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Theme: Endurance, getting back up on your feet, shutting unimportant opinions out.
Have you ever been bullied?
Forced to think involuntarily that you are not good enough?
"Your accent is weird".
"You are getting fat".
"Your nose is too big".
"Why do you pretend to be a know-it-all?".
"No offense, but your forehead is too broad".
I have.

Do you know what it does to a person?
Rips their confidence.
Drowns them in self-pity.
Makes them doubt themselves to their very core.

But after wallowing in these stupid thoughts what happens is that you gain strength to endure.
You stop crying over the despicable remarks of insignificant people.
This immunity makes you stronger and you become a better version of yourself.

Hang in there.
Hajirah Writes

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