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I'm back on break again, just so you know as i didnt come back last time when i really felt better I only came back because i felt guilty as people were asking me "when are you gonna publish" and stuff like that and I felt like I was just making things worse the more I was on break. My mind is still all over the place with guilt and other negative emotions so it stops me from writing because it tells me my writing sucks and that people were right and other non important things.

I hope to be back soon and if you ever need to talk to me (even whilst I'm on a break) about certain things I will reply and will be listening to you.

Hopefully I'll be back soon, I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience this causes but I need to fully focus on finally managing to write without feeling so terrible. I've put it on here because a lot of my followers read this book and plus it's my main book. If you're just a reader i am really sorry for the breaks, haha, and I'm hoping to be back asap.

I love you all and I'll see you when I'm not having mental breakdown like the chicken nugget I am.


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