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I sat there and opened up my journal labelled subject 436528 and took out a pen to write today's events on my sister. God I wish I could kill her but that wasn't given to me as an order... I have to inject this substance into subject 436528 and dependent on the outcome she would either be alive or die. Then, if it works, I could kill her.

And I will make I her last living moments hell... because it worked. Subject 436528, the girl from a different world, my sister... the monster that caused my mother to hate me, she's finally shown her true colours. Exactly as the boss wanted - a demon from some world labelled as "unknown" for now - some creature bred for destruction. I wonder if my sister even loved our mother... did she even know what she was? Probably not... she'd spent years like a normal human... but the earth has evolved... and with so has these strange creatures.

I read through the most recent few of the entry's before continuing.

Day 12

The substance is working... so far we've only seen a few changes but they were what we wanted. She isn't answering the questions we asked her, she just stares in the distance saying the second option we gave her "pass" and then we'd move on to the next question. Her eyes are changing, going a darker E/C with black instead of the whites, then back to normal. I've also noticed how whenever I hurt her, brake her bones, stab her E.t.c she doesn't scream, she only says random things like "I can't wait for karma" or "he's going to kill you..."

Is he shigaraki? Cause if so, I can just make him go poof. Gone. Forever. Anyway, I have to get back to the boss, if I don't I will be the person being tortured instead of her. Damn, if that happens can I destroy the weaponry used?

Eito out.

Day 13

I am really proud of what I've done... she's slowly showing her true self, what these demons look like. I wonder why they exist... we were always told they didn't. That it was just quirks and superheroes... but what was to say that these demons didn't exist...? The world changed right? Ages ago people were normal, no quirks... just normal humans, then they developed...

What if they developed further? That's the question we ask everyday. But now we know - they did. My sister is one of them. I've also found out through research that it is inherited or developed at a very young age. I wonder what it was for Y/N... I guess i would have to find dad to find out... Whoohoo... sarcasm by the way.

If I can over power him, I'll do the test on him - see if he's the same.

Anyway, subject 436528 has developed well, she's finally showing her true self, her eyes changing for longer periods of time, even the patterns on the demons faces show sometimes too, they're astonishing if you ask me. The last stage is her wings... Will they show? Hopefully... I want to end her so badly - to watch her burn before me.

Eito out.


I went ahead and scrawled today's events into the journal. Writing about hot on day 14 her wings have made an appearance and we caught on camera the true demon inside of her. She was saying something in a different language entirely. I thought my sister was normal... I wish she was... but I guess she not.

And now the fun will begin...



I stood there, watching as Yuii tried to use some tracker I put in Y/N. So far the signal wasn't good, but we were getting somewhere... I just hoped that Eito didn't take it out...

I took 3 hours to find her location - or the trackers location. She was in some abandoned building north of our location. Yuii seemed proud of her work but I couldn't hear what she was saying - I was already moving, walking to where the rest of league sat. I caught her frown and watched as eyes suddenly went sad. But still I walked.

"We are going to find and save Y/N..."  I whispered to everyone. They all stared at me, it felt like they could see through my walls, my mask hiding the true me. Don't let then see

I turned then and grabbed my mask, putting it on and running out into the night, letting the darkness swallow me up as I followed the plain blinking light of the device in my pale hands. I couldn't think of anything other than Y/N...

"I will save you..."


You sat there, confusion and anger filling you up like something explosive - your brother standing there holding the ignition... a gun. Pointed at your head, it's  metal glinting mockingly. A horrid grin was etched into his face as he smiled, his pinky finger hovering slightly to stop the gun from "poofing" out of his pale grip. You stood, thanks to the boy next to you, bravely, staring at your brother.

"Go on then, shoot me." You said, and then grinned, "I dare you!" He rolled his eyes but his grin widened.

"Well, now that you say that it's just making me want to stand here even longer."

You sighed and hung your head, "come on then, make it longer."

"Oh I will..." he said and walked over to you, hitting you with the butt of the gun.

Instead of screaming, you laughed. And you laughed. And you laughed.

Ah don't forget about the drip, drip, drip, Y/N.

"Shoot her and die." A familiar voice called out. Your brother turned around.

"Shigaraki, well..." he smiled, "what a surprise!"

"Shigaraki...?" You asked, staring into the eyes of the blue haired original, better captor. He looked at you, a longing in his eyes, "h-help..." you looked at him, begging him to help you.

And that's when a voice explained everything to you...

Who you were...

What happened...

What will happen...

And that someone had a too familiar voice... someone that you missed.

Your mother.

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