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I sent a message to Y/N, "are you coming or not?", as I walked down the street to her collage. The cool, evening breeze was gentle on my warm face. It was a great contrast from the morning where it was really hot. Every time I thought my phone vibrated, I checked it, to which I found out it didn't even vibrate! It was making me feel really angry at the fact that she wasn't even responding to me! She's been there with the League for nearly two weeks, I just hope the heroes plan works...

As I walked, I bumped into someone that looked similar to Y/N, he had the same E/C eyes. His hair was white and he had freckles. His expression was agitated and stressful and his stance, from which he didn't move out of since we collided, was tense. He wore ragged clothing, almost as if he hadn't cleaned it in a long time...

No... it couldn't be.

"Eito...?" I asked, staring at him. He looked at me with his deep, E/C eyes, a psychotic grin playing across his face.

"hello... Katsuki!" his grin widened, sending a slight chill down my spine, "where's my sister?" he cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Why the hell would i tell you?! She probably doesn't even remember you!" I yelled, "let me past, or i'll blow you back to the physicist hospital!" he flinched but grinned again.

"well, it's gone... thrown into the black hole... BURNT TO THE GROUND!" he smirked at me...

his quirk... what was it?

"I like to call it Destruction... I can destroy anything I want..." he answered my unspoken question with hatred.

"but how? I thought they had you contained..." i asked, lowering my hands slightly.

"oh they did, but one lady was quite nice... and gave me a lot of pleasure." he smirked at me and stuck his tongue out, "like you'd know what that is anyway!" he chuckled darkly, "any who... after that she forgot to lock me back up... and I slowly sent the place to hell." he smiled, then he moved out my way, "i'm done talking to you, i'm very bored." he bowed slightly in a mocking way before continuing.

and so did i.


You turned your phone on to see 4 message and one missed call. they were all from Katsuki Bakugo. You go onto your messages and read them, your eyes all puffy from crying.

Hey where are you?

Are you still coming?

I need to know I can't make teriyaki by myself, yours is the best.

Are you coming or not?!

You quickly typed a response that read;

I don't know if they'd let me but I can try.

Good, I'll wait for you...

You slowly stand up and wipe your eyes once more, trying to blast away the negativity in your mind. But they would just resurface every single time you tried. After a deep breath, you walked out the room holding your phone close to you. Shigaraki was in the living room area, sat down staring at the small TV. Dabi was no where to be seen and Toga was talking to someone else... you couldn't recall who they were in that moment, the remains of the book still burnt your mind.

"I... I need to go somewhere." You bravely declared, which got your attention from all three of them.

"Oh? And where is that?" Shigaraki turned to face you, the hand on his face wasn't there, so you could actually see what he looked like again.

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