Feverish dream

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»Feel like a brand new person
[But you make the same old mistakes]
I don't care I'm in love
[Stop before it's too late]
Feel like a brand new person
[But you make the same old mistakes]
I finally know what is love
[You don't have what it takes]«

Draco opened his eyes.
Everything around him was dark, so he assumed that it was still night.
He sat up and looked at a small clock on the nightstand - 4 am.
With a groan, he laid back down and tried falling asleep again.

Darkness surrounded the blond-haired Slytherin.
Something, or someone, stood right in front of him but Draco couldn't see what or who it was.
A hand reached towards him.
"You think being in love makes you a brand new person and erases all of your mistakes?", the voice hissed, it sounded familiar.
"F-Father?", Draco whispered.
"Pfft", the voice scoffed, "consider yourself no longer a son of mine, Lucius Malfoy. The things you've done are reason enough to disown and ban you from our family."

Suddenly, the voice sounded very distant. Like it was far, far away from him.
"A phobia. And your mother and I are supposed to be responsible for that, pfft", Lucius snarled, he was really angry.
"Perfectionism, especially when it's projected from others onto others, can be really dangerous! And you always made sure that I would turn out perfect, whatever that looks like in your head, father!", Draco barked back, he was so tired of everything and so exhausted.
"What? No! You were just too weak, Draco! You were just a whiny little crybaby! You still are!", Lucius yelled and suddenly, Draco felt like he was falling down.
The ground under his feet had disappeared.

"No! I'm not weak!", Draco screamed as he fell.
The next thing he saw was a mirror, which stood right in front of him.
He saw his reflection, but it looked a lot more different than his actual reflection.
A thin layer of skin gave his skeleton the bare minimum of protection, his eyes looked expressionless and his face was sunken in.
Behind him appeared a Dementor. It opened its mouth, out of it came loud sounds, similar to an electric guitar.
The sounds came out in reverse, which made the Dementor seem even scarier.

Draco covered his ears.
All over sudden, the Dementor shut its mouth.
Instead of flying away or disappearing, the Dementor burst into flames like a Phoenix.
Everything was so confusing, Draco feared that he'd never wake up from this weird dream.
Was this even a dream? Or did it become reality?

Suddenly, a very bright light surrounded Draco.
He blinked twice before he could see what was going on.
"Draco!", someone called his name, but he couldn't quite make out who it was.
"Draco! Draco! Draco!", the voice yelled over and over again until Draco felt like he was going deaf.
The reverse guitar sounds came back, everything rang and a loud shriek was audible.

"Draco! Wake up, please!", a familiar voice shouted, the owner of the voice seemed to shake his shoulder.
The blond-haired Slytherin opened his eyes.
It was Madam Pomfrey.
"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy. You didn't wake up nor did you respond, so I called you by your first name. I just wanted to say that your parents send me the permission papers, so now I can put the feeding tube on and you can go back to the other students. We'll do check-ups at the end of the day and then you can already sleep in your bed again. Oh, and your father wanted to come and visit you at the end of the school day. He said that he'd come alone because your mother isn't feeling well. That's all", informed him Madam Pomfrey with a polite smile.
Draco, who was still confused about the dream he had, rubbed his eyes before he sat up and looked around.
No darkness or an angry father was in sight.

Minutes later, Madam Pomfrey came back with a thin plastic tube, a plastic bottle with a yellowish liquid in it and a glass of water.
"Okay, I need you to take small sips of water while I'm pushing the tube in. It might hurt a bit and it will definitely feel weird, but you'll survive it. I've set the calorie dose to 500, next week I'll set it to 1000 until we're at 2000. That's the recommended amount", said Madam Pomfrey.

The Slytherin gulped.
"C-Can I ask someone to be at my side while you push the tube in? I'm very scared, you know, and I don't want to smack the tube away or something like that", Draco stammered, anxiety dared suffocating him.
The nurse nodded. "Alright, fine. Who do you want me to bring here?"
Draco bit on his upper lip. "Mm, Potter. Please", he then said.
Madam Pomfrey nodded and left, Draco sighed relieved.

The door swung open and Madam Pomfrey walked back in.
"Mr. Potter is here now, Mr. Malfoy", she informed as she walked over to the little silver tray, where she had put the plastic tube and the other things.
Harry closed the door behind him before he hurried over to his boyfriend.
"I'm so happy to see you!", Harry exclaimed as he pulled Draco into a tight embrace.
"I'm so happy to see you, too", Draco said, he was still a bit hoarse.
"Good, now let's do this", Madam Pomfrey said, already wearing gloves and holding the tube and the glass of water in her hands.
"Here, Mr. Malfoy", she said as she passed the Slytherin the glass with he refreshing beverage in it.

Draco tried really hard not to hurt Harry as he clutched his hand tightly.
"H-Harry, I'm so scared!", Draco croaked out as Madam Pomfrey pushes the tube further into his nose.
It slowly went down his throat and down into his stomach. Draco took small sips of water from time to time.
"Now I have to make sure that the tube is in its place", Madam Pomfrey said before she walked away, only to come back with a syringe.
She connected the syringe to the end of the tube and pulled the end to the back.
A pinkish liquid came to the fore, Madam Pomfrey smiled satisfied.
"Everything is alright", she said as she stuck the thin tube to Draco's cheek with a brown band-aid.
"Now you're done, Mr. Malfoy! You can give me a glass of water."

After Draco was done with getting dressed, Madam Pomfrey explained a few more things about the feeding tube to him beforehand was allowed to leave.
"Madam Pomfrey saved me from the rest of Divination Class, so now we're both stuck with a double period of Defense against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape", Harry said as the two were walking to the great hall.
"But hey, at least you didn't miss choir", the Gryffindor added with a smile and Draco smiled back.

"And? How are you feeling?", Pansy asked.
The Slytherin and his friends had sat down at the Gryffindor table, all eyes were on Draco.
Some were shooting glances of concern at him, some even looked at him with teary eyes.
"Well, alright. A bit better than yesterday, but this thing is annoying as hell", Draco answered and he pointed towards his cheek, where the tube was.
"And I'm feeling nauseous and exhausted, but besides that, I'm doing good."
Harry took Draco's left hand into his own hands.
The Gryffindor pressed a kiss on the Slytherin's left cheek because the tube was on the other cheek.

"You'll get better, I promise. I won't leave you, ever."

(Wortcount: 1288 words)

Holy moly, what a humdinger of a chapter! 👊🥵
Hopefully, you all enjoyed it, 'cause this took me a huge minute.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "New Person, Same Old Mistakes" by Tame Impala.
I'mma go now, bye-bye! 👋🤠

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