Field trip

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»All I'm looking for is love,
got the devil inside of my chest.
Holding your angel in my arm,
but she'll leave again.
All I'm looking for is love,
but she'll dump me again.
All I'm really looking for is love,
purple lean is in my head.«

Dean Thomas didn't seem to know the word 'gentle', because when he shook Harry's shoulder to wake the raven-haired Gryffindor up, the Gryffindor literally felt it being dislocated.
"Alright, alright, I'm up", Harry groaned, he couldn't wait to sleep in on the weekend.
The memory, that the field trip was today, came as fast to Harry's mind as a bullet could be shot.
Hastily he hurried to the bathroom.
As he changed, he took a closer look at his torso.

His ribs were more visible than before the new school year, his collarbones were piercing under his skin and his upper arms had thinned considerably.
"Accio, scale", the Gryffindor muttered and a grey scale appeared out of thin air.
Carefully, he placed one foot on it and then the other.
Despite his shirt, the tie, his socks, the pants, and the robe, the scale showed him the number 103 lbs - Harry's eyes widened in shock.

"Huh, maybe I should eat a bit more", Harry mumbled to himself as he bent down to tie his shoes. "I don't want to scare Draco off or trigger him to maybe making himself puke on purpose."
After he was done with combing his messy hair, he left the bathroom.
Ron was done as well.
Dean and Seamus were too busy kissing each other while they were tying each other's ties, of course.
The two were still so in love, even though they had been dating since their fifth year at Hogwarts.
It was nice to look at.
Harry quickly grabbed the gift, that he had made for his boyfriend - a little booklet, filled with cute things that made Draco happy. Harry's favorite words, for example. Or motivational messages, that Draco could read whenever everything was going dark.

Professor McGonagall was counting the students from the two houses - being Slytherin and Gryffindor.
After everyone was there, they left the castle.
Professor Snape wasn't pleased that he was enrolled with Professor McGonagall for the field trip, but he had to go through with it now.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally arrived at the destination.
A large park with many, many flowers.
There were gigantic lawns, where already a few people sat and read.
"Welcome to our school park", said Professor McGonagall, "usually, only fourth and fifth-year students go here for the art-project-week. But since last year, we like to take students out here from time to time, as a nice little distraction from the stressful finals and stuff. That's why you all have probably not been here that often. And now, enjoy your stay here, today's one of the last warm days this month."

And with that, the students spread throughout the park.
Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley sat down next to a huge marble fountain.
Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas sat down on one of the large lawns, where they ate the snacks that they brought with them.
Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil walked around the park, joyfully chatting with each other.
Neville Longbottom And Padma Patil walked around the park as well, talking about plants and exchanging thoughts on different ways of growing them.

Ron Weasley and Blaise Zabini sat down next to a field of flowers, beautiful red tulips.
Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson sat down under a tree. Pansy had made a strawberry smoothie for the brunette witch, who had made lemon cookies for the Slytherin.
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter couldn't really decide on where to sit, so they decided to sit under a tree as well.
"Harry, I've got a surprise for you", Draco said as soon as they had sat down.
The Gryffindor smiled.
Carefully, Draco took his guitar out of the bag.
His thin fingers hit the strings and he began to play the song 'Into You' by Ariana Grande.

The Slytherin had just enough time to put his guitar back into its bag before Harry showered him with kisses.
"Oh Merlin, that was beautiful! And you did it so well!", Harry exclaimed happily as he continued to kiss Draco.
"Thank you, angel", Draco said with a smile. "But there's more."
He took out a small box, that looked like it just came straight from Greece, out of the pocket of his robe and gave it to his boyfriend.
Harry opened it and inside were orange cookies, Harry's favorite ones.
"I- I don't know what to say. You're so sweet, I love you so much", Harry blurted out before showering Draco with kisses again.
"I've got something for you, too", Harry said after a while and then he pulled out the little, self-made booklet.
The Slytherin carefully opened the booklet and read what Harry had written into it.

"Wow", Draco said after he was done with reading, "this is the sweetest thing anyone could ever do for someone else. I love you so incredibly much, Harry James Potter. I don't think words will ever be enough to describe how much I love you."
The two leaned their foreheads together so that their noses touched.

The field trip was amazing.
Harry was in a very good mood when he and the others walked back to Hogwarts.
About twenty minutes were left of the lunch break when they arrived, so after they had lunch, Harry and his friends sat down in the Gryffindor common room.
"What class is next?", Ron asked and Harry shrugged as he took a bite of the orange cookies that Draco had made for him.
"Um, today's Thursday", said Hermione before she continued, "so next up is a double period of Herbology with Professor Sprout."
Hermione had learned the timetable by heart.
Ron groaned. "Not Herbology, ugh."
Hermione gave him a compassionate smile. Even though she was good at Herbology, and at pretty much every other subject, she didn't like it that much.
"Ugh, sometimes I really hate my life", Harry mumbled.

"Well, tomorrow's Friday, my dudes, our all favorite day", Hermione said as the made their way to the Greenhouses.
Harry smiled. "Yeah, finally! Plus the subjects don't suck as much as on all the other days", he added.
"Oh, the first four do suck. But we have a double period of choir with Professor Dumbledor as the last two lessons, and that's awesome", said Ron.

The first period of Herbology passed by surprisingly quickly.
But the three friends knew that the last one wouldn't.
With slow steps, they walked back inside the Greenhouse.
The Gryffindors were usually the first ones, that arrived in a classroom.
Now wasn't any different.
Harry had just walked back to his original spot and the first Slytherin entered the room. It was none other than Draco Malfoy.
He looked insanely pale like he had just seen a Hydra or something.

Worry started to pool into Harry's stomach.
Just as he considered walking up to the blond-haired Slytherin and asking him about his well-being, said Slytherin collapsed.
Harry immediately jumped up from his seat and hurried to his boyfriend.
It took one short look at Draco's face to tell, that he needed help.

Right now.

(Wortcount: 1212 words)

Whoop, whoop, another one's done! 👌🥵
The lyrics at the top are from the song "LUST" by TYM.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this.
I'm very exhausted now, so bye-bye! 👋🤠

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