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Theme: Talking about insecurities without understanding the sensitivity that its corelated with
We all say that insecurities tear one apart. We all talk about how your looks do not matter. We all say that other's comments do not amount to anything.

But one just does not understand this unless the person personally experiences that.
You just don't. Do not argue with me on this.

I never regarded a single thought about me being fat or chubby until the day people started to point it out in public.

People only say things about insecurities because it sounds "cool" when you talk about it as it makes you look "educated" but the reality is that this is just a part of hypocrisy of our society.
We have created an image and if a person happy with himself does not satisfy those traits people shun and shame him to the point he drowns himself in self-doubt.

What kind of generation are we trying to build?
Hajirah Writes

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