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»An owl on my shoulder,
I'm awake.
I'm sharing my love
until I'm dead.
Believe me,
I'm staying here.
I can see
that you're suffering.«

The end of September was almost there.
Today was Wednesday and another game evening was imminent, but not everyone was looking forward to it.
Harry and his fellow Gryffindor friends sat at their table.

"And you guys still think that I'll look good in that dress?", Hermione asked nervously and her friends eagerly nodded.
"Of course, 'mione. Don't worry about it, you'll look absolutely beautiful", Harry reassured her and Hermione smiled.
"What are you going to wear, Pansy?", Ron asked the Slytherin.
"I'll be wearing the most beautiful dress in the history of Hogwarts", Pansy said with a slightly cocky grin.
"Ah! Gotcha'! I won't be wearing a dress, duh!", Pansy said after a while and everyone at the table raised an eyebrow at that.
"I've decided to put on a suit, bet it'll look really good on me", she said before she continued to eat her breakfast, which consisted of baked beans, two slices of toast and an apple.

"Where's Malfoy? I haven't seen him when we entered the great hall", Hermione said as she cut her toast in half.
"I haven't seen him either", Ron said as he gently pushed a few beans onto one of the two slices of toast.
"Maybe he overslept. Or he's trying to figure out what to wear to the ball. I bet he's that type of guy that doesn't wear the same suit to two different events", Harry said, he was almost done with his meal.
Usually, he tended to be quieter during breakfast. That way, he finished his meals way before the others, who talked a lot, did.

It was weird.
It was weird, that Draco didn't show up to eat breakfast.
Well, Harry knew that he usually never did that anyway but since the two had been chasing each other, Draco had eaten breakfast just to see what Harry was doing and who he was talking to.
So, it almost seemed like Draco thought that he didn't need to show up in the mornings to eat breakfast anymore because he got what he wanted. He was Harry's boyfriend now, so why even bother walking down to the great hall every morning?
Luckily, Harry was soon done with his food, so he could pay attention to the conversation his friends were having.
But they only talked about the autumn ball next week, that Professor McGonagall was hosting, nothing new.

Harry decided to go and find out what was taking Draco so long.
Defense Against the Dark Arts was their first lesson of the day and Professor Snape took points from every single student that was late. Even if it was just a minute or a split second. Well, the latter is kind of exaggerated, but it really felt like Professor Snape was taking points from anybody that just sneezed with him being around.

The Gryffindor had made his way up to Draco's room.
He stood in front of the heavy wooden door now, knocking against it for 5 seconds or ten.
After a while, Harry decided to see if the door was even closed. And to his surprise it wasn't; Harry had been waiting for nothing again.
Harry needed to blink and really look into the dark room to tell that it was empty.
Where on earth could Draco be?
The Gryffindor decided to worry about that later, the blond-haired Slytherin would be fine.
Maybe he was in the classroom already, maybe it all had been a silly prank to see if Harry would notice literally anything.
With fast steps, the young Gryffindor made his way to Professor Snape's classroom.
Thank Merlin he arrived there on time.

During the class, Harry's bladder felt the need to remind the Gryffindor that it should be emptied before something would happen.
"Excuse me, Professor Snape?", Harry asked and Professor Snape's eyes met his own, "may I go to the bathroom, please?"
Professor Snape's eyes narrowed before he nodded to Harry, signaling him that he could go.
Quietly, Harry made his way to the boys' loo.
He entered an empty cabin, quickly finished his small business, and as he was about to leave the cabin he heard strange noises in the distance.
Brushing it off, Harry walked to the sink and washed his hands.

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