Feelings for him?

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»I need balance.
Give me some balance.
I need to get some time off,
I'mma fly to Venice.«

Draco didn't really do anything special during the weekend.
He tried not snapping at his friends and he tried to get his mind off Harry, he failed at the latter.

Monday came around, not a single soul has ever been excited about a Monday that was coming up.
Except for people that were getting married on that day.
Unfortunately, Draco didn't get married today. He had to get up, take a shower and put on his school uniform.
Usually, the blond-haired Slytherin never ate breakfast. But today he kind of wanted to have it before 1 pm.
After buying the newest copy of the daily prophet, Draco sat down at the Slytherin table.
Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson were already sitting at the table, chatting with each other.
They seemed more excited than usual, Draco was wondering what that was all about.

"Morning, losers", Draco greeted his friends, in his usual resigned tone.
"Mornin', Malfoy", Blaise said, emphasizing Draco's last name.
"What are you guys all excited for? Did I miss something?", Draco asked while picking at his breakfast.
"No, but Blaise came up with a neat idea", Pansy said and Blaise nodded.
"Yeah! I'm waiting, Zabini!", Draco spat angrily.
"Oh", Blaise stuttered, "well, well. Since the houses haven't really been doing anything together, like ever, I thought I'm going to change that. We all could have board-game-evenings, where we play board games and Truth or Dare, stuff like that."
Draco nodded. This didn't sound that bad. Plus this would be the perfect opportunity for him to get closer to Potter.

"And why are you so interested in the connection that's between the houses?", Draco asked.
"Eh, making new friends didn't ever hurt anyone, did it?", Blaise said, his statement sounded very unstable.
"Right", Draco said, before he finally took a bite of his food.
"Alright, next Saturday, at 10 pm in your room. How does that sound?", Pansy asked Blaise, who nodded in agreement.
Before the awkward silence could really spread out, Harry walked up to the three.
He sat down next to Blaise, right across from Draco.
"Hey guys", Harry said, it didn't sound as confident as he would have liked it to sound.
"Hey, Potter", Pansy and Blaise responded in unison, waving politely at Harry who waved back.
All Draco did was trying not to stare at Harry. But that had to be another thing he failed at.

"Eh, Draco?", Harry began, "I wanted to invite you over to sit at my table for today."
A shockwave of positive emotions went through Draco's pale body. He bit his bottom lip, trying to fight back a smile.
"I'll go over to Potter's table, alright?", Draco said and his friends nodded, even though they were confused.
Harry got up, waved at Draco's friends and walked back to his table, where his friends were sitting at.
Draco sat down next to Harry, right across from Ron.
"Malfoy", Ron said, eyes focusing quickly on his breakfast.
"Weasel-bee", Draco said, well, almost barked. He held it back, though. If he wanted to get closer to Harry, he needed to at least make an effort in liking Harry's friends.
During breakfast, Draco actually had some nice conversations.
With Hermione, though.

The blond-haired Slytherin really had to push himself to start a conversation with Harry.
"Soooo", Draco began, "do you have made any plans for Saturday yet?"
"No, I haven't", Harry answered, "why are you asking?"
Damn, that came off ruder as it was intended to be.
"Iwantedtoaskifyouwanttocomeovertomyroom", Draco said quickly, a bit too quick for Harry to properly understand.
"Huh", Harry said, "and at what time?"
"Does 10 pm sound good?", Draco said, quickly shoving a fork full of scrambled eggs into his mouth so that he couldn't say anything more embarrassing. His cheeks were already as pink as the dress from Peach.
"Yeah, that's an excellent time", Harry said happily.
Oh boy, that smile really killed Draco. He quickly shoved another fork full of scrambled eggs into his mouth, not noticing that he had some of it around his mouth.

Harry reached out his arm and gently swiped the bit of egg off Draco's upper lip.
Not even Merlin could imagine how badly Draco wanted to just slip Harry's thumb into his mouth, just for a second.
Harry must've read his mind because he gently brushed his thumb across Draco's upper lip.
Suddenly remembering that they weren't alone, Draco pulled away from Harry's hand.
After coughing a couple of times, he stood up and said: "I- I need to go."
With that, he grabbed his stuff and left.
"Wait! You forgot your-", Harry began, but Draco had already left the great hall.
Harry finished his breakfast before he got up and walked away - trying to find Draco because he wanted to return the newest copy of the daily prophet to him.

A few knuckles of a fist were knocking against the door of Draco's room.
"Who's there?", an irked voice snarled, Harry shuddered at that.
"It's me, Harry Potter! I wanted to give something to you", Harry spoke and within seconds, the door opened.
Draco stood there, looking a bit tensed. Harry noticed the bright shade of pink in Draco's face.
"Here. You left this at my table this morning", Harry said, handing Draco the newspaper.
The blond-haired Slytherin mumbled a "thank you" before he wanted to close the door again.
But for some reason, he stopped in the middle of it.

"Harry, I've been asking myself this question for some time now, but do you have feelings for me?", Draco asked, straight forward.
Harry gulped. This was that one moment, where the protagonist in a movie starts to sweat.
In most movies, the camera zooms in on them really close, there's exciting music in the background and a fast going heartbeat.
Draco could hear his heartbeat in his ears. It was weird.
"I've been asking myself the same. And as weird it may sound admitting it, yes, I have feelings for you", Harry answered, his honesty was going to get him killed one day.
What if Malfoy would freak out now? What if he's disgusted by him now?

"Actually, I have feelings for you as well. But don't you dare mention it to anyone!", Draco growled.
A wide smile went across Harry's lips.
Carefully, he intertwined his own hands with Draco's hands.
"C-Can I give you a kiss?", Harry asked shyly.
Draco smiled. This was the first time that Harry saw him smile genuinely.

Harry went up on his feet a bit, in an attempt to jump over the height difference.
He placed a smooch on Draco's pale cheek, the two-months-older boy smiled again.
"Thanks. Save up the snogging for Saturday, Harry", Draco said before he waved Harry goodbye.
"Bye, sweet precious Draco", Harry said as he watched the door close.

With butterflies in his stomach and cotton candy clouds in his head, Harry walked back to his friends.
They were dying to find out what happened.

(Wortcount: 1190 words)

Yeehaw! 🤠💕
Sorry if this comes off as loopy, but I wrote this at 5:30 am and nobody can expect me to function perfectly when I stay up that long.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this.
I'll go now and get some sleep, bye! 🧸💕

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