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»Lead and a bottle of wine,
she has in her trench coat
with the whimper and
the knife.
And I predicted it,
do not fall for it.
But if she comes back,
then I'm not alone.«

Thursday morning.
Harry was awoken by Seamus, who was sitting next to him on his bed.
"Seamus!", Harry squawked, it was way too early for pranks of any sort.
"We'll be late to our flying lesson with Madame Hooch if you don't wake up now", Seamus Finnigan reminded the tired Gryffindor.
After Harry and his dorm mates were ready, they left off to their flying lesson.

"Good morning, students", Madame Hooch greeted the students, who greeted back.
"Good morning, Amanda", Madame Hooch then added, completely confusing everybody.
Ron leaned towards Harry and whispered: "Who the heck is Amanda? We still don't know."
"Alright, we've had the whole 'get-your-broom-to-fly-up-into-your-hand'-thing already. Today we're going to work on the posture of the back while you're sitting on your broomsticks", the grey-haired teacher said and the students sat down on their broomsticks.

As the students were sitting on their broomsticks, Madame Hooch walked around to correct everybody's postures.
Suddenly, her head turned around. There were some students, running towards the other students.
"Ah, I see", Madame Hooch said with a hint of cynicism in her voice, "Mr. Malfoy felt the need to attend my class all over sudden, that's how it goes apparently. Appearing to classes when you feel like it, huh?"
Crabbe and Goyle shrugged, murmuring an apology before they walked to the other students and sat down on their broomsticks as well.
Draco Malfoy wanted to walk past Madame Hooch to get his broomstick, but the teacher stopped him.
"Malfoy, if you skip or show up way too late to one of my classes ever again, I will take 50 points from Slytherin. For you and your sidekicks", she said with a dangerously soft voice. Draco cocked one eyebrow up, quietly mumbled a "yes, it'll never happen again, Madame Hooch" before he was granted permission to join the other students.

Harry couldn't take his eyes off his super hot boyfriend.
It still felt weird referring to Draco as his boyfriend, but Harry liked it. He liked it a lot.
"Watch it, you're almost drooling, Potter!", Draco's sharp voice cut through Harry's daydreams.
Draco wished that he could've added an 'enjoying the view, babe?' to his sentence, but he couldn't do that. The others would notice and immediately assume that the two were dating.
Madame Hooch pressed her hand between Harry's shoulder blades. "Ouch!"
"Well, Mr. Potter, you have to sit up a bit more straight. It shouldn't hurt then", Madame Hooch remarked before she pressed Harry's lower back a bit more forward, allowing Harry to sit up straight.
"There's nothing straight about me, though", Harry thought as he stretched his arms.

Madame Hooch made her way to Draco.
"Holy cracker! For you goes the same as for Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy! You have to sit up straight! Otherwise, your back will be in a horrible condition after a few years", scolded Madame Hooch as she forced Draco to sit up straight on his broomstick.
"If I'm not straight, my back can't be straight either", Draco thought, he almost snickered at his own joke.

"Okay students, now I want to see if you can apply the tips I gave you. I will watch if your postures change through my binoculars. Get up in the air and fly around for a couple of minutes", the grey-haired teacher announced and the students flew up into the air.
Harry tried to sit up as straight as possible.
"Now, remember what I've told you all in our very first lesson. Never slouch over too much and if you feel a sharp pain in your lower back, lean forward a bit. But just a bit, your chest shouldn't touch the broomstick!", Madame Hooch shouted from beneath the students and Harry leaned forward a bit.

As he was flying around, Draco came closer to Harry on his broomstick.
The Slytherin made sure that nobody else was close to them, before he said: "Potter! I bet you wished that I was your broomstick right now. Between your legs, my leg rubbing against your di-", he began with a seductive voice, but Harry came closer to him as well, putting his index finger on Draco's pink lips.
"Shh, shut up, Malfoy!", Harry hissed, he really didn't need Draco to tease him right now. Having a boner while sitting on a broomstick was the most painful thing Harry could imagine. Right after getting his nuts hit, of course.
"Heh, make me, Potter", Draco responded with a cheeky grin. "What are you going to do, huh? Fuck me?"
The young Gryffindor couldn't help but smirk at that. "Maybe I will, Malfoy."
"Okay everybody, the lesson's over!", Madam Hooch shouted and the students flew back down.

On their way to the great hall, Hermione asked Harry: "Are you guys...like...official now?"
Harry's eyes widened in shock. "N-No! We're only making out for those little game evenings, that's all!"
Hermione smirked. "Huh. Well, alright", she said before she walked a little bit faster, grabbing Ron's hand as she was walking towards the great hall.
During lunch, Harry couldn't think about anything else but Draco.
In his fantasies, Draco often pushed Harry against a wall, violently kissing and making out with him.

Slowly, he turned around. Draco was sitting right behind him, eating lunch with his friends.
The blond-haired Slytherin winked at him, Harry didn't hesitate to wink back.
"Why don't you two do something together instead of just awkwardly staring and winking at each other?", Pansy's annoyed voice cut through Draco's thoughts.
"Sorry, what?", he asked irritated.
Pansy lamented, she was already irritated. "Potter and you, maybe you two should go on a date or something", Pansy said and Draco immediately shot a death glare at her.
"How dare you suggest something like that to me, a Malfoy, right in the middle of the great hall?", Draco hissed.
"Pfft, spare me with your fake anger, Malfoy. Everybody knows that you don't actually hate Potter", Pansy said with a smile.
"Whatever", Draco said annoyed, he was so done with having to hide.

He turned around, hands clenching his lunch tray tightly.
"You know what, Parkinson? That's it! I have enough of hiding.
Yeah, I'm gay. What about it?", he said, his voice was surprisingly quiet, even though his eyes were burning with anger.
"Are you all going to make fun of me now? Well, don't you even dare! Or else these Nimbus 2001 broomsticks will be gone as soon as they came, alright?", Draco shouted angrily, all over sudden, before he stormed out of the great hall.
Of course, Harry and the other students around him had heard what Draco had said.
Well, the last part. Only the Slytherin's and the Gryffindor's knew that Draco was gay.
His voice hadn't been that loud as he had told Pansy and the others his sexuality.

Harry had to run after Draco.
He had to see how he was doing.
Harry's heart was beating very fast, too fast for his liking.

Hopefully, Draco hadn't done anything bad.

(Wortcount! 1215 words)

Yeesh, what a chapter! 🥶⚡️
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this one!
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Trenchcoat" by Kidnfinity.
Sayonara 🧸☁️

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