerve-racking.
With unsteady steps, the blond-haired boy walked to the Slytherin common room.

"...and I didn't know what it was, so I asked him again. But Seamus still didn't explain to me what a Google is. I still think it's something to eat", Ron said and Blaise sighed.
"Honestly babe, is there even a cell in your brain that doesn't focus on food all the time?", Blaise asked with a grin and he earned a punch against his shoulder for that comment.
"Sweetheart, I think about you all day long. And about food, but mostly about you. And your cute little smile. And the dimples that appear on your face when you give me that certain smile. That smile, that only I get to see. Just reserved for me. Just for me", Ron enthused and if Blaise would've been able to blush, he'd definitely have the pinkest cheeks right now.
At this moment, the exhausted Draco Malfoy entered the room. His face was paler than a pint of milk and he was shivering.
Despite his feeding tube, he had lost a significant amount of weight again, which resulted in his body growing lanugo hair.
That was why his calorie intake to 2,000 calories now and not a week later, as it had originally been planned.
Draco hadn't gotten over his fear of eating yet, so therefore he was eating not enough to support his body with getting better.
Luckily he had the tube, that was keeping his body alive.

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