Paper planes of love

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»Motel A7, it's nighttime, yeah.
She's talking to the devil,
but she's laughing, yeah.«

Monday mornings really sucked.
Draco had to endure some stupid comments about his hickeys when he left his room and saw his friends on his way to the great hall.
Blaise and Goyle were obviously taking every situation they could get to make fun of Draco.
But Draco tried to ignore them.
After he was done with defending himself about why he was wearing a green turtleneck sweater with a silver stripe across the middle part, he made his way to the great hall. Breakfast time.

"Mate, he also could be playing you. It's Malfoy after all", Ron said while shaking his head at the sight of Harry who was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, judging his appearance critically.
"Pfft, I think he has been oppressing his feelings towards me the whole time. He's letting himself experience love now", Harry said, turning towards Ron with a graceful spin.
"Whatever, mate. I'm just trying to warn you. Let's go and eat breakfast", Ron just said and the two left their room.

When Ron and Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table, they were greeted with a half-hearted "good morning".
"Hermione, who spat into your soup?", Ron asked, furrowing his eyebrows at the brunette's bad mood.
"My god, Harry! If you believe that there's a special bond between you and Malfoy just because of that game evening, I'm going to freak out!", Hermione said angrily, Harry just gave her a confused look.
"Yeah, it's Malfoy after all! He might be tricking you! Maybe you-know-who has set him up for this", Hermione whispered now, she was still angry.
The three friends began eating their breakfast, no one said a word.
After they were almost done with eating, Hermione decided to ask something.

"Harry?", she asked, the Gryffindor's head turned around. "Yeah?"
"Do you genuinely love Malfoy? And do you think he genuinely loves you?", Hermione asked, looking deeply into Harry's eyes.
"Yes, I love him deeply", Harry said, "and I think that he has just tried to mask his feelings towards me by pretending to hate me."
Hermione nodded, deciding to leave it at that.

Harry was making his way to Professor Slughorn's classroom, or rather his dungeon.
The Gryffindor wasn't as excited about the potions class as Hermione was, but he was looking forward to it because it gave him another opportunity to get closer to Draco.
Ron was running after Harry, both of them were a teeny tiny bit late.
As Harry was running faster and Ron tried to catch up, he suddenly felt a cold hand around his wrist.
"He-", Ron breathed out as the hand pulled him back, causing him to almost trip and fall.
Ron's back roughly smashed into the cold brick wall.

With a groan the redhead opened his eyes, only to see Blaise Zabini in front of him.
"Z-Zabini? What do you want from me?", Ron asked confused.
Blaise scoffed before he let go of Ron's wrist. Instead, he placed his left hand on the wall, the right hand held Ron's waist. There was no way for Ron to escape now.
"What I want, Weasley", Blaise spoke, "what I want is simple. I want you."
Every last bit of air escaped Ron's lungs with a huff, leaving him in need for air.
He inhaled. "Y-You do know that I'm straight, right?", Ron said, swallowing his saliva.
"Heh", Blaise scoffed, "so is uncooked spaghetti until it's wet, Weasley."
"No, for real. I have a girlfriend", Ron protested, slowly getting angry.
"That little mudblood? That's your girl? Damn, not only a bad haircut but also bad taste in girls", Blaise said, now he was getting angry.

Ron tried slapping Blaise's hand away from his waist, but the slightly taller one didn't let go.
"You're going to pay for that", Blaise growled angrily before he leaned forward and began to place hickeys on Ron's neck.
"Yuck! Yuck! Leave me alone!", Ron said angrily.
He lifted up his arms, pressed his hands against Blaise's chest and pushed him away from him.
Ron immediately ran off to the potions class, he was already way too late.
"I'm so sorry for being late, Professor Slughorn! I've had an argument with another student!", Ron panted, Professor Slughorn just nodded and told Ron to sit down.

Harry's jaw dropped at the sight of Ron's neck.
"Ronald Weasley! Who did that?!", Hermione roared, she was furious.
"Miss Granger, it would be nice if you could control yourself", Professor Slughorn said and Hermione nodded.
She lowered her voice as she asked: "Are you cheating on me, Ron?"
"No, I would never! It was Blaise, Blaise Zabini! He said that he wanted me. I think he has a crush on me. I told him that I was straight and that you're my girlfriend, but he gave me some hickeys anyway", Ron said, his eyes were focused on his hands.
Then he looked up, put his hand under Hermione's chin and whispered: "I would never do something so mean to you, Hermione. I love you way too much to do that."
"Aww", Hermione said, her eyebrows relaxed again and all the tension immediately vanished.
She leaned forward and gave Ron a passionate kiss.
Harry rolled his eyes, smiling at his best friends.

"Ah! Weasley and Granger are actually a couple? I see", a voice in the back said, the sarcasm was bitter.
The Gryffindor turned around to see who said that. It turned out to be Draco.
"Shove off, Malfoy!", Ron barked and Draco looked away.
Harry used that moment to look at Draco. He was wearing a turtleneck sweater under his usual school uniform.
The passionate Quidditch player couldn't help but smirk at that, proud of being the reason for Draco to wear that.
For a second their gaze met, Draco's grey-ish eyes met Harry's blue ones.
Draco really didn't want to be mean to Harry anymore. But since the others wouldn't understand his sudden change in behavior towards Harry, he had to keep the facade up.

"What are you looking at, Potter?", he barked, Crabbe and Goyle laughed like they always did and Draco turned back around to his potion.
As Harry's heart kept on sinking, something slightly sharp poked his shoulder.
A paper plane.
Quickly, the Gryffindor unfolded it. Inside was another animation. Draco's handwriting was moving, but Harry could read it regardless.
"I'm so sorry that I've treated you like trash since first year. I need to keep up the facade for now, until I actually know what's going on between us. D.M.", the note said. Carefully, Harry folded it to a square before he put it in his pocket.
Looking up, Draco was looking at him. Harry flashed a smile before he turned back around to Ron and Hermione.

As the day ended, Harry made his way back to his room.
"And you're sure that you love him, mate?", Ron asked as they were sitting on Ron's bed.
Harry nodded, looking down to the ground.
"Hey, I'm happy for you, man. You're deserving of love", Ron added and Harry smiled.
"Uh, Ron?", Harry said and the redhead looked at him. "Yeah?"
"Are you sure about that the attack from Zabini had absolutely no effect on you?", Harry asked a tiny smirk appeared on his lips.
Ron blushed. "Uh-uh, uh, yeah. I'm absolutely sure", Ron stuttered, Harry could tell that he was lying.
"Ah yeah. Then why did you sit so weirdly at lunch and why did you spend almost 20 minutes in the boys' bathroom? I'm sure it shouldn't take that long to do your business", Harry said and now he was full-on smirking.
"Fine, fine. What Zabini did may or may not have had an effect on me", Ron admitted silently.
"See? I knew it! I knew that you had to get rid of you boner", Harry triumphed, pulling Ron into a very enthusiastic hug.
"Alright man, chill out. All I did was wank, no need to freak out like that", Ron muttered, but he couldn't fight back a small smile.

Ron and Harry chatted for a bit until they were too tired to keep on talking.
Harry fell asleep with a question: How in the world could he show Draco that he truly loved him?

(Wortcount: 1382 words)

Yeet gamers! Another chapter is done! 🤠☁️
The Ron x Blaise action was brought to you by FedEx.
Is Ronmione going to stay strong? Stay tuned for more!
I'mma go now, adios amigos 👋 👋

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