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»Life ain't always what it seems,
I can tell you best.
I swear life is like a dream,
I can't tell what's next.
Got the Henny in my hand,
I ain't feelin' stressed.
And you can't kill my fuckin' vibe,
bitch, I'm feelin' blessed.
I'm feelin' blessed,
I'm feelin' blessed.
You can't kill my fuckin' vibe,
I'm feelin' blessed.«

Finally it was time for the game evening.
10 pm, Harry was ready.
"C'mon Ron and Seamus, we need to leave!", Harry said, louder than usual.
A wave of nervousness was rushing upon his brain.
As they were walking to the Slytherin common room, Harry pulled out his chapstick and put it on his lips.
"What's that?", Ron asked confused. Harry put the chapstick back into the pocket of his robe before he answered: "It's called chapstick, Ronald. Malfoy bought it for me because my lips were so chapped. You know, because of the dares and stuff."
Hermione appeared next to the three all over sudden.
Harry jumped as he suddenly heard her voice. "Hermione!", he exclaimed. "You got to stop using that time turner thing!"
Hermione smiled shyly. "Sorry, but it's so much fun to use."

Everybody was sitting down in the Slytherin common room.
"Alright guys", Pansy Parkinson welcomed the students, "I'm glad you're all here. Let's start with a fun game of spin the bottle! Hermione and I made a small change in plans again because we're mixing it up by adding a dare to every spin. As soon as two people were selected by the bottle, someone has to come up with a dare for the couple. It would be boring if only Hermione and I were allowed to come up with dares, so we'll go in rounds. Have fun!"
Seamus had been blessed with the task of putting the bottle in the middle of the large circle.
He gave it a good spin, everybody was waiting excitedly.
The glass bottle stopped spinning, pointing at none other than Draco Malfoy.
"Well, well, let's see who the bottle will point to next", Pansy said excitedly and Draco stood up to give the bottle another spin.
Harry closed his eyelids shut, praying to Merlin that the bottle wouldn't point at him.
But Merlin must've been asleep because Harry's prayers didn't get answered. The first thing that Harry saw, when he opened his eyes again, was that the bottle was pointing directly at him.

Sigh. This was going to be rough.
Pansy was the first one to come up with a dare task.
"I dare you two to make out. And I want to see the ties and shirts flying", she said, clicking her tongue at the end of her sentence. Hermione gave her a low five. Why were these two so eagerly desiring them to kiss or make out? What in the world were they up to?

"I don't want to sit here until tomorrow so get over here, Potter", Draco said and Harry immediately got up and walked to the Slytherin.
Carefully, he sat down on Draco's lap and wrapped his arms around the older boy's neck.
Draco's hands were going up and down on Harry's back, causing the younger one to growl.
Their French kiss grew more and more heated, said heat shot directly to the lower body regions of the two teenage boys.
Harry decided to make the first move.
Untying a tie wasn't nearly as hard as putting it on, so it didn't take him that long to take Draco's green tie off.
Unbuttoning a shirt, on the other hand, took a bit longer.
Draco's pale fingers were quivering as he undid the last button of Harry's shirt.
In a one-hand motion the young Gryffindor tossed Draco's shirt behind him, Draco did the same with Harry's shirt.

The group didn't make a single sound, except for whistling and cheering as the shirts were landing on the floor.
Harry connected their lips again, Draco really leaned into the kiss.
Both of them didn't want the moment to end but as they had just leaned back, Harry's tongue was sliding down on Draco's pale chest, Pansy whistled.
"That should be enough, boys", she said after Harry had sat up straight again.
The blond-haired Slytherin needed to catch his breath for a second before he sat up as well, slowly putting his shirt and his tie back on.
"I got to say, you're not as bad of a kisser as I first assumed you would be, Malfoy", Harry said as he was putting his red tie back on. Even though this wasn't their first time kissing, the Gryffindor still felt the need to point that out.
"I can only say the same right back to you, Potter", Draco muttered.
Harry walked back to his original place, carefully sitting down because he was not keen on anyone seeing his boner.

Hermione stood up and spun the bottle.
It pointed at Blaise Zabini, who was resting his head on his fists and his arms on his legs.
After a few minutes of just staring at the bottle, Blaise got up and spun it around.
Out of all people, the bottle just HAD to point at the myth, the legend, the softest bean in the universe - Ronald Bilius Weasley!
A heavy sigh left Ron's lungs before he said: "Could we... maybe not kiss or something?"
Blaise scoffed. "Heh, are you afraid or what, Weasel?", he asked, it sounded more like an attempt at insulting Ron rather than asking him a question.
"Pfft, 'course not", Ron mumbled before he stood up and sat down next to Blaise.
"Okay, I dare you to give Ron a hickey", Hermione said with a grin.

While Blaise was sucking on Ron's neck, Ron asked: "And why exactly are you letting him do this, 'mione? I mean, you're my girlfriend."
Hermione just shrugged, smiling at him. "Well, it's just a game, Ron. Get over it."
Luckily Blaise soon stopped sucking on Ron's neck, leaving the redhead emotionally confused.
"Mm, that was delicious", the Slytherin said, slowly licking his lips.
With goosebumps on his skin, Ron stood up and sat down next to Harry again.
The game went on, leaving almost every student in the room excited for the next game evening.
Draco was dreading the weekend, his stomach was turning from merely thinking about what he would have to do to Potter in front of the others.

Back on their way to their dorms, Harry and Draco talked for a short while. Fortunately, the Gryffindor had pulled his invisibility cloak over their heads, now no one knew that they were spending a bit of time together.
"I'm looking forward to Saturday", Harry said as they arrived at staircase at which Draco had to leave the young Gryffindor.
"I'm a bit afraid of what they will make us do, honestly", Draco shyly admitted.
"It won't be too bad. Making out with you wasn't that bad either, so we'll survive it", Harry said with a shit-eating grin, which Draco wasn't used to see on Harry.
"We've done lots of other stuff, I'm certain that we'll survive a simple make-out session or a handj-", Draco said but he got interrupted by a pair of not so chapped lips on his own soft ones.
"Say it louder and everyone in Hogwarts will hear", Harry whispered against Draco's lips.
Draco made a 'hmm' sound, he just wanted to feel Harry's lips on his own lips again.

"Yeah?", the Gryffindor asked, slightly tilting his head.
"I'm so blessed to have you in my life. We may have had a rough start, so it might sound weird if I ask you this.
But... do you want to be my boyfriend?", Draco asked, his heart was beating way too fast for his liking.
Instead of saying anything, Harry pushed his lips against Draco's again.
"Yes, yes, I'd love to be your boyfriend", Harry said in between him kissing Draco, who couldn't stop smiling by the way.

"I am so sorry for destroying our little moment, but I need to go back to my dorm. Otherwise, my dorm mates will get suspicious", Harry whispered and Draco slowly let go of the Gryffindor's waist.
"No problem, my love. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight", Draco said and Harry blew a good-night-kiss in Draco's direction as the Slytherin was pushing the invisibility cloak away.
Harry saw him walk up the stairs.
Happiness was filling up his heart as 'the boy who lived' made his way back to his dorm.

Was this real? Had Harry finally gotten what he had dreamed of since first year?
Yes, finally!
The Gryffindor was excited about tomorrow. He couldn't wait to see his boyfriend again.

(Wortcount: 1435 words)

Another one! 🥵🤙
It's almost 1 am, I'm tired and therefore I will keep this short.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Blessed" by Arizona Zervas.
Sleep well, gamers! 👋🤠

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