Harry Potter and the chaotic timetable

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»Nobody knows what bothers
you so much.
You haven't told anyone.
But yet you're smiling
in your story everyday,
as if nothing was bothering

"Very good, Mr. Weasley. Very good", Madam Trelawney said as she skimmed through Ron's essay.
Then it was Harry's turn. Madam Trelawney nodded as she read.
"Mr. Potter, everything about your essay is great. But there's one small thing that still bothers me.
In the paragraph "Pandora's relationship to Eve", in your description of the five-act tragedy by Leonard Culman entitled "Ein schön weltlich Spiel von der schönen Pandora" [''A beautiful secular play by the beautiful Pandora''], you misspelled the title.
Instead of 'beautiful secular' you wrote 'beautifully secular', which is not the exact title.
German is a difficult, but not unlearnable language. So, please correct that now. Otherwise, everything is extremely detailed and well written, just as I wanted it", said Madam Trelawney before she moved onto Hermione.

After the double period was over, there was a 20-minute break.
Harry sat down in the Gryffindor common room, joined by Hermione and Ron.
"Honestly, this year has just been draining! The first half was okay, but the second half is killing me!", Harry fretted.
"Yeah, the timetable is so confusing! I don't know what's next up half the time!", said Ron, Hermione rose an eyebrow at that.
She took out her timetable, which she had packed in a plastic wrap. It shouldn't get damaged or anything.
"Well", she began, "I think the timetable is pretty clear."
And with that, she read everything that was on the timetable to Harry and Ron.

1st + 2nd period - Portions Class (Professor Snape [takes turns with Professor Slughorn], 90 minutes, double period)
5-minute break
3rd + 4th period - History Class (Professor O'Sullivan, 90 minutes, double period)
20-minute break
5th period - Care Of Magical Creatures (Professor Kesselbrand, 45 minutes)
6th period - Ghoul studies
1-hour lunch break
7th period - Transfiguration Class (Professor McGonagall, 45 minutes)
8th period - Astronomy Class (Aurora Sinistra, 45 minutes)

"See? Easy", said Hermione with a smile on her face.
Ron scoffed. "Well, Monday is. But have you seen the other days?", he asked.
"Yes. Last time I checked, there were 5 days in a school week", Harry interrupted and Hermione flashed him her best 'oh yeah? Try me!'-look.
"Let's have a look at the other days then", the brunette witch snapped, she was getting tired of this.

1st + 2nd period - Portions Class (Professor Snape [takes turns with Professor Slughorn], double period, 90 minutes)
5-minute break
3rd + 4th period - PE (Madam Hooch, double period, 90 minutes)
20-minute break
5th + 6th period - Biology Class (Professor Nikson, double period, 90 minutes)
1-hour lunch break
7th + 8th period - Pottery Class (Professor Vektor; Arithmancy and Pottery teacher, double period, 90 minutes)

Hermione gave the boys another one of her infamous 'see? I told you, I knew it all along and you guys didn't'-look.
"But- But Wednesday is really confusing", Ron stuttered, he really wanted to prove Harry's and his' point.
And with that Hermione read the subjects for the Wednesday to them.

1st period - Defense against the Dark Arts (Professor Moody, 45 minutes)
2nd period - Pottery Class (Professor Vektor; Arithmancy and Pottery teacher, 45 minutes)
5-minute break
3rd + 4th period - Divination Class (Madam Trelawney, double period, 90 minutes)
20-minute break
5th + 6th period - Flying Lesson (Madam Hooch, double period, 90 minutes)
1-hour lunch break
7th + 8th period - Astronomy Class (Aurora Sinistra, double period, 90 minutes)

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