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‘babe, i'm in such a bitchy mood right now,’ zach pouted as their call loaded. ‘i kinda feel angry, but like if i start yelling at someone i'm gonna cry like a fucking child. you know?’

jack sighed at his helpless boyfriend, knowing exactly what zach meant as it was a regular feeling for the younger. it was oddly normal for the seventeen year old to have mood swings like these, he had no diagnosis or anything– it's just who he was.

‘what can i do to make you feel better, love?’ jack questioned caringly, his voice's tone soothing to zach.

zach bit his lip, looking down to his lap. ‘uh, hug me?’

jack's heart melted at the words, yet annoyed at himself as the only thing his boyfriend wanted was comepletely unattainable. ‘baby, you know i can't do that.’

‘no shit,’ zach mumbled, rubbing his closed eyelids with his fingertips. he let out a shaky breath of air, immediately sensing a wave of vulnerability course through his veins, a shiver cashing his body to twitch involuntarily.

‘babe, i'm not in the mood to cry right now,’ zach whined, the feeling of salty water clouding his vision returning.

the young boy hated that it wasn't unfamiliar.

‘love, if you have to cry, then cry. i'm here, okay?’

zach nodded vigorously, attempting to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. instead his eyes throbbed, and he choked on a retained tear, that eventually was let out along with many others.

‘but babe!’ zach cried out, ‘you're not actually here, you're on the other side of the fucking country, and i'm never even gonna be able to feel your skin on the tips of my fingers. i just hate distance, i hate it.’

zach buried his face into his palms, coating them with continuous droplets, loud sobs and hiccups leaving his lips.

an ache forged itself into jack's chest, filled with fury, sorrow, and joy.

angry because distance fucking sucked. sad because jack hated seeing his boy in this state. happy because damn, how he loved cheering the one he loves most up.

‘love?’ jack whispered, the simple word barely coherent. it was easily heard by zach, though.

‘mhm?’ zach hummed, not daring to budge.

‘look at me, baby.’ jack smiled as zach's head rose slowly, their eyes meeting in a vulnerable stare. ‘i know i might not be able to come to texas, or give you a hug, or kiss your perfect lips, or let you fall asleep in my arms– but please don't let that get to you, okay? one day it's gonna happen, and until then we'll just have to be happy the way we are. i'm the luckiest boy alive to have you, you know? and just because i'm not able to wrap my arms around your waist doesn't mean that we're any less than a couple who sees eachother every day. i love you, zach. let those words stick, they're just as important as any hug will ever be.’

the curly haired boy sat up tall, proud of the words he'd let leave his lips, yet confused at how effortlessly they were spoken.

still, he tried to hide the confusion.

‘god jack,’ zach muttered, ‘why are you literally the best person on this entire fucking planet?’

the older's cheeks flushed, mimicking zach's on the other side of the screen.

speaking of, zach's eyes broadened drastically. ‘wait– babe. are you a blushy boy?’

the words only caused the heat rising towards jack's face to increase, moving his head up and down anxiously in a nervous nod.

zach giggled happily, clapping his hands together childishly.

‘there's the smiley soft boy that i love,’ jack pointed out, heart fluttering as zach blew him a lingering kiss from the device.

‘babe, pretend it flies to your lips, mkay?’ he told the jack, blowing a few more before beginning to burst into a gigglefest.

‘love,’ jack chuckled, ‘are you okay?’

zach couldn't help but smile snugly, shrugging his shoulders, though not in denial. ‘i'm better now, babe. you made me happy.’

jack could've died happy after the words.

but of course he couldn't, for once his life was actually going in the right direction. zach meant everything to him, and jack couldn't wait for the day where he could pick the boy up, give him hoodies to wear, kiss his forehead or have him rest his head into the crook of his own neck.

‘i'm glad to hear that, bub. i love making you happy.’

zach's lips tugged upwards, staying in the position while he stated,

‘good. you'll be doing a lot of that these days.’


the amount of times i rewrote this chapter–

anyways stream soul searching by bazzi for clear skin, ifly

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