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chapter 100 baby


'zach, love..' jack breathed out into his boy's ear, cooing as all zach did was squirm around within his hold, an inevitable pout adorning his cheeks. he greedily stuffed his nose into jack's chest, eyes squished tight.

'babe, don't wanna move,' zach whined, an annoyed whimper leaving his lonesome lips. 'want kisses,' he continued, puffing his blushing cheeks as he lifted his gaze to meet his boyfriend's.

the curly haired sat up, hoisting zach by underneath his armpits to straddle his waist, the boy dead weight atop jack's lap. zach immediately fell forwards, head conveniently landing right above jack's shoulder, a blank canvas for passionate, purple love marks and bites.

the younger wasted no time, pressing soft kisses to jack's neck, teeth grazing the smooth skin. as they began to make contact, zach's tongue entered the picture, leaving intricate wet trails across the crevices of his neck, sucking gently.

'l-love,' jack stammered with a dry chuckle, 'you didn't mean real kisses?'

puzzled, zach raised his head unhesitatingly, a single eyebrow elevated. 'am i not doing a good job?

undergoing a pang of guilt, jack placed a hand to the back of his boy's head, lightly pushing it back to its previous position. 'you're doing wonderful. makes me feel good, yeah?'

'mhm,' zach hummed against jack's neck, sending bursts of pleasure throughout the older's figure. he let out a hushed moan, adoring the sound of zach's giggle as he pulled off. 'everyone knows you're all mine now, babe,' zach smiled giddily, awaiting jack's reassurance.   

'they all know who i belong to, right, darling?'

zach shook his head firmly. 'no, no. you don't belong to me- i belong to you because you take care of me,' he argued innocently, laying his head over his lover's heart, enjoying the faint pitter patter of jack's heartbeat.

jack's stomach curdled.

'the things you make me feel, bub,' jack sighed contently, running a hand through zach's fluff of hair. he pressed a loving kiss to his baby's forehead, wishing he could stay in the position forever.

'you are my happy place, babe,' zach murmured, barely coherent. 'i don't know what i would do without you.' he paused, sniffling lowly, shaking his head swiftly. 'i don't know what i'm gonna do when i'm not with you..' his voice went inaudible fast, mood switching in an instant.

'i don't wanna leave you, jack. i just want to be in your arms forever.'

jack left infinite kisses over zach's face, finishing off with his baby's soft, pink lips. 'we'll always be together, babes. love sticks together. even if we're not in the same room, it doesn't mean our hearts aren't.'

'did jonah tell you that?' zach asked purely, looking up to meet his boyfriend's gaze.

'yes, why?'

the small boy smiled genuinely. 'he told me the same thing.'

at that, the two rested in their same position, tangled within each other, happy simply by the other's presence.


pretty sure i've ended something with that before but it's cute so #yolo

but 100 chapters wtf! i love this book and i love you even more

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