A gala?

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»Felt the pain for too long,
now I don't feel it anymore.
Nobody knows how
serious this is
to me.«

The evening came and Harry was beyond tired.
In the morning, he had looked forward to the game evening, but now he didn't.
Draco was back in his room, still not feeling so good but a bit better than earlier.

Pansy turned around and looked at herself in the mirror, for the thousandth time.
"Damn, I'm killing it in this suit", Pansy said as she turned her body to the left and to the right, really looking at herself from different angles.
Hermione entered Pansy's room, her cheeks were blushing.
The black dress complimented her slim waist and her long legs.
Pansy let out a loud whistle as she saw her girlfriend walking in on black high heels.
On her head sat a small silver bow and her hair was up in a bun.
Hermione wore red lipstick and silver earrings.

"Goodness baby, you look absolutely gorgeous!", Pansy said with a smile and Hermione blushed even more.
"Thank you so much, love", the brunette witch said, "you're looking sharp as well."
Pansy grinned as she walked towards her girlfriend, put her arms around her waist and kissed her.
"Thanks, baby, so sweet of you", Pansy whispered.
"Is that the suit that you're going to be wearing next week for the ball?", Hermione asked, pointing to Pansy's closet which was open.
"Yeah", Pansy said, "can't wait to see how I'll look in black. But silver doesn't look too bad either."

Harry sighed.
Did Professor McGonagall really have to throw a gala with photographers and everything right before the game evening?
Well, it did save Draco and Harry from doing any more of Pansy's tasks. But these little evenings distracted everyone from the serious business that Hogwarts was sometimes.
Thanks to Professor McGonagall and the Yule Ball, they were reminded that Hogwarts had an easy, fun-loving and young side.
As Harry was lost in his thoughts, he got ready for the gala.
A black suit with a black bow, a white shirt underneath it, black pants and black shoes was what Harry chose to wear for the evening.
It was almost 8 pm now, the gala would officially begin at 8:15 pm.
So Harry had about five minutes to get to the great hall, he'd be there at exactly 8 pm.

Before Harry went to the great hall, he decided to see how his boyfriend was doing.
The Slytherin had collected every bit of strength and he had managed to put his outfit on.
As Harry entered the room, Draco was putting on the sliver tie which fit perfectly to his sliver pants and the rest of the silver suit.
"Draco, dear", Harry breathed out, Draco looked so good.
"Harry, my love", Draco's face lit up at the sight of his boyfriend.
The two hugged each other and Harry placed a quick peck on Draco's pale lips.

The blond-haired boy's lips weren't as pink anymore, because he had thrown up three times in the last few hours.
His eyes were still a bit puffy from all the crying, but besides that Draco seemed fine.
And that was the worst part about it. Harry knew that Draco wasn't fine, he only seemed fine.
"C'mon babe, let's go", Harry said, not wanting to think about the saddening state of Draco's mental and physical health anymore.
He took the thin hand of the Slytherin and walked downstairs with him to the great hall.

Professor McGonagall was wearing a moss green dress, which was so long that it touched the floor.
Her hat was black and a very expensive looking clip was stuck to it, giving the hat a more leprechaun-ish look.
There couldn't be said much about her footwear since her feet were covered by the moss green dress.
Her lips were highlighted by a red lipstick, which had a hint of pink in it.
And her eyelids were complimented by green eyeshadow and some mascara for her long eyelashes.
In a swift motion, she grabbed the microphone from the microphone stand.

"Good evening, everyone! Thank you all so much for being here tonight! Tomorrow night is the annual Yule ball and in celebration of it, I wanted to throw this gala. And also because our school has finally got a sponsor, which is so kind and supports this school financially. Because of the war, the third schoolyard got destroyed. But with the money that our beloved sponsor "Butterflying" has sent to us, the schoolyard is under construction right now! Clap it up for "Butterflying"!", Professor McGonagall announced proudly and everyone clapped at the end.
"They're responsible for the noiseless broomsticks, that the Quidditch teams have. Thanks to "Butterflying", you all don't get headaches from loud broomsticks. Back when I was a student, broomsticks used to make a small whir, which would really get on one's nerves during a Quidditch match. So, toast to "Butterflying" for making Quidditch matches more enjoyable for everyone and for sponsoring our school! But for now, have fun and find out more about them", Professor McGonagall went on and everyone clapped once again.

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