Good ol' Quidditch

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»Bought an eight of the pack
from my plug in, a lac.
Had a panic attack,
thought I was gonna yack
but you still got my back though.
Oh, you can fold,
take you everywhere that I go.
When I'm drunk, talking sh*t,
you don't judge, you
don't trip - even though
I'm a misfit.

The week flew by and before Harry could blink it was over.
Harry was excited about it, though, because a new Quidditch season was coming up!
After things had gotten so serious, he really needed a fun distraction.

During the lunch break, Oliver Wood went through some tactics with his team.
"Alright boys, the first game of the new season is against Slytherin later today. I think Draco Malfoy's dad hooked the whole Slytherin team up with some new gear again, so we need to be even better when it comes to tactics now", Oliver said, before he turned around to a blackboard.
With a piece of white chalk, he began to draw the Quidditch pitch.
Red chalk was used for drawing the Gryffindor Quidditch team and the green chalk was used for drawing the Slytherin Quidditch team.

"Good. We'll have to be very fast, even faster than before. Luckily, we're not riding on actual trees like the Quidditch players back in the early beginnings of Quidditch matches. So, the three Chasers will fly in an arrow formation, the Keeper guards the goalposts, duh, and the two Beaters keep the Bludgers away from our team. The Seeker catches the Golden Snitch.
By the way, I've heard that the Slytherin Quidditch team even got new bats for their Beaters and the Keepers got new protective head and chest gear. So we got to watch out for that", Oliver went on.
"And Harry", Oliver continued, "you have to watch out for Malfoy. He might try, as he did in second year, to push you off your broom with his elbow."
Harry nodded. "Alright, got it."
"Yeah, that's it. Thanks, guys, now go and enjoy your lunch break!", Oliver said and their meeting was over.

Harry's legs carried him to the great hall, where Hermione and Pansy were waiting for him and Ron to return.
Both Quidditch players sat down with their lunch trays, a bit tired from the meeting.
"Hey, boys", Hermione greeted her two best friends. Pansy waved at them, smiling happily.
"How did the meeting go?", the brunette witch asked.
Ron picked at his food, scooping up some of his spaghetti onto his spoon before he answered: "It was okay. Wood discussed some tactics and shared some information with us and that was basically it."
Hermione nodded as she ate her last forkful of spaghetti. Pansy was already done with eating.

Harry was halfway done with eating his meal, as Draco Malfoy entered the great hall.
He looked even paler than he usually did, and Harry immediately thought that the blond-haired Slytherin had thrown up again.
Leaving his friends back at the Gryffindor table, all surprised because the Gryffindor had gotten up without saying a word, Harry walked towards his boyfriend and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Baby, what's up? You look paler than usual, did you throw up again or is it the nervousness because of the food in here?", Harry asked concerned, Draco's gaze was so empty.
"It's- I threw up-", he stuttered, "b-because of the mere thought of food. I really want to sit at lunch w-with you, b-but the f-food scares m-me so much, I-"

Harry cut Draco's stammering off with a kiss.
His thumb softly brushed the other boy's cheek.
"It's okay, it's over now. You managed to come down here, which is a big step and I'm very proud of you. Let's sit down, I'm almost done with my meal anyway", Harry said softly as he lead his boyfriend to the Gryffindor table.
Draco gulped at the sight of Harry's half-full plate of spaghetti, but he managed to fight the sudden wave of nausea.
Harry noticed that Draco's body was shivering, so he began to pet his back in an attempt to calm him down.
Gradually, the blond soothed and Harry could finish his meal in peace.
The two trudged upstairs to Harry's dorm, but the first thing they noticed as they entered the room was Dean and Seamus, who were busy with making out.
So the two had to go to Draco's dorm, where they could cuddle in peace.

Draco was glad to have Harry as his boyfriend.
The Gryffindor loved him so much and Draco loved him back with all his heart.
Harry didn't see Draco as the poor boy with an illness or as a weirdo, no.
Harry James Potter saw in Draco the man of his dreams, that may have not always been like that but it surely was like that now.
And Draco Lucius Malfoy saw in Harry the talented, young man, that everyone wanted to have as their boyfriend.
Harry was like a divine piece of art to him, Draco's heart always skipped a beat whenever he saw his good-looking face.
Their love kept them going, it kept Draco going.
As much as his emetophobia was keeping him from enjoying a lunch break or breakfast with his boyfriend, Harry had stayed with him and even helped him through it all.
Honestly, Draco couldn't have wished for a more supportive and loving boyfriend than Harry.

"Alright, alright, alright guys! Let's go!", Oliver shouted before his team flew onto the pitch.
The crowd, consisting of Gryffindor and Slytherin students, was going crazy. They were hyped for the match.
Everything was going well, but the Slytherin's had to use some tricks once again.
The Quaffle didn't annihilate Wood's broomstick this time, but it almost hit his head.
Harry had a hard time figuring out who had bewitched the Quaffle, but a gaze to his left was all it took to find out.

Marcus Flint was the one to blame.
Harry saw how Flint didn't even blink for one second as he kept his gaze on the Quaffle.
Right, Flint and Wood were constantly competing against each other.
So it wasn't surprising that Flint tried to outdo Wood.

Now it was Harry's duty to do something about the situation.
He flew into Flint's field of vision in an attempt to keep him from looking at the Quaffle.
Suddenly, Draco Malfoy flew past Harry at a frantic pace and pulled him away with one arm.
Harry let out a pitiful laugh before he freed himself from Draco's half embrace and flew back up again.
But Draco was unstoppable.

At lightning speed, he flew after Harry, who was now following the Golden Snitch.
For a brief moment, the two flew side by side.
Draco was trying, yet again, to ram Harry with his elbow.
But Harry didn't let himself get distracted by that.
With a simple twist, he dodged Draco's elbow and shot forward, heading straight for the Golden Snitch that was right in front of him.

Suddenly, Draco reappeared next to Harry. His arm was about to catch the Snitch, as Harry cheekily said: "Just because I'm your boyfriend now doesn't mean that I can't fuck you at Quidditch!"
And with that, his arm lurched forward and caught the Snitch.
The crowd applauded and cheered wildly.
Harry landed in the middle of the pitch as Madam Hooch shouted: "The game is over! Gryffindor won!"
Draco came down to the ground next to Harry.

"That earlier, er- was that a threat or a promise?", he asked with a grin, Harry's cheeks reddened.
"Both. It was both", the Gryffindor replied as he wrapped an arm around Draco's waist.
"I love you, you git", Harry mumbled before he kissed Draco's cheek.
"I love you, too, you dorky show-off", Draco said and at this moment, just the two and their kisses existed.

Another moment of pure bliss for the young couple.

(Wortcount: 1330 words)

Yeet! 👊🤠
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this chapter!
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Brown Paper Bag" by Yoshi Flower.
Editing the screenshots took me almost 20 minutes, which is definitely way too long but I hope it was worth the time!
Sayonara! 👋🤠

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