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i found Y/N laying on the floor, her cheeks damp with tears. she was asleep, her breath shaky, even in sleep, intoxicated with tears. i picked her up bridal style and made my way to the base. guilt swam over me as i went back to the League that decided to go inside what Yuii managed to salvage from the rubble. Yuii was sat with Dabi and Toga, the same familiar tense posture with sadness tracing her eyes, along with determination. she stood up and looked at me and Y/N, but i didn't look at her. i wanted to see what she managed to salvage. there were only three rooms she manged to save, one was the living room, the other a kitchen and then the other one was... the room i hurt Y/N in. this was a good back-up base... shame it exploded.

"Dad, is Y/N hurt?"

"no she's fine... i think." i lay her down on the now empty sofa and ran a hand through her hair.

"i found the body..." i looked at Yuii then, her ears were drooped, along with her tail, with despair and guilt.

"it wasn't your fault, Yuii."

"if i was fast enough we'd all be fine!" she shouted suddenly. Yuii never shouted.

"do not raise your voice at me, Yuii." i spoke in a firm tone that i used whenever she got like this. after all... she's quite dangerous.

"shut up! you don't understand! you were not there and you won't ever be there! i was!" she barked at me, "i had to watch it all and try and save them! i could not do it without causing death! that is all i'm good for!"

"that's where your wrong, Yuii."

"oh yeah, i'm useful to All For One." she sighed, "sorry i missed that off, dad." 

"not just him! you are useful to me, Yuii!"

"for the same reason!" i was too blind to notice the tears forming in her eyes as she approached me, "to kill! once i've done that you have no use for me other than using me as you knife sharpener." she glared at Toga then, with a look of pure hatred, "i'm literally your secret weapon... your assassin." she stood in front of me, her hand curling into a fist until her knuckles were white.

"at least you have a use." i said, "now go show Dabi where the body is so he can help you... we'll decide what to do with Y/N's opinion.

she may have looked hurt, but that got her to shut up. she walked off slightly before Dabi walked next to her and stroked her hair, whispering something to her. they walked off together to where D/N must have been. Y/N was still asleep.

she looked cold so i went off and got my jacket, laying it on her and making it sure it kept her warm. she started to cry out slightly in her sleep, with small groans and whimpers, then, for no reason... just an instinct, i lay behind her and wrapped my arms, careful of my hands, around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder as i held her close to me. soon after, the whimpers stopped and her breathing calmed, she even grew more relaxed. i smiled, not my freakish smile - so i've been told - but a normal smile. 

after i while, sleep grew over me like moss and i succumbed to it.


you woke up to feel someone's arms wrapping over your waist. you moved slightly and looked to see the same, familiar arms of Shigaraki holding you close to him. a smile wove onto your lips, even though you felt broken inside. you moved your arm behind you until your hand came into contact with his hair. stroking the blue hair. strangely comforting.

even with the demon clawing at your mind, making its way in again...

Pain || Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now