No way! No way in hell!

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»Damn, Brickchain.
No, I don't
know mistakes,
Damn, Brickchain.
Fire on the rocks,

The Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was over, next up was Pottery class.
Hermione was way too delighted about it.
"And boys, are you done with your essays? Because we have a double period of Divination with Madam Trelawney today, after the 5-minute break", the brunette witch chirped joyfully, because she expected Ron to say 'no, not quite'.
Ron's eyes widened in fear.
His best friend, Harry, rummaged his timetable out of the front of his bag. "Heck, Hermione's right, we do have a 90-minute long Divination lesson with Madam Trelawney after the break. How could I forget that? But hey, luckily I helped you with getting your essay done last night, Jupiter, thank you", Harry said with relief on his face before he stuffed his timetable back into his bag again.
Hermione wrinkled her nose at the sight, but she left the whole thing uncommented.

Draco Malfoy didn't look forward to Pottery class.
Pottery - Draco just didn't like it because he really wasn't good at it.
And it was boring as hell. Sitting there for 45 minutes, doing pottery and only to end up having a product that needs to be put into an oven for a long time before it's ready. And after that, there'd be 90 minutes of Divination Class, great.
Slightly grumpy, Draco made his way to the classroom.
Harry and his friends already sat there.
"Malfoy looks really pale again. Is he ill or something?", Ron whispered to Harry, who shrugged. He couldn't tell Ron the truth, for now at least. "I don't know. It's autumn, so it's slowly getting colder and maybe he's got a cold. Yet again, I don't know", Harry said, feeling bad for lying to Ron.
But before he could feel even more guilty, the teacher entered the classroom and the lesson began.

Later, as the lesson ended and the students had to clean up the room, Draco heard Ron whisper again.
"You're sure that you don't know what's going on with him? He's getting paler and paler from day to day."
"I-I can ask him later."
"I don't want to persuade you, but I'm just surprised. After all, you're his boyfriend."
"Eh, well-", Harry stuttered but he was interrupted by Draco, who walked towards the three.
Hermione stood a few inches away from Harry, putting the pottery paraphernalia back into a brown, wooden closet.
"No way! No way in hell are you going to tell him!", the blond-haired Slytherin screamed in panic, the fear of the reveal of his 'secret' written in his face.
Nobody, really nobody, should know about Draco's phobia. Students, that didn't like him, could use it as a weapon against him, tease and torture him with it.

The Slytherin dreaded it.
The mere idea of students, who might piss him off with puke pastilles or place fake vomit on his seat in the great hall made him sweat in fear.
Harry hurriedly blew the pent-up air out of his lungs.
Then he said, as calmly and quietly as possible, that he hadn't told Ron anything and that everything was fine.
Draco's forehead, furrowed with panic, slowly relaxed as his facial expression turned back to indifferent and cool as it had been before.
"Good, thanks", the blond-haired Slytherin said dryly, his muscles relaxing again.
He blew some air out of one corner of his mouth before moving past the three and leaving the classroom.
What he didn't notice was that Pansy and Blaise had followed him silently and inconspicuously.

Draco had scarcely set a foot in the corridor when Blaise and Pansy had already taken him aside and pressed him against the wall.
"Hey!", the Slytherin exclaimed angrily, "what the hell are you guys trying to do?!"
Pansy sighed.
"Look, Draco", Pansy said and Draco flinched at the use of his first name. It was so weird to hear it out of Pansy's mouth.
"We're concerned. Like, we know what's going on."
"Yep, we know that you're buli- buli-", Blaise interfered, but he stumbled over his own words.
"Bulimic, Zabini. You were looking for the word 'bulimic'. Draco, we know what you're doing to yourself."
A scoff left Draco's mouth. They couldn't be serious, could they?
"Guys, whoever told you that was lying to you. I'm not bulimic, or whatever the word was. I've-, eh, I've got a phobia", Draco explained, but his words fell on deaf ears.
"No, no, it's okay. You don't have to be ashamed of having an eating disorder. Eating disorders are a very muggle thing and bulimia is very uncommon in the wizarding world as far as I know, but you don't need to be ashamed. There are many ways for you to get the help that you need and deserve. Blaise and I are more than willing to get you into a treatment-", Pansy went on and on, she wouldn't stop.

"ENOUGH!", Draco yelled angrily, "I DON'T HAVE BULIMIA! I have a phobia, Emetophobia! I'm afraid of vomiting, I'm afraid of being nauseated, afraid of watching the action of vomiting and I'm afraid of seeing vomit! That's why I don't like to eat food, it makes me nauseous and I'm afraid of being nauseated!
Whenever I eat I get nauseous, because I ate ice cream once when I was on a trip to a museum in elementary school.
After we had visited the museum, the whole class got ice creams as a treat.
And I had it for the first time, because of my mother and stuff, she'd always forbid me to have it.
So, my stomach didn't take cold food that well, I felt sick and my stomach contents were coming back up.
The feeling of not being able to breathe was so terrifying, my muscles tensed up and I cried.
Long story short; a teacher took me to the bathroom, I threw up, which was relieving, but feeling how the food came back up and how it was there in the toilet, disgusting acid smell and all, it freaked me out.
Ever since then, I'm not only afraid of ice cream but of eating at all.
Eating literally anything feels exactly like I'm reliving the whole incident at that ice cream parlor.
My body tenses up and my stomach cramps up, no food can stay in there for long. And if it somehow does, I'm too afraid that it might come back up later. And that's why I sometimes make myself puke. But seeing the vomit freaks me out every time, it's a never-ending circle", Draco said, louder than he'd usually speak.

"Oh", Blaise said, he just didn't know what else to say.
Pansy was just as speechless as Blaise was.
"I didn't tell you, because I didn't know if I could trust anybody with knowing about this. I had my troubles with telling Potter, he found it out in a way I didn't want him to find out", Draco said, a bit more quiet now.
Pansy patted the blond-haired Slytherin's shoulder.
"We'll help you, don't worry. If you know a way that could make you feel better or something, we'll be always there for you", Blaise said with a smile on his face.
"Yeah. We're right by your side", Pansy added before she pulled Draco into a tight embrace.

"Thanks. That is really, really sweet of you", Draco said, a weak smile on his lips.
"And now go back to your boyfriend. We love how happy he makes you", Pansy said and Blaise nodded.
The three walked back to the other Slytherins and Draco walked over to Harry.
Luckily, they had a 5-minute break now. After that, there would be 90 minutes of Divination in the Divination Classroom on the seventh floor in Madam Trelawney's classroom in the north tower, also known as classroom eleven.
Harry couldn't wait to see how many people had gotten their essay done on time and how many didn't.

(Wortcount: 1305 words)

Aaaanndd another chapter's done! 👌🥵
This one took me a day and almost a whole night; I stayed up late to finish this again.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Brickchain" by Young Mokuba and TJ_beastboy.
I'll go and get some sleep now, bye! 👋🤠

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