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most of y'all wanted jachary. so jachary it is!


‘hi, my love,’ jack grinned gleefully as zach's face popped up onto his screen.

the younger's heart swelled at the nickname, sighing contently.

jack couldn't help but feel elated by the fact that his boy finally seemed genuinely happy. no signs of any worries wracking his mind, nerves shocking his system, tears on the brink of letting loose.

the only action that could possibly make the moment better would be wrapping his arms around the boy, kissing his soft pink lips, lacing their fingers together, sparks creating fireworks among their skin. though that obviously wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

(or would it mwahahahahahah)

‘what's got you so smiley, bub?’ jack asked joyfully, only expecting a giggly shrug from the boy.

his expectations weren't met. ‘you,’ zach stated confidently, causing an exhilarating bliss to roam around jack's heart.

‘really, love?’ the older responded, earning a high-spirited nod from zach.

‘mhm,’ the boy started, ‘you've been making me extra cheery lately, babe. i haven't cried in like, a whole week.’

jack cooed at his boyfriend. he was so insanely adorable and so insanely innocent, to anyone else in the world this boy was helpless. it was jack, and only jack, who worked the magic we know today as love, and brought the best out of zach, his carefree, humorous, unconstrained side that hadn't come out in years. zach meant everything to jack, but what the older didn't realize was that he truly saved zach's life– zach wouldn't of survived without him.

and what jack hadn't deciphered either– he wouldn't of made it without zach as well.

jack was so concentrated on the boy shown on his small device that he didn't hear the obnoxious stomps of feet trudging up the stairs, or the audible steps that increased in volume as they approached his room.

‘you're amazing,’ jack breathed out. ‘you're the most amazing person on the planet, zach. and you're mine. life really doesn't seem real sometimes.’

eyes peaked through the microscopic sliver of jack's door that remained ajar– this being a rule in the household. of course, jack wasn't paying attention to the small opening in his room. he only cared about zach.

‘you make me the happiest boy in the world, babe,’ zach utters, full of delight. ‘i can't wait until the day you get to hold me.’

‘gonna be the best day of my life, love.’

the boys then shared a silence. not a tense silence, nor an awkward one. a peaceful silence, a settling one. the kind of silence where everything just seems to fall perfectly in place.

kind of reminiscent to the last piece of a puzzle. what you've been working on for so long, finally completed, everything fits seamlessly. you're proud, proud of what you've accomplished, proud of the finished puzzle.

that's exactly what zach and jack were feeling. proud, of not only themselves, but of their lover as well. they made it. they're here. even across the country, it didn't matter. they were happy, and that was the most important factor of this entire experience.

‘i love you, zach,’ jack whispered purely, and in that exact moment, everything felt right.

however, all good moments always come to an end.

jack's door slammed open, a booming noise roaring through the entire house, and zach's as well.

jack jumped, literally, out of his own skin. he nearly screamed– the feat shocking him, but moreso, zach.

jack clasped his phone tightly in his hand, heart exceeding its regular pace as his foster mom stood in the doorway.

fuck, why now? not in front of zach, was all jack could think.

‘jack robert avery,’ the woman gritted through a clenched jaw, ‘who the fuck are you talking to?’

‘i-i, n-n-no-no one,’ jack stuttered, only worried about his boy on the other side of the line.

his foster mom scoffed. ‘that's not no one, jack. it was a boy, and you told the boy you loved him. do you know what that's telling me?’

jack let out a shaky breath.

with that, zach's screen went black.


*smiles innocently*

ok i pulled an ashlee -seaveysherronxo WATCHU GON DO AB IT

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