It's time to get you help

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»Lie to me, yeah.
Yes, your lies are good for me, yeah, yeah.
Sonic Boom,
show me all of your moves,
yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yes, your lies are good for me, yeah, yeah.
Lie to-, lie to-, lie to me, yeah.
Yes, your lies are way too much,
yeah, yeah.
Come on, show me all of your
cheats, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, lie to me and fall
in love, yeah, yeah.
Please, lie to me again.«

Harry shook Draco's frail body, but the Slytherin wouldn't wake.
Panic began to cut off his breath.
He carefully picked up the blond boy.
"I'll take him to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey will know what to do", Harry said to Hermione as he passed her.
She nodded in understanding.
There was Draco, as light as a feather in Harry's arms, who was very startled.
He could almost feel every bone in Draco's body.
How did the Slytherin not die by now? He was emaciated.

With one hand, the Gryffindor opened the large, wooden door to the hospital wing.
Quickly, he headed for a free hospital bed, into which he placed the fragile-looking Draco.
Madam Pomfrey hurried to Harry. "What's wrong with Mr. Malfoy?", she asked, the familiar worried look on her face.
"He fainted, about ten minutes ago", Harry quickly responded. "I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't wake."
Madam Pomfrey took a closer look at Draco.
His already pale skin seemed even paler, his body was emaciated and he slightly reeked of vomit.
"It could be a bug because he smells like vomit", Madam Pomfrey mumbled.

Harry knew that Draco had to get help, so he wouldn't let it go with a bug now.
"I'm afraid he's not sick in the way you're thinking, Madam Pomfrey. Malfoy told me a while ago that he suffers from emetophobia, the fear-", he began, but Madam Pomfrey cut him off.
"The fear of vomiting. I've heard about it, but I always thought that only muggles could have it", she said and her worried look turned into an even more worried one.
"Does he eat very little? Like, is it based on a traumatic experience? Most sufferers have experienced something traumatic with throwing up or the vomit itself", Madam Pomfrey said, her eyes looked deeply into Harry's.

"Y-Yeah, he told me that he ate ice cream in elementary school once, for the first time ever, and his stomach didn't take it well. He felt sick, went to the toilet to throw up, but the feeling of his stomach contents coming back up freaked him out. And since that day he's afraid of ice cream, eating anything at all and vomiting. He almost eats nothing at all. But if he eats, it comes right back up. If food gets stuck in his throat, he forces himself to throw it up, because the feeling of his throat closing up and the food not getting out is freaking him out. I think he relives the experience every time when that happens", Harry said, Madam Pomfrey nodded.

"Alright, alright. That's quite a lot. He definitely needs to get a feeding tube. He needs the nutrients.
If he throws all of his food up, if he even eats at all, the nutrients can hardly do anything for his body. Besides that, he won't have to eat food for a while anymore, as long as he's in treatment and learning to eat food again and not be frightened of it.
The liquid is full of all the nutrients that he needs, it'll go right into his stomach. If he wants, he still can eat with the tube. It might hurt and I wouldn't recommend it, but if he needs to chew on something in therapy, it wouldn't mess anything up", Madam Pomfrey told Harry, who was listening carefully.

The last lesson had already ended as Draco regained consciousness.
It took him a while to open his eyes.
The first thing Draco realized was that he felt terribly nauseous.
He thought he was going to retch any second.
Madam Pomfrey walked over to his bed, she had noticed that the blond-haired Slytherin had regained consciousness.
"Mr. Malfoy", she spoke softly, "you were unconscious. Mr. Potter, who was so kind to bring you here, has told me a bit about what's going on with you. After I asked him what was wrong with you, of course. And he told me that you suffer from emetophobia. He also told me a bit of what caused you the fear of vomiting. To summarize what went down; you need help, Mr. Malfoy. We could either try treatment here or we will take you to-".
She couldn't even finish her sentence, because Draco shook his head vigorously.

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