Knowledge about Panini

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»I was already broken before you been around.
That was permanent, I was hurt it had been a while.
Now we're struggling, looking for some we never find.
I was already empty inside.

I was happier, never alive.
I'll be honest, I'm saying this lie.
Now I'm only alright when I'm high.
And I don't know if I'm doing this right.«

A grin spread out on Harry's lips as he walked into the great hall.
The Gryffindor had seen Flint and Wood, who were sitting across from each other at the Slytherin table.
Hermione appeared next to Harry. "Morning, golden boy", she greeted happily.
"Morning, 'mione", Harry responded.
On Harry's left side was Draco, who was still a bit sleepy.
The three made their way to the left side of the great hall, where they picked up their plates and utensils.

Ron already sat at the Gryffindor table, on his boyfriend's lap. Pansy sat next to the couple, Hermione sat down across from her. Harry and Draco sat down next to Pansy.
"Mornin', losers", Draco said in his usual bored and tired tone.
"You have no idea how much I missed that", Pansy said with a smile and Draco smiled back.
"Guys", Ron suddenly said, chewing a piece of bacon before swallowing, "do you know what's for lunch today? I heard it's something delicious."
"Honestly darling, all kinds of food are delicious to you", Blaise chuckled, "and as far as I know we'll be getting panini sandwiches for lunch."
Ron scoffed. "Oh please! I dislike a lot of foods. Broccolis, Zucchinis, Cucumbers and Blueberries", Ron counted, "but hey, I love me some delicious panini sandwiches!"

Harry turned his head around to the blond-haired Slytherin, who was wrinkling his nose.
"Draco, sweetie, are you alright?", Harry asked concerned and Draco shook his head no.
"It's- It's the tube. The feeling when the liquid starts to flow into my stomach is so weird and I guess it'll take me weeks to get used to that", Draco responded with a pained expression.
Even though he only had the tube in for two days, he had gotten used to the weird looks that he had been receiving.
His friends didn't have the courage to ask him questions regarding his feeding tube yet, but Draco assumed that that was only a matter of time until they'd do so.

"So", Pansy broke the silence, "Draco, can you even eat food while the tube is in or would that fuck things up?"
Hermione shot a 'you-could've-phrased-it-differently'-glare at their girlfriend, which Pansy completely ignored.
"Yeah, I can eat with the tube in. But I don't want to, because I need to learn how to get over my fear of eating first. Plus, Madam Pomfrey said it could hurt a bit and she wouldn't really recommend it, but it's not impossible for me to eat with the tube in", Draco answered and Pansy shot a 'told-you-he-wouldn't-get-offended-by-me-asking-him-that-question'-glare back at Hermione, who only raised an eyebrow at that.

Harry was eating his last bits of scrambled eggs, as Draco asked: "Hey, what lesson do we have now?"
Hermione, the only one who had actually taken time out of her life learning the timetable by heart, quickly responded.
"Potions class, a double period, with Professor Snape. Professor Slughorn will get the next week. I've heard they had a little argument about Professor Snape having way more Potions classes than Professor Slughorn, so they've decided that he'll get to give classes for the next week", Hermione said and Pansy giggled.
"Miss Big Brain is back, here you can see her in her natural habitat", said Pansy in between her giggles, Hermione smiled.
"Soon I'll be Mrs. Parkinson, or she'll be Mrs. Granger. Just watch guys, just watch", the brunette witch said in a cocky tone before she got up to take her empty plate to the right side of the hall, where a 'dishes'-wagon stood.

Later, after Potions class, during the 5-minute break, the Gryffindors and the Slytherins sat down in the Gryffindor common room.
"Am I imagining things now, or did you notice how close Flint and Wood stood next to each other during Potions class?", Hermione asked and Pansy nodded eagerly.
"Merlin, did you see it, too? The romantic energy between them, did you see it, too?", Pansy enthused while her hands formed a heart, which she held up in front of her chest.
"Nonsense", Draco scoffed, "they hate each other. Flint would sell Wood's remains after he killed him without the slightest bit of hesitation. C'mon, Wood literally tears Flint apart with his glares during Quidditch practice. There isn't, I cannot stress this enough, ISN'T anything going on between them. You're probably high or drunk or something."
"Guys, the already sat together at breakfast this morning. No big deal", said Harry, as casually as possible while he continued to massage Draco's neck.
"Anyone wants to bet on how long it will take until we catch Flint and Wood in the changing room together? Y'know, jerking each other off or some stuff like that?", Blaise asked with a smirk on his lips, and everyone looked at him with a confused facial expression. Everyone except for Ron.
"5 galleons", Ron said with a smirk and Blaise smirked back. "Alright."

After four more lessons and a 20-minute break, the lunch break came around.
Harry was more relieved about that because he was quite exhausted.
Draco was even more exhausted. His weakened, emaciated body was almost too weak to handle the busy day at school.
But luckily his friends helped him carry the heavy schoolbag.

The great hall was quite crowded with students, as it always was during the lunch break.
"Paninis! I want paninis!", Ron whined, his stomach had been grumbling since the third period.
"Oh, will you please shut up about your paninis, Ronald McDonald? I'm getting hungry as well", Draco said with a grin.
"No, wait for it, in ten years you'll be the second best man at my wedding. And you'll be responsible for the buffet.
And what will we be having?", Ron said with smirk and Draco rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, hmm. Panini sandwiches?"
"Exactly", said Ron and the two laughed.
Harry, who was carrying Draco's bag, was more than happy when they arrived at the Gryffindor table.
"Let's go get some panino sandwiches!", he said with excitement and the group basically ran over to the left side of the great hall.

Ron was the first one, who got his panini sandwiches.
Slowly but surely the others returned back to the table to devour their panini sandwiches.
"Um, guys", Hermione began, "let me tell you something about panino sandwiches."
"Oh no, not again. Baby, please-", Pansy began, but once her girlfriend wanted to spill her knowledge all over her friends, she was unstoppable.
"Panini is Italian and it means 'small bread' or 'bread rolls' or Panino meaning 'bread roll' is a sandwich made with Italian bread; such as ciabatta, and michetta, usually served warm by grilling or toasting. That's why there is that striped pattern on top of the sandwich", Hermione said, her words laced with pride.
"Can I continue eating my panino imbottito; filled with ham, cheese and mortadella, in peace now?", Harry asked with a cocky smile.
"Eh, yeah, fine", Hermione muttered before she took a bite of her sandwich.
Today's garnish was delicious. A light Greek salad with olives, feta cheese, onions, cucumber slices, and tomatoes.

The autumn holidays were only a couple of weeks away.
Harry couldn't wait to spend these two weeks with his best friend Ron at his house.
He had to ask Ron if Draco could stay there as well, but Harry was certain that Ron would be okay with that.

After all, the two were slowly getting along more and more.

(Wortcount: 1325 words)

Holy cow, what a filler chapter! 🚀🥵
I feel like this didn't turn out very good, hopefully, you all enjoyed this anyway because this took two days to finish.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Signs" by Sleye.
I'mma go now and enjoy my day at a funfair called Phantasialand, the Phantasialand is so awesome, goodbye! 👋🤠

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