What? What's going on now?

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»Please don't go away from me.
Please don't go away from me.
Not yet,
I don't wanna let you go now.
Not again.
It's like every other night.
I fall with you.«

The sun awoke Harry on this bright Thursday morning.
As he looked around in the room, all of his friends were already wide-awake and getting dressed.
Usually, he was one of the first ones that woke up in the morning.
"Harry, how on earth did you manage to sleep while McGonagall's loud voice was making an announcement?", Seamus asked while he put his shoes on.
Harry shook his head in confusion. What was going on?
"What? What's going on now?", the raven-haired Gryffindor asked, words laced with confusion.

Dean turned around to Harry, Seamus was done with putting his tie on.
"McGonagall just announced, that the Yule Ball will occur tonight, not next week", Dean said and Harry's eyes widened.
"B-But Quidditch was exhausting, my shoulders are still hurting", Harry stammered and Neville gave him an apologetic look.
"Sorry mate, it hit us out of the blue, too", Ron said and the others hummed in agreement.
Harry decided to get up, he didn't want to be too late.
Picking up Draco from his room before breakfast would take a while, Harry mentally prepared himself to calm his boyfriend down while said blond-haired Slytherin was having a panic attack.

As soon as Harry was ready, he made his way up that extra flight of stairs to pick up his boyfriend from his room.
Quietly, Harry made his way to Draco's room.
After knocking on the door a few times, the pale Slytherin opened.
"Morning, Harry", Draco said, his voice sounded tired.
"Good morning, Draco", Harry replied, trying to sound as happy and upbeat as possible, which was hard because his whole body was aching and he was tired as all hell.

Luckily, it didn't take Draco that long to get dressed.
He didn't even bother much with his hair, he simply combed it.
"And, Harry, how are you? My body's pretty much aching all over since the match yesterday", Draco asked as he sat down next to Harry.
"My body is aching as well, doing literally anything hurts", the Gryffindor said and Draco smiled weakly.
"Let me give you a quick little massage before we head downstairs to the great hall", Draco offered and Harry nodded, he could really need one right now.

Draco's slim fingers moved over Harry's shoulders, down his back and up to his neck again.
A bit of pressure here, a bit of pressure there - Harry noticed how good Draco was at giving massages.
"Thank you so much, but I want to return the favor now", Harry said after about five minutes and Draco smiled softly.
The Gryffindor quickly put his shirt back on before he unbuttoned Draco's shirt.
Carefully, his fingers started massaging Draco's neck and his back.
Harry's heart sunk a bit because he could easily feel the ribs of blond-haired Slytherin without having to put pressure on his fingers.
His spine was jutting out, too, which scared Harry. How in the world did Draco lose so much weight so quickly?
Well, he knew the answer, but he still didn't fathom how it happened so fast in so little time.

After Harry was done, both quickly made their way downstairs to the great hall.
Nausea washed over Draco's body at the mere sight of the food, but he managed to eat a teeny tiny bit of scrambled egg.

The school day passed by surprisingly fast, much to Harry's delight.
On his way back to his room, he chatted with his boyfriend.
"And what are you going to wear for the Yule Ball later?", Harry asked.
"I wanted to wear a grey suit since I already wore a white one", Draco answered.
"I chose a black suit, with a tie this time. That bow tie wasn't really a good look", Harry said as the memories from the las Yule Ball came back to his mind.

Harry's roommates were already getting ready as Harry entered his room.
Seamus was helping Dean with his bow tie, Neville was polishing his shoes and Ron was combing his hair.
Quickly, Harry put on his suit and combed his hair.
"Are you going to go to the after-party later?", Neville asked Ron, who shook his head no.
"C'mon guys, let's go", Harry said and he left the room.
As the others made their way to the great hall, Harry picked Draco up from his room.

Hermione and Pansy were awaiting the two at the entrance.
"Hermione!", Harry chirped happily, "I knew that you'd look so amazing in green!"
"Aww, thanks! You're looking very good yourself!", the brunette witch complimented.
Pansy was rocking her black suit, the black lipstick on her lips really suited the whole outfit.
Professor McGonagall held a short speech and the Yule Ball began.

Carefully, Harry walked onto the dance floor with Draco.
The two began dancing to the slow music that the orchestra was playing.
Neville and Luna were really killing it with their choreography, that they had prepared for this evening.
Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil arrived a bit later because Parvati's make up routine had taken very long.

Draco put his head on Harry's shoulder after the two sat down somewhere at the side of the dance floor.
"And did you like the Ball, babe?", Harry asked as he caressed Draco's hand.
"Yeah, but I'm very tired now. Do you want to go upstairs to my room?", Draco asked with a wink and Harry nodded.
The two left the Ball, Dean and Seamus did as well.

Hermione and Pansy went, a little bit tipsy, back to Pansy's room.
Professor McGonagall announced later, that the photos from the Yule Ball were going to be pinned to the black wooden board right next to the trophy room.

And with that, another fun day at Hogwarts ended.
Harry knew, that he'd to get up very early tomorrow because Madam Trelawney had planned something 'cool' for her lesson.
The raven-haired Gryffindor couldn't wait to find out what it was.

(Wortcount: 1033 words)

Another chapter's done! 🥵🤙
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Just Cuz We're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They're Not Onto Us" by Yoshi Flower.
On the day I'm writing this chapter it's July 31st. Happy 39th birthday to Harry James Potter!!
Like I said before, if something about my writing style annoys you, feel free to point it out.
I'll leave now, bye! 👋🤠

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