Seriously? Again?

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»I don't blame you,
so don't blame yourself.
You call yourself crazy,
and that doesn't help.
I know you feel hurt,
but don't play the victim.
You gon' be the illest, now
you walk in.«

"Okay guys, Hermione here had a brilliant idea!", Pansy shouted.
She stood in front of the Slytherins and the Gryffindors, who were dying to find out why the two friends had gathered them here, in front of the Slytherins common room.
The brunette witch cleared her throat before she spoke: "Pansy and I have decided to do our little game evening every Wednesday and every Saturday. That way, everyone has two days to look forward to during the boring school week."
Everyone clapped, but neither Harry nor Draco wanted to believe what Hermione had just announced.
"Tonight at 10 pm at the Slytherin common room, we'll be playing a fun game of spin the bottle. Thank you", Pansy announced before she waved at the students, signaling them that the announcement was over.

As Harry was waiting for Hermione to finish her little chit-chat with Pansy, Draco approached the Gryffindor.
"Aye Potter! Looks like there's going to be more snogging for the two of us tonight!", Draco said in his usual arrogant tone, causing Harry to furrow his eyebrows.
"Oh, bugger off, Malfoy! You really, really enjoy snogging me, you can't hide it!", Harry snapped back, Draco grinned.
"I'm just doing it because of my pride, maybe you're the one who's enjoying it?", Draco stated, pursing his oh so soft lips, which Harry would love to feel around his di-
"Or maybe you both enjoy it?! Can't you two just finally admit that you love each other?", Pansy's and Hermione's voices cut in, breaking through Harry's train of thoughts.
"Oh, would you just shut it, Granger? No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little mudblood!", Draco barked, that was enough for Harry. Draco was trying to keep up the facade, but this was crossing multiple boundaries.

"Don't call her that!", Harry snapped, lurching forward and grabbing Draco's neck with his hand.
Hermione gasped, but Pansy rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Again?", she said with a frown before she grabbed Hermione's wrist and walked away with her.
Now it was time for Ron to interfere. He pushed the two teenage boys away from each other, both were heavily panting.
"Would you two stop it, for Merlin's sake?!", the redhead shouted angrily.
The two nodded in unison, Ron smiled satisfied.

As the Gryffindor was walking away, Harry looked over to Draco.
"Hey ferret boy, lunch break is over soon. Want to go somewhere with me?", Harry asked, watching Draco's frown turn into a smirk.
"Yeah, the boy who lived, gladly. Let's go to the room of requirements, no one should walk in on us in there", the blond-haired Slytherin suggested and Harry nodded.
Harry pulled out his invisibility cloak, put it over their heads and walked with Draco to the room of requirements, hands intertwined as they were walking.

After they had found a dusty sofa to sit on, Harry asked: "And what are you thinking they will make us do tonight?"
Draco shrugged. "I don't know. We've had a normal kiss, then French kissing, maybe a handjob's next! I have absolutely no clue", Draco said, a bit of sarcasm strained his voice.
"Well, I mean, we've already had sex before. So that won't be a problem, I think", Harry mumbled.
"Eh, you're forgetting that we're doing it in front of almost 30 students! I'm not keen on having everybody see what I look like during an orgasm!", Draco thundered, he was getting way too angry about this.
"Hey", the Gryffindor spoke calmly, "clam down, Draco. How about we skip the next lesson and we'll get that anger out of you, hm?"
The young Slytherin nodded, his breaths weren't as shaky anymore as they were a few seconds ago.

Harry brushed some of the dust off the sofa before he told Draco to lie down on it.
As Draco realized what Harry was about to do, he immediately jumped up on his feet.
"Nononono, there is no way in hell that you're going to top again. Let me be the top for a change", Draco said strictly and his hand was already putting weight on Harry's shoulder, forcing him to sit down on the sofa.
Soon, their clothes were all over the floor. Draco ran his tongue over Harry's chest, slowly going down lower.
The Gryffindor was getting impatient, but he kept himself from pushing Draco's head down towards his crotch.
The blond-haired boy would suck him off sooner or later anyway.

Foreplay and stretching took away a lot of time but it was necessary for both of them, so Draco didn't complain about having to stretch Harry first.
Draco lined himself up with Harry, pushing into him without a warning.
"G-ahh!", Harry gasped, not prepared for the force of Draco's thrusts.
He then quickly buried his nails in Draco's shoulder, pulling at his own length with the other hand.
"Ahh fuck, Draco!", Harry moaned out while he threw his head back into the two pillows that the sofa had to offer.
Draco moaned softly, muffling his louder moans by biting into Harry's neck and placing hickeys on Harry's collarbones.
Since this was their second time together, it didn't take either of them long to reach their climax.
With a loud moan, Harry spilled his entire load onto his stomach.
The boy on top of him came deep inside of him with a deep moan.

"Oh fuck, that was quite something!", Draco said after he had pulled out of Harry.
The Gryffindor nodded before he grabbed his wand and made the mess on his stomach and on the sofa disappear.
"Is the lesson over yet?", Draco asked Harry, who shook his head no.
"Five minutes until it's over", he responded and Draco nodded slowly.
Both of them got up, got dressed and left the room of requirements, under the protection of the invisibility cloak of course.

Since they didn't have the last class of the day together, Harry brought Draco to the classroom in which his final class of the day was taking place.
"I'll see you tonight", Draco said before he gave Harry a quick peck on his slightly less chapped lips.
Draco had bought him some chapstick, which Harry didn't like that much. But he put it on anyway, at least for Draco.
"Oh, and by the way, you've got a serious case of 'Draco-Malfoy-fucked-me-real-good' going on with your hair", Draco pointed out, a smug grin was plastered on his lips.
"I can't believe that I love you", Harry sighed, quickly fixing his hair.
"I love how much I love you", Draco replied, causing Harry's heart to melt.
"I'll see you tonight, Mr. Malfoy", Harry said, slowly letting go of Draco's waist. He hadn't even realized that he had put his hands there.
"Bye, sweet cheeks", Draco whispered as he was pushing the invisibility cloak up, slowly walking away from Harry.

Harry quickly made his way to his final class of the day.
Luckily the others were too busy with listening to Gilderoy Lockhart's eulogy about himself, which was good. No one should notice how exhausted Harry looked. Sex and running to classes truly took up way too much energy.
Despite his exhaustion, Harry was looking forward to the game evening tonight.
Excited about who would have to kiss who, Harry took his books out of his bag.
The rest of the class vanished in a blur, just like every class they had with Gilderoy Lockhart as a substitute teacher.

(Wortcount: 1280 words)

Another chapter! 🎈🎈
Hopefully, you all enjoyed it!
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Illest" by Baker Grace.
Au revoir 👋👋

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