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»I'm not coming home tonight,
babe, you don't need to wait for me.
I don't take enough breaks,
you don't need to tell me that.
Glycerin in the air,
if you look,
how you look when you realize
we are not
the best for each other anymore.
Torn between heart and reason.
It only takes one phone call
from you and the air in here
is burning.«

Harry ran to the Slytherin common room, as fast as he could.
But Draco wasn't there, so the Gryffindor ran down the extra flight of stairs to Draco's room.
"Dra- Malfoy! Malfoy are you in there?!", Harry shouted, trying really hard not to panic.
As Harry was knocking on the door, he soon noticed that the door wasn't even closed.
Quickly he walked in the quite dark room.

Draco was right in front of him, laying on the floor. He was scratching his left arm violently, a bit of blood was already visible on his fingertips.
Harry knelt down next to Draco.
"Hey", Harry said as he carefully took Draco's hand into his own to stop him from scratching himself, "I'm here now. Tell me what's going on, if you feel like that could help you."
Draco sniffled, his eyes were red because of how hard he had cried.
"I- I got so angry, Harry. I- I'm not as brave as you are. You have such amazing friends, who'd never leave or look at you differently because of your sexuality. I, on the other side, didn't even have the courage to tell my friends about my sexuality because I wasn't even sure if I could trust them at all! There's so much pressure on me, plus the whole war-thing still haunts my dreams and I can't get any rest. I'm so exhausted, Harry. Maybe living isn't for everyone", Draco went on and on about how exhausted and pressured he felt, it made Harry's heart shatter into pieces.

"You're so hard on yourself, Draco. It hasn't even been a year since the war is over, nobody is expecting you to be perfectly fine after such a traumatic experience. And maybe you should talk to your friends more instead of looking at them as nothing else but your sidekicks. Maybe they'll open up to you when they see that you're not as mean as you seem to appear. No matter what, I'll be there for you", Harry tried to lift Draco's mood, which seemed to work a bit.
At least Draco stopped crying.
"Do I really seem like such a big meanie?", Draco asked after he sat up.
A soft chuckle left Harry's lips.
"Yes, yes you do. Remember when you tried to befriend me in our first year here? I didn't want to be your friend because you seemed so mean and vicious", Harry said.

"Yeah, but I do have a vicious, antisocial personality disorder. It's hard as hell for me to befriend people and to keep them as my friends. I literally forced Crabbe and Goyle to be me friends", Draco admitted, guilt was in his voice.
"Luckily you didn't have to fake falling in love with me", Harry whispered softly before he kissed Draco on his tear-stained cheeks.
A sheepish grin appeared on Draco's lips and his cheeks blushed.
"Thanks to you, I'm finally learning how to accept myself and how to open up to others, at least a bit", Draco said, his eyes were glowing.
"And I'm glad that I finally get to be your boyfriend, you don't know how long I've dreamed about that", Harry whispered softly before he gave Draco another kiss.

Before Harry had to leave, since the lunch break was coming closer to its end, Draco said: "Do you want to play a game of Quidditch against me tomorrow afternoon?"
Harry smiled. "Of course! It'd be a pleasure!"
Draco smiled back. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow, sweet cheeks."
The grin on Harry's lips widened. "See you tomorrow, babe."

Harry ran the last few meters of his way back to the great hall.
Most of the students had already left, only a few were still there.
As Harry was walking back to the Gryffindor table, he saw something surprising.
Pansy sat at the Gryffindor table, on her lap sat THE Hermione Granger! And the two were making out.
Quietly, Harry sat down next to Ron.
"Did you know about them being a couple?", Harry asked as he was connecting dots in his head.
Ron nodded. "Pretty much everyone knows it. They've been together since the end of eight year.
Lavender and Parvati are also dating, by the way. Everyone knows that, too. Everyone besides you", Ron said.

Now it all made sense!
Hermione and Pansy were so keen on the whole Harry-and-Draco-thing because they wanted to have another gay couple to hang out and go on double dates with!
"Hermione?", Harry asked as the brunette witch sat down next to her girlfriend, "is it true that you and Pansy are only keen on Draco and me becoming a thing because you want to have double dates with us?"
Pansy snickered and Hermione couldn't hold back a giggle.

"Well, it wasn't THE ultimate reason to get you two together, we merely wanted to do it because we saw how much you two were desiring each other! I mean, almost everyone here at Hogwarts has noticed the sexual tension between you guys! Remember the lesson with Hagrid and Buckbeak in third year? How persuasive Draco walked towards you, bit his lip and smirked at you? That boy wanted to push you against a tree and violently make out with you right then and there, no one can tell me something else", Hermione said and Pansy added an excited "mmh yeah" from time to time.

"But that leaves one question unanswered; why did you date Ron?", Harry asked confused.
Ron interfered. "Back when we became a couple, she was already questioning if she was heterosexual or not. Later on, as the relationship wasn't as strong anymore, Hermione told me why. She said, that she couldn't keep on pretending that she was straight. And she also apologized to me for starting the relationship", Ron said.
"I kind of only dated Ron to see if I was really heterosexual or not. And no, I'm not", Hermione said and Pansy wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist.
"She's a soft gay bean, my soft gay bean", Pansy said proudly before she showered her girlfriend in kisses.

"Hey Harry", Ron said, "how is Malfoy doing?"
Harry sighed. "He feels like he can't even trust his own friends, he feels guilty for not being as mentally stable because of the war and there's so much pressure on him. I tried to cheer him up and he seemed to feel better", the Gryffindor said, not mentioning that Draco had suggested playing a game of Quidditch against him.
"Ah okay. C'mon Harry, the lunch break is over in three minutes", Ron said and the two ran back to their dormitory.

Harry spent the last two lessons of Herbology with daydreaming about Draco and how super attractive he looked in his Quidditch uniform.
Because let's face it; nothing was more attractive than Draco in his Quidditch uniform.
With very arousing thoughts and images inside of his head, Harry walked back to his dorm, calling it a day.

(Wortcount: 1230 words)

Yeehaw, another one! 🤠💞
I hope you all liked this chapter!
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Glycerin" by Edo Saiya and Felikz.
Bye 👋🤯

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