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zach's cheeks were already flushed red once he answered the call. jack was in complete awe.

'hi bub,' he smiled snugly, zach's hands flying up to his mouth once a giggle elicited from his lips. jack had previously decided it was his favourite sound.

'oh my god, when you say it it's even better,' zach squeals, placing his palms to the crimson of his face.

jack was in complete admiration of the boy. everything about him- his babyface, gorgeous body, perfectly fluffy hair all the way to his beaming smile, undeniable energy and endless humor. seeing the younger made his chest feel fuzzy, his fingertips agitate, anything going through his head seemed to disappear. jack felt secure while speaking to zach, even if it was only through the illuminating screen of his phone.

'zach, you know if i was in texas right now i'd cuddle the shit out of you,' jack chuckled, the thought of the feat almost hurting his mind.

imagine holding zach, imagine zach asking you to hold him. damn.

zach struggled to find words. 'that would be.. that would be insane.' zach's eyes wandered off the screen, in deep thought. jack's lips curled upwards, just the sight of zach made him smile unconditionally.

'whatcha thinking about, bub?' jack asked, zach's shoulders shrugging drowsily following the question. his eyes had a newfound glossy sheen.

zach sighed. 'don't know.. just that, like..' he paused, beginning to blink rapidly, his adam's apple clenching every few seconds. 'that i don't know if i'll ever get to see you in person,' he sniffled, tears brimming his waterline, 'or hug you, or run my fingers through your curls, or-'

he was interrupted by a single tear trickling down his cheek, soon accompanied by more small droplets, tear tracks starting to stain his rosy red cheeks- he dug his face into the palms of his hands, hating that jack had to see him like this.

quiet sobs escaped from his lips, increasing in volume by the second. 'j-jack,' zach's voice strained, sorrow entangled throughout his words, 'i wanna hug you so bad.' the tears didn't stop.

jack's heart ached along with the boy. 'baby, i-' he stopped as the word left his mouth.

zach's head sprung up, eyes wide, yet still bright red. 'd-did you just?'

jack's head dropped to his chest, he let out a small chuckle. looking up, he acknowledged, 'yeah. yeah, i did.'

zach inhaled an extensively loud sniffle, wiping the tears that had been constantly pouring out of his eyes. he laughed slightly, being ceased by the pain in his throat, smiling up at jack. he continuously ran his fingers across his under eyes while he spoke, 'fuck off jack, you had me bawling my eyes out cause i don't think i'm ever gonna get to hug you, then you call me baby and i just-' the two stared intently at each other, resulting in a gigglefest. 'i need a kleenex,' zach got up to grab a box full of them, coming back to take his seat once again.

'you just what?' jack questioned as zach blew his nose, not sure as to what the boy was going to say.

zach used another kleenex to try to dab the tear stains covering his face away. 'i don't know, j, made me feel happy.' made me feel as if we're together.

'well, baby, i guess it's fine for me to call you this now,' jack stated, not needing any response. zach still nodded nervously, cheeks blusher than ever.

's-so,' zach started, 'now will you call me bub and baby?'

jack grinned cheekily, cherishing zach's undeniable curiosity. 'of course. plus z, zach, zachy, the sorts.'

zach watched as jack ruffled his fingers down his mess of curls, wishing he could do the same to the boy across the country. 'jack, i don't have any good names to call you. like, ones that make you feel special just like mine.'

'zach, please,' jack insisted, 'just the sound of your voice, knowing that it's speaking to me makes me feel special.'

zach buried his head in his hands once again, embarrassed as to how idiotic his smile probably looked. 'jack, stop, you're making me blush too much.'

'yes, my little blushy boy,' jack said, using his baby voice.

'jack avery,' zach uncovered his face. 'stop being so cute. i can't fucking handle it.'

'sorry, baby.' jack ended up chuckling, he knew zach would love that.

of course, he was right. 'oh my fuck jack you have to stop, i'm gonna start to cry again,' zach whined, rubbing his eyelids as they shut.

'baby, don't cry, mkay? i promise soon enough my arms will be wrapped around you,' jack sighed, knowing it probably wouldn't be soon. he wished it could be.

'j, you don't know that,' zach looked on the verge of tears once again.

jack nearly could've cried with him. 'i know i don't, but i promise it'll happen one day, okay?'


zach looked down, pouting. jack longed to hold the boy within his grasp, almost attempting to reach through the screen and grab zach. maybe that was the next step for technology.

zach met jack's eyes again, before asking vulnerably, 'jack?'


'a- am i allowed to call you baby too?'

a smile embedded itself onto jacks lips. 'of course, z.'


zach yawned, and though it was only the middle of day for the younger, he hadnt gotten much sleep last night. jack took account to this, realizing the boy should take a rest.

'bub? you look tired, have a nap.'

zach shook his head, coincidentally yawning at the same moment. 'i- i wanna talk to you, though.'

'i'll always be here,' jack reassured, 'you need sleep, zach.'

zach frowned, finally giving in and laying his head down on his pillow. he pulled a blanket over himself, eyes shutting almost instantly. jack internally cooed.

'have a good sleep, baby. talk to you later,' jack whispered, before ending the call.

it was unfortunate, because jack hadn't had the time to hear zach's final words before he was fully submerged into dreamland. jack most definitely would've liked to hear them.

'i love you, baby.'


this. is. the. cutest. thing. i've. ever. written. fight me

i'm so soft right now FUCK i love this book

hah y'all thought she was back
but like she's supposed to be back tmmr
so like
YAY 😳🥳
anyway this is probably the last time imma update 🥺💆🏻‍♀️
goodnight luv u
~ mehnaz

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