Hermione's concern

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»Every one of my bros
has been through some sh*it.
One doesn't want to
live anymore,
one is doing crack.
Every one of my bros
can't see the sense in
going on anymore.
But they keep on

"Potter! Wake up!", a voice hissed annoyed.
The Gryffindor stirred around, safely curled up in Draco's arms.
"Get up! We need to show up at breakfast! Otherwise, the others will get suspicious", the voice continued to seethe.
"Oh c'mon, Pans. Give them a break", a girl with brown hair spoke.
She walked over to the other girl with short, black hair and gave her a kiss.
"Oh 'mione", Pansy mumbled sheepishly, her cheeks started to redden.
Hermione wrapped her arms around Pansy's waist as she proceeded showering her girlfriend with kisses.

Carefully, Harry stood up. Luckily, Hermione had been so kind taking his stuff to Draco's room.
The Gryffindor was only here because Pansy's room was somewhat close to Draco's room if a flight of stairs isn't too much of a distance.
Since Draco had a room all to himself, said room was a bit more away from the other rooms.
Anyway, Harry had walked up that extra flight of stairs to see his boyfriend and Hermione had walked all the way up here to bring Harry his school uniform.
After Harry was done with putting that on, he looked at the sleeping Draco.

He looked so peaceful.
As if all the worries, that he had, were suddenly gone.
His pale eyelids moved and opened. Now Harry's green eyes were looking into ocean blue ones.
"Morning, love", Draco whispered and Harry could've died because of how cute Draco looked in the morning.
Blond strands of hair were pointing to a lot of directions, his lips were rosy and his blue eyes were glowing.
Harry planted a deep kiss on those rosy lips, that he had learned to love oh so much.
"Good morning, beautiful", Harry now greeted back, kissing Draco yet again. He couldn't get enough of it.

After everyone was ready to leave, the four walked downstairs to the great hall.
"Now we have to go different ways, but I'll see you later", Draco said to Harry, before he pat his shoulder and walked away. They weren't out as a couple yet, so Harry couldn't kiss him goodbye.

Hermione sat down at the Gryffindor table.
Today's breakfast consisted of pancakes with marble syrup and powdered sugar, which was very rare in Hogwarts.
Ron was already eating. Hermione was a bit surprised because usually, Ron waited until all of his friends were at the table with him as well.
"Ron, what's going on? Whatever it is, I'd advise you to say it", Hermione demanded as she cut her pancakes into two pieces.
The redhead took a sip of his glass of orange juice before he slowly said: "Well, I- I kind of- I'm kind of in a relationship with Blaise Zabini. I don't know how it happened, I only know that it did happen."

Harry, who had been too busy with drowning in his own thoughts, now paid attention to the conversation.
"You're in a- what? With- whom?", Harry said confused.
"In a relationship, with Blaise Za-", began Ron, but Hermione interrupted him by hitting his shoulder with the newest version of the daily prophet.
"If I were you, I wouldn't say it that loud. By the way, is Zabini even out yet?", Hermione asked and Ron shrugged.
"I know that he's bisexual but I don't know who else knows that", Ron said before he looked at his pancakes as if he was asking if he could continue eating them now.
Hermione didn't say anything after that. And with that, the conversation died out.

The rest of the day was as dull as any other day.
Except for the few amused looks that Harry received when he was walking from classes to other classes, nothing exciting happened.
"Harry!", a voice shouted behind the Gryffindor, who turned around.
Hermione was running towards him, three books were pressed closely to her chest.
"Hey there, 'mione!", Harry said, happy about seeing his best friend.
"I- I wanted to talk to you, it's important", Hermione said quietly and Harry nodded.
The two walked outside, where they soon found a quiet place to talk.

"Harry, I'm concerned about your relationship with Draco. I know you guys love each other, which is fantastic, but there's one thing that you need to know", Hermione began, she didn't really know how to go at this conversation with the right words.
"Now, I really, really don't want to offend you or anything but I need to make sure that you guys are safe", Hermione continued, slightly uncertain.
Harry was a bit confused. "What do you mean by that exactly?", he asked.
The brunette witch sighed.
"Are you guys using protection?", she asked straight forward.
"Wh-", Harry wanted to ask something, but Hermione's shocked facial expression stopped him from asking.
"Don't tell me that you don't know what that means", Hermione said horrified.

A scoff left Harry's lungs.
"A condom? To prevent STD's or an unwanted pregnancy?" Hermione asked.
"Isn't that something only muggles use? And if not, where do we get that?", Harry asked and Hermione's eyebrows went up.
"Well, we can go to Hogsmeade and buy some in that new drug store. But it'd be better if you go there with Malfoy, he's the one you're sleeping with after all. Trust me, it's only for your own good", Hermione said with a warm smile.
Harry smiled as well. "Thanks, Hermione, thank you for caring about my health and my sex life, even though that's none of your concern. But I appreciate it", Harry said.
"Usually I wouldn't have said anything, but Malfoy didn't even know what condoms are, so I thought that I'd make more progress when I talked to you about it", Hermione mumbled sheepishly.
The two continued talking about their relationships for a while until they walked back to Hogwarts.

"C'mon sweetie, we need to get to Hogsmeade today if we want to be safe from now on", Harry whispered as he dragged Draco with him to Hogsmeade.
Luckily, the invisibility cloak wasn't that thick, so it wasn't that exhausting to walk around with it.
After the two had arrived at the drug store, Draco asked: "So, what do we do now?"
Harry sighed. "Now we have to find the condom aisle, that Hermione was talking about", the Gryffindor muttered as he was taking the invisibility cloak off.
The couple walked around until they found said aisle.
"Now let's buy a package of ten for each of us", Harry said as he was digging through the shelves, looking for the right size.
Draco's cheeks were as red as a tomato, but he started to look for the right size as well.

"Are you done?", Harry asked, holding an orange package in his hand.
Draco shook his head no. "What's the matter then?", Harry asked and Draco smiled shyly.
"I- I wanted to buy ones that- taste like something. Maybe strawberry, since I know how much you like that", he said and Harry grinned.
"I saw some over here earlier", Harry said as he took Draco's hand and showed him the shelf with the flavored condoms.
After Draco had found a package of ten with strawberry flavor, the two walked to the cash register.

"Oh boy, I don't know why, but that felt good", Draco admitted as the couple walked back to Hogwarts.
"I have to agree, I somehow feel more like an adult now", Harry said and smiled.

"I can't wait to use them", the Slytherin said.
Harry smirked.
"And I can't wait to see if the taste is as good as you taste, baby", Harry whispered as seductive as possible.
Draco smirked. Harry Potter was going to be the death of him.

(Wortcount: 1313 words)

Holy smokes, what a chapter!
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy 🤠🤠
My battery is dying, so I have to keep this short.
I hope this wasn't too bad, I feel like this chapter kind of sucks but oh well. Let's ignore the fact that the drug store was open on a Sunday. Let's pretend that didn't happen.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "friends" by absent.
Goodbye! 👋👋

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