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he walked slowly forward, pushing you backwards, still holding onto to your shoulder and covering your mouth.

"now, thank god no one is around. they are watching the other villain." he said to no one at all, "i'm taking you somewhere and keeping you there. to lure the heroes in." you felt a shiver flow up your spine and the burning agony on your shoulder still pulsing by the second. tears threatened to fall and the sun was blinding you as he forced you to looked at it.

"this might be the last time you see the sun." he spoke again, you could almost hear the smile play across his face. he pushed you into an alleyway and your hand immediately flies to your shoulder. you pull the corner of your top down to reveal your shoulder and gasp. a patch of skin was blood red and your top had a small dampness to it. there were small cracks going down, flowing onto your neck and down halfway on your arm. it hurt like hell and you realise that you were crying. one stray tear falls down onto the wound and you go to scream as a searing pain starts from the salty water's contact.

"w-what do you want?" you asked through clenched teeth, stifling a groan of pain, remembering what you mom always told you... 'don't show weakness.' you forced a smile, "you know. y-you could actually... do worse. should i thank you? for not... killing me?"

"yes you should." he stated, taking a step towards you. you took a step away walking back wards as he walked forwards, fear pumping through your veins. you jolted as you hit the wall with you wounded shoulder first. he was stood right in front of you. "i want the heroes dead. i want you dead after as you wont be of any use to me." he answered the first question, "unless i just use you as a torturer toy." he whispered and the hairs on your neck prickle.

"well you can't get... anywhere from... here," you speak, unclenching your teeth but taking sharp, ragged breaths, "can you?"

"no. that is why i'm taking you with me," he smiled at you and took your wrist. this time there was nothing. no pain at all. but then you were being dragged, to where a group of people were stood. you don't remember seeing them when you first arrived in the alley. all warning's in you head were set off as you recognised who they were. these are the league of villains. you wanted to cry out, plead for help but that wouldn't work. they could kill you before you could even open your mouth.

you decide to play his little game and continue to walk, no longer resisting.

"Tomura Shigaraki~" the blond one, Toga, if you remember correctly, spoke. "you actually got someone for once." you looked at Shigaraki and saw that he smiled. but it was a dark smile.

"look let's just go and get this over with." it was a dark haired male. his name was Dabi, your mom told you when you were younger. you frowned and then spoke to them.


they all looked at you and Toga walked over to you, "why? why?!" she repeated, getting in your face, "well, we need a human sacrifice to bring those stupid heroes down." she pushed you and then added, "that sacrifice is you~" she turned away and they start walking, Shigaraki dragging you behind him. you let out a loud sigh and then whimpered in pain as the agony you once felt in your shoulders transferred into you wrist. now both were in agony and you just wished you could be killed that very moment.

"come on, we haven't got all day." he said, pulling on your wrist again, but not hurting you with his quirk.


you had an escape plan now and you felt like it would work. you slowly sneak a wire from your free hand to slowly wrap around Dabi's foot. after that you pulled on the wire and he fell to the floor. when you heard the thud you release your wire and shoot a new one as soon as Shigaraki accidentally let go of you. it griped onto the roof of one of the surrounding houses and you ran to get enough momentum to swing over and get on the roof. as you ran, you heard Shigaraki curse and run after you. you felt like you would be escape before, but all that vanished as soon as you tried to jump. you were at least 5 feet in the air, fear mixed with adrenaline coursing through your veins, when he gained on you and grabbed your ankle. your scream as you try to stop the momentum and stop any future damage to your leg, but you couldn't. you heard a sicking crunch and someone scream. it was you. the agony was unreal, not as bad as the burning sensation in your shoulder and wrist, but still agony. the wire lost grip as it was thrown around threw the air along with you. you turn to see your leg was completely twisted making you want to gag. tears filled your eyes as Shigaraki grabbed you and picked you up, walking into this purple swirling thing that you didn't recognise at first.

Pain || Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now