So not having it

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»I don't ever make a move,
that ain't cool for the brand.
YSL shoes got me fly as Peter Pan.
I just hit her with the D every
time she need a Xan.
I just hit her with the B
when she talkin'
'bout a plan.«

The weekend was rather boring than exciting.
There had been a small, half-hour long game evening, but since everyone had to get their essay done it was over as soon as it started.

Harry had hurriedly gotten ready after his early-in-the-morning-shower.
He now stood in the bathroom, brushing his messy hair. It somehow always looked messy, no matter what he tried to do about it.
Monday mornings were always kind of slow, especially for Harry.
But since he had taken a shower, he needed to hurry up now.
His other roommates were slowly waking up, this time Harry was the first one, that had gotten up.
If you wanted to take your time with showering, something has to be sacrificed. Even if it were a few hours of precious sleep.
"I'll go upstairs and see if Malfoy's up already, I'll see you at breakfast", Harry whispered to Ron, who nodded back at him.

Tired legs made their way to Draco's room.
Still lost in his thoughts, the Slytherin opened.
A sleepy-sounding 'good morning, Harry' crawled out of Draco's throat.
You didn't need to be a clairvoyant to tell that Draco was still very tired.
Let's face it, who's jumping out of bed in a good mood on a Monday morning, kisses every person walking around and shouting 'Monday mornings are great! I love them!' into the world?
Right, nobody.
Except maybe people, that are getting married on a Monday morning.

But Draco wasn't getting married, neither did Harry, so they were both extremely tired and slightly surly.
Despite the presence of each other, the leaden veil of Monday didn't seem to want to go away.
"How are you?", Harry asked as Draco was getting ready.
"Hm, alright, I guess. A bit nauseous, but alright. And you?", the blond-haired Slytherin answered.
"I'm alright, apart from the fatigue", Harry said right before he yawned.
Getting up at almost the crack of dawn was really no picnic.

The two students made their way to the great hall.
Draco managed to eat a teeny tiny bit of scrambled eggs and a bit of toast.
The amount of food that the Slytherin ate corresponded to the size of a fourth-grader's palm, but at least Draco kept it in his stomach.
The first two periods consisted of potions class, much to Hermione's delight.
The 5-minute break went by faster than a Maserati could ever drive by anything and next up were 90 minutes of cold, dry and boring history class.
That the curricula overlapped was nothing new anymore.
But that they overlapped SO blatantly - that was new, even for Hermione.
And she was usually the one, who was usually prepared and well informed about everything that had to do with the curriculum.

Well, their history teacher walked in this morning with exciting news - a new topic for the students to work through.
The history teacher, a tall woman with long, spindly arms and legs, was very excited about the new topic. It was that kind of excitement that makes you think as a student: "What the hell are we going to do if the teacher's that euphoric about it?"
Even Hermione had no clue.
"Well students, the new topic is Egypt! More precisely; the Egyptians and the different gods that they worshipped. In my opinion, ancient Egypt is kind of underrated and the teachers aren't really talking about it in schools anymore, no matter which school. Be it a magic school or a muggle school. That's why I'm going to change that today", Professor Sarah O'Sullivan said, her warm yet dull voice made it hard for the students not to fall asleep.

The native Irish woman's blue cocktail dress had a short train that flitted across the floor like a snake. This reminded Harry subconsciously of his boyfriend, who sat one row of tables away from him.
Slightly blocked by Ron, who was sitting right on the left of the Gryffindor, but still clearly visible.
Professor O'Sullivan went on and on about ancient Egypt and why they wrapped their dead family members into bandages and where they put the organs. All that great, slightly nasty stuff.
Harry was sure that a few students were struggling to suppress their urge to gag loudly as Professor O'Sullivan explained, way too detailed, how the organs left the dead person's body.

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