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jack's taller than zach, so like go w it. also this is fr happening


'please hurry,' jack spoke cheerfully as he entered the passenger's seat of the uber. the boy couldn't contain his excitement.

'where're you headed?' the driver questioned absentmindedly, forgetting the fact that jack's destination had already been programmed into his gps.

jack sighed contently. 'i'm going to meet my boyfriend, who lives in texas. the more i talk about it the more i wanna cry,' his smile widened with every word.

'did you meet him online?' the man asked, jack noticing the feathery blonde hair falling in front of his forehead. upon receiving a nod from the curly haired boy, he added, 'i'm assuming you're excited?'

'so fucking excited,' jack mumbled, 'excuse my language.'

'it's perfectly fine. i'm eben, by the way.'

the eager boy took a deep breath. 'jack.'


the two ended up making deep conversation, exchanging texting usernames towards the completion of the ride. jack ended up telling the older boy about everything, from the ridiculous actions of his foster mother to his absolute devotion towards zach.

eben had never encountered anyone more infatuated to someone than jack was to his boyfriend. it was pure insanity.

'we're here, jack,' eben announced, jack's heart picking up speed in an instant. they pulled into the parking lot, which was somewhat vacant.

that's when jack saw him.

'holy shit,' he croaked out, eyes strictly drawn to one thing and one thing only- his boy.

zach was even prettier than in the pictures.

adorned in an oversized t-shirt and baggy sweatpants, the small boy looked entirely like a teddy bear, and all jack could think to do was squeeze the life out of him. rosy cheeks accentuating in the sunshine, zach's babyface was unquestionably more than what jack had expected it to be, he was truly glowing. the expression on zach's face was subtle, his chocolate brown eyes darting from left to right in hopes of finding the noodle headed boy he'd fallen for. zach looked downright stunning.

jack was utterly in love.

'oh come on,' eben's obnoxious voice startled jack, 'get out of this fucking car and go see him already!' the blonde lightly shoved his shoulder. 'i'll keep your luggage in the trunk until you come get it, and no i don't give a shit if it's in an hour. you looked so damn happy when you saw that kid, jack. go give each other the love you both deserve.'

nodding apprehensively, jack stepped out of the car, breathing slowly to calm himself down. as he maneuvered himself through parked cars, trying to remain hidden, he muttered to himself, 'zach's twenty feet away from you, jack. stop being a fucking dick and go hug the love of your life.'

so that's what he did.

zach was turned in the opposite direction, not paying attention to the person standing directly behind him. jack placed a hand atop his own chest, feeling his heart accelerate hastily at an abnormal pace. this was about to happen.

'zach,' jack breathed out, nearly choking on the word.

zach's body quickly whipped backwards, and for a moment time froze. it was only the two of them in the world, nothing else existed other than the love whirling throughout their now trembling bodies. zach would've screamed if his throat hadn't gone completely dry.

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