That's what's going on

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»When you look at me,
when I look at you,
I know you're mine.
When you look at me,
when I look at you,
my heart beats faster.«

Today was the day.
That one Tuesday that everyone at Hogwarts was either looking forward to or dreading it like crazy.
"Wake up guys! It's that one Tuesday!", Seamus said excitedly as he shook his new roommate's shoulder.
Neville sighed, but he got up and started putting on his school uniform.
After the others, being Harry, Ron, and Seamus, were ready as well, they all made their way to the great hall.
Professor and Headmaster Dumbledore wanted to hold a speech.

"Good morning everyone. Today is a very exciting day. The other professors and I are excited to announce a new subject to you all; physical education!", Professor Dumbledore said proudly and everyone applauded.
"Madam Hooch will be your PE teacher, PE will take place on the Quidditch pitch for now. That's it, have a nice day", Professor Dumbledore ended his speech and everyone continued with eating breakfast.
Hermione wasn't looking forward to PE, but Seamus was.
"I'm so excited about what we're going to be doing. It'll better be something cool", he said as he continued putting a funny-smelling, liquid-ish blue substance on his fingernails.
"What are you doing, Finnigan?", Ron asked confused.
"I don't know what it's called, but I saw it in that store that opened next to the new drug store in Hogsmeade. I thought I'd put it on my nails because they're always so torn. Probably because of the cold temperatures outside", Seamus said as he waved his left hand around, waiting for that liquid to dry.
"That's nail polish, Finnigan", Hermione said with a facial expression that said 'well, duh'.
"Ah!", Seamus exclaimed, "that's why it reminded me of Poland. Because it sounded similar to the language that is spoken in Poland - Polish!"
Harry, Ron, Neville, and Hermione shook their heads in unison and Seamus continued to paint the nails of his other hand.

The second period came around and everyone was making their way to the Quidditch pitch because Dumbledore had said that PE would take place there. At least for now.
"Hello!", Madam Hooch greeted the students, "we won't be doing any complicated exercises today because I bet none of you has their exercise clothes here at Hogwarts. I expect you all to have them by next week, your parents can just buy them for you and just send them here. Now, we'll be doing some stretching exercises today. Four students will stand in a row, an arm's length should be enough for a distance."

While the other students followed Madam Hooch's instruction, Harry's eyes searched the field for Draco Malfoy.
After a while he had found the boy, of course, he was the one who wasn't participating in the exercises that Madam Hooch and the others were doing.
Harry pretended that he was looking for a free spot so that he could do the exercises as well.
Between Pansy and Blaise was a free spot, perfect.

"Potter", the Slytherin whispered.
Harry turned his head. Carefully, he walked over to Draco, who stood next to Blaise.
"Malfoy, not keen on participating in the lesson, I see", Harry said sarcastically.
"Pfft, as if you are. Bet you hate PE as much as I do", Draco barked, he seemed a bit tense.
"Eh-", Harry wanted to say something in protest, but Draco was a bit faster.
"I'll see you later, Potter", the blond-haired Slytherin hissed.
Harry only let out a cold 'hmm' as a response, before he made his way back to his friends.
The Gryffindor was angry at himself for not having the courage to kiss his boyfriend right on the spot, but he needed to ask Draco if that was okay for him first anyway.

The lesson continued with a bit of yoga, which actually made a lot of students feel more relaxed and overall better.
Draco was now participating as well, but only because Pansy had told him to.
After they were done, Madam Hooch explained what belonged into the bag, that the students needed to have at Hogwarts for next week.

"Finally! I thought the 5-minute break would never come!", Ron said in a slightly dramatic way.
Hermione laughed. "It was fun! Well, the yoga part was. The cardio exercises made me sweat way too much and now I have to wait until the day's over before I'll get the chance to take a shower", she said as the trio was walking across one of the schoolyards.
While they were crossing the small garden with the little fountain and the big tree, a voice interrupted their conversation.
"Oh, look who we have here! Potter and his friends!", the familiar voice said.
Ron, Harry, and Hermione turned their heads towards the tree.
And none other than Draco Malfoy was sitting on the tree, of course. That little ferret boy couldn't go a minute without teasing Harry.

"What do you want, Malfoy?", Harry asked, a bit annoyed. But only a little bit.
Draco jumped down on the ground, grimacing at the sharp pain that shot up his ankle.
Then he looked back into Harry's eyes, pretending that his foot wasn't hurting at all.
"Well, I want a lot", Draco went on, "but I want to know why you keep on ignoring me."
Harry was confused for a moment, but that didn't stop him from walking up to Draco.

He pushed him, as gentle as possible of course.
"I'm not ignoring you! You're annoying me and your insults don't really help with me wanting to spend time with you!", Harry said aggressively. He was getting angry for no reason.
Even though Harry was a bit smaller than Draco, he wrapped his left hand around Draco's neck and pushed him against the tree.

Draco was completely shocked at Harry's sudden action.
Harry was even more shocked when Draco suddenly whispered: "Harder, daddy..."
The Gryffindor whispered: "What?"
But Draco only smirked and whispered "what?" back, as if he didn't say anything.
Harry was about to let go of Draco's neck, but that little ferret wrapped his hand around the wrist of Harry's left hand, leaned forward a bit and kissed him.
Surprised, Harry's eyes widened but then he relaxed, leaning into the kiss with his hand still wrapped around Draco's neck.

Crabbe, Goyle and a two other Slytherin's that had been around Draco earlier slowly walked away, except for Pansy and Blaise.
Pansy walked up to Hermione, wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her passionately.
"Well Ronald, you know what to do", Blaise said with a cheeky smirk and Ron walked up to him.
Their lips collided while Blaise put his arms around Ron's waist.

Harry slowly let go of Draco.
"That was hot as fuck", the blond-haired Slytherin said with a cocky grin.
"Yeah, you think so? 'Cause I'm not used to, you know, being dominant and stuff", Harry said sheepishly.
"Well, I think it's hot", Draco said, "but let me do something that you'll think of as hot."
And with that, Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pulled him a bit closer to his chest and kissed him.
His tongue gently touched Harry's bottom lip and the boy opened his mouth.

As both of their lungs were running low on oxygen, they both let go of each other.
"You know me so well", Harry mumbled and Draco smiled.
"C'mon, we better run now or else we'll be late to Professor Snape's Defense against the Dark Arts class", Hermione remarked and the six students jogged to the other side of the small garden.

While they were galloping, Draco didn't let go of Harry's hand.
Harry was so proud of being with Draco.
And Draco was proud of being with Harry.

Luckily, they arrived in the classroom on time.

(Wortcount: 1320 words)

Another chapter's done! 👌🥵
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Aurora" by Lyran Dasz and Laer Xirtam.
Hope you all enjoyed this one!
Also kudos to that random video I saw on Instagram, yes I have Instagram lol, in which a young, lowkey teenage-looking straight couple was walking down the street and, suddenly, a guy bumped into the girl's boyfriend. The boyfriend turned back around to the stranger and in two seconds his hand was wrapped around that random boy's neck. But then the second boy said "harder, daddy..." and the boyfriend was all like "what?" and the other boy went "what?" as well and that's it. That was the inspiration for today's chapter.
Bye 👋🤠

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