Draco Malfoy and the conversation with his father

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»If I stay still,
Will you meet me where we both fell?
If I never move, maybe I will,
maybe I will,
maybe I will see you soon.
Maybe I will,
maybe I will

Stay still
Stay still

I still think about you,
but not as often as I used to.
Quiet in this bedroom,
but sometimes I can almost hear you.«

Friday, end of the 20-minute break.
Harry, who had just eaten a sandwich as a snack, was now on his way to the great hall.
His friends Ron and Hermione were walking with him, Draco and the rest of the other Slytherin's, that were now considered as their friends, as well.

"And, what do you guys think we're going to sing today?", Hermione asked, in an attempt to start a conversation.
Pansy sucked in her lips. "Mmh, hopefully not one of Professor Dumbledore's own songs from his times as a youngster again", Pansy whined, her pained facial expression remembered the others of the two lessons they had once spent with listening to Professor Dumbledore's old songs.
Everybody in the great hall had cringed themselves into oblivion, no doubt about that.

Hermione nodded in agreement.
"He better not make us sing that one song he sang first again", Pansy continued and Blaise grinned.
"Do you mean 'yo, I'm Fresh Dumbledore. Back from the underground, back for more'? Do you mean that one, that absolute gem of a song?", he asked in an ironic tone and Pansy nodded.
"Even I felt physical pain when he made us sing that", the black-haired girl said, slowly exhaling through her nose.
Draco still felt like a broom hit him in the nose, it felt just as broken, though, nothing had happened.
The tube felt really weird and the feeling of the liquid filling his stomach was absolutely killing the blond-haired Slytherin.
But he knew that it was to his own good. So he had to fight through it.

Professor Dumbledore welcomed the students with a short speech.
"Good. Now that that's out of the way, let's get the warm-up done and let's sing!", he said cheerfully and the students positioned themselves on the stairs, which were right in front of Professor Dumbledore's golden lectern.
After the warm-up was done, Professor Dumbledore spoke to the students again.

"We're going to remake an old song of mine 'Dumbledore really has style', which I wrote in my first years as a teacher here. Way before I became the headmaster of this school", he said, a hint of pride in his voice, "so, I'm going to separate you into two groups and one group starts singing first and then the second group joins in."
Harry got into the same group as Draco, which was good, because Draco had troubles with the rhythm of the song, so he could follow Harry's voice.

While they were singing, Harry paid attention to Draco's voice.
It still sounded hoarse, but not as hoarse as it did yesterday.
Harry could also see a bit of nervousness in Draco's pale face, probably because the visit of his father was coming closer and closer.
The blond-haired Slytherin had told the raven-haired Gryffindor about the visit and how much he feared what his father would say to him.
Later, during the final period, they all sang the lyrics to the song 'Ode To Joy' by Friedrich Schiller.
They didn't sing it in German, though. Professor Dumbledore had taken the time to translate the words into English.

Slightly dazed, Draco, accompanied by Harry, walked into the Gryffindor common room.
"Did Madam Pomfrey tell you where your father wanted to meet you?", Harry asked Draco, who was sitting on his lap.
"No", said Draco, who had regained a touch of his usual arrogance, "but I suppose he'll go to the hospital wing first. I guess Madam Pomfrey told him that I was going to spend the night there. And now he's probably still assuming that I'm still there."
Harry nodded before pulling Draco closer. The blond-haired Slytherin buried his head in the nape of Harry's neck.

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