Pansy's plan

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»Tell me,
how should it be
any different?
Do I need love?
No, I don't need

Saturday, 10 am.
Pansy Parkinson made her way to the Gryffindor dorms.
A very delighted and well-rested Hermione Granger was awaiting her.
Quickly, she pushed the Slytherin into her room, cautious to not wake her dorm mates of course.
The two girlfriends sat down on Hermione's comfortable bed, Pansy placed her head in Hermione's lap.

"Tell me, how did it go yesterday? Did the two get along?", Pansy asked, curiously.
"Oh yeah, they did. There was more snogging than an actual game of Quidditch, so they came along just fine.
Unfortunately, I couldn't stay there longer because Ron kept on asking me to go back to Hogwarts with him. I promised to give him some of my homemade crumpets if he'd help me with sneaking away unnoticed and stuff. So I don't know if there was anything else going on", Hermione told Pansy, massaging her scalp gently as she was talking.
Pansy could stay here with Hermione forever. Her warm voice, her massaging skills, and her body scent - Pansy could drown in Hermione.
It was the same vice versa. Hermione especially loved Pansy's refreshing, adventurous side and her cute little smile.

Pansy almost didn't notice how Hermione stopped talking and bent down to kiss her.
The short-haired girl looked up to her girlfriend, completely lovestruck.
"Gosh, I love you", Hermione breathed out, she was just as lovestruck as Pansy was.

After a while of chatting and kissing, Pansy remembered that she had a plan, which Hermione needed to know about.
"Hermione", Pansy began, "I have a plan for tonight's game evening."
"Okay, tell me then", Hermione said, putting a few strands of hair behind her ears.
"Good. I was assuming since Potter and Malfoy are getting along, we could get them to do more. Maybe if one of them gives the other a handjob, that could get them even closer together and eventually they'll be dating each other by the end of eight year", Pansy said, looking up to Hermione, eyes filled with excitement.

"Hmm yeah, that could indeed get them closer together. We'll try it, maybe it'll work", Hermione said and Pansy smiled in eagerness.
Tonight was going to be good.

11 am.
Harry's feet almost flew across the stone-cold floor as he was on his way to Draco's room.
He really wanted to see the other boy before tonight, hanging out with him was always fun, as Harry had discovered.
"Hey, sweetheart", Draco whispered before he let Harry in.

Harry could not help but hug the other boy, slowly walking with him towards the bed as their tongues were fighting for dominance.
But instead of grinding his hips on Draco's, Harry deepened their kiss.
Now French kissing, limbs entangled, the two teenage boys were laying on Draco's bed.
Draco liked making out with Harry but sometimes he just enjoyed the mere presence of the other.
The Gryffindor leaned on his hands, thoughtful not to accidentally pin Draco down by putting his hand on the other boy's silk pajama shirt.
His green eyes wandered over Draco's petite body a few times before Harry whispered: "You're so breathtakingly beautiful."
Draco's cheeks blushed instantly and he bit his rosy lips. "Thanks. Right back at you, my handsome man."
The two spent the rest of the day with listening to some music, reading books to each other and little make-out sessions here and there.

The evening came and with it came excitement.
Pansy and Hermione beamed like two idiots as they welcomed everyone that was entering the Slytherin common room.
After everyone was done with finding a spot to sit down on, Pansy began with her little speech.
Today, the group was playing Truth or Dare again.
Harry sat between Ron and Seamus, Draco sat between Blaise and Crabbe.
It was a great evening, but of course, Harry's nervousness had to tear him down.

"Okay Malfoy, what do you pick?", Pansy's voice cut through Harry's thoughts.
"Eh, dare?", Draco said it sounded more like a question rather than anything else. He was kind of afraid of what Pansy would make him do now.
"I dare you to give our beloved Potter right here a handjob. And before you're going to pussy out now by saying something like 'I don't know what that means', boy, I know that you know what it means. Just go ahead, don't be a pussy and pleasure Potter", Pansy said, almost in a bossy tone, Draco wasn't used to Pansy sounding like that.
Slowly, Draco made his way to Harry, who moved backwards a bit to make some space for the Slytherin.

Their eyes connected.
"Okay, hopefully, I won't fuck this up, 'cause I honestly expected that you'd have to do it", Draco whispered.
"You'll survive, I believe in you", Harry whispered back, before he leaned back on his hands.
His legs were slightly spread and Draco kneeled down in front of Harry's crotch.
"Okay now, get going! We don't want to wait all evening long!", Pansy interrupted their little moment.
And Draco actually hurried up a bit.

He grinned as he unbuttoned Harry's shirt a bit, placing hickeys on his collarbones.
"To get you all excited and stuff", the blond-haired boy spoke in a whisper, because Pansy hadn't said anything about placing kisses on Harry's chest.
But it helped. Hungrily, Harry unbuttoned a bit of Draco's shirt as well, both of their foreheads were slightly sweaty.
Draco opened the zipper of Harry's pants, pulling them down slightly. Only up to his knees, since Draco wanted to give them some privacy, which wasn't easy in a room filled with 30 students.

As soon as Harry's boxers were also pulled up to his knees, Draco started to stroke Harry's prick.
The Gryffindor let out a long breath, his left hand went up to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.
After he had done that, his forehead was less hot and his left hand sank down, holding onto Draco's neck.
"F-Faster", Harry whispered, his cheeks were as red as a tomato. This was so embarrassing.
Draco was turning scarlet as well, but since the others couldn't see his face, he had it a lot easier.
Harry pulled Draco closer, trying to cover up what was happening between his legs.

"Gahh!", Harry moaned. Quickly, he buried his head in Draco's shoulder.
Now he began to quiver, his prick was already twitching and pre-cum was oozing out of it.
Draco tried really hard not to moan.
Seeing Harry like that, close to his orgasm, almost made him climax.

The Gryffindor could not take it any longer.
Draco noticed that, which was why he went a bit slower with his strokes.
Harry's head shot up from Draco's shoulder, shooting a death glare at him.
"A-Are y-you serious?", he managed to say and Draco smirked.
He enjoyed having control over Harry. He had him completely in his hand, literally.
"Please M-Malfoy, please f-finish what you've started", Harry begged.

And that was enough for Draco to come into his pants. He buried his head in Harry's shoulder, trying to muffle his moans. With a few quick strokes of his right hand, he sent Harry over the edge as well.
The Gryffindor's head fell back into Draco's shoulder.
Now the two were a shaking, heavy breathing mess. Draco's right hand was coated with Harry's cum.
The Slytherin sat back up, quickly licked his hand clean and buttoned his shirt again.
Harry did the same after a few quick breaths.

"Wow, that was intense!", Hermione said excitedly and the others nodded.
"Now, who's next?", Pansy asked, smiling widely.

Well, this week's Saturday had certainly been one for the history books.


(Wortcount: 1300 words)

Holy moly, what a ride! 🤠💝
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this and I hope it wasn't too explicit.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Trenchcoat" by Kidnfinity.
Bye-bye, everybody! 👋🥶

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