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You turned around, your heart thumping through your ear drums, to see shigaraki holding onto you with a vice like grip. You felt cold all of a sudden, as you stared into his dark, lifeless eyes.

"i-i.. um... i." you stuttered, unable to think of something as an excuse.

"escaping?" he asked, not using his quirk on you yet, but hurting your wrists with his iron grip. you didn't respond and just hung your head in shame. you actually thought you would be able to escape, but you obviously could not. he placed his hand under your chin and lifted you head up so you were facing him properly, and smiled, the same smile he smiled when he gave you the food. you were freaking out inside, as a sudden impulse burst through you. what was this feeling? you shook your head to try and snap yourself out of that feeling. it worked, after a bit, but confusion replaced it. "well, i'd like to see you try." he moved his hand away from your chin but didn't let go of your wrist. the smile was terrifying, not a normal, human smile. you felt tears in your eyes as his grip tightened, causing his nails to dig into your bare skin.

"p-please, let go." you whispered, "i-i won't try to escape again." your voice kept dropping as you were dragged into the room that had one chair in it. the room was painted black and so was the floor.

"fine." he let go of your wrists and you rubbed them, trying to rub the soreness away, "this room is painted black, a kind of black that absorbs light. it also a soundproofed room." he turned to you and takes your hands in his, finally using his quirk, "no one can hear your screams!" he pushed you onto the chair and, as the door slowly swung close, he tied your wrists down, so you couldn't move away, according to him.

and so, the pain begun. he started by slowly removing the damaged skin of your palms, then went to your right hand wrist, the opposite to where toga scrapped her diamond into your pale skin, and carved a few letters; "T.L.O.V T.S" you weren't screaming, to your own surprise, but crying. begging for a hero to come and save you.

"w-what do those letters stand for?" you asked quietly, the darkness pressing down on you, making you drown in your pain.

"The League Of Villains. Tomura Shigaraki." he replied, calmly wiping blood of one of Toga's knives - he told you.

"y-you labelled me?!" you shouted, fury almost flowing over agony and fear... and total loneliness. almost.

"why yes i did." he turned to you, at least you thought he did, you couldn't tell. he put one foot around the chair leg and stroked yours with it. with the other foot, he carelessly stepped, with full pressure, on your limp hand, making it brake. his head was close to yours, you could feel his hair brushing against you forehead and a menacing, psychotic chuckle emit from his lips. "you know, your petty boyfriend has a healing quirk, right?"

"y-yes." he sat his forehead on yours and spoke.

"shall i get him to heal you? and then, maybe, i'll leave a threat." he moved his foot of your hand and away from your own, his footsteps heading away from the door.

"i-i... d-don't kill him."

"that's not a no, but not a yes... i'll get him to heal you." he turned, as soon as the door opened, sending faint light your way, smiling, "Dabi will be in to let you out." he walked off, the door, and the light, vanishing.


you woke up to still be in the room, tears stinging your eyes. suddenly, the door jolted open and in walked a figure. you couldn't tell who it was as it was so dark. were you dead? could you have actually died? were you in hell? no, as the figure untied you and hauled you to your feet, dragging you out the room as you lagged behind. you had no energy at all and just wanted to sleep. as you entered the light, your eyes adjusted and turned out it was Dabi. he turned to you, "sit down, your "boyfriend" will be here soon."

you sat down on the floor and looked at Dabi, "do you really want to do this?" he looked at you, knelt down and answered.

"why else would i keep you here?" he stood up again and walked off, calling for Shigaraki. as you waited, you started to hum, the same song that your mother always sang for you.

no matter how painful things are. look up at the stars, that is who you are. who you are to me.

you started to sing now, actually smiling for once, "your perfect as can be. doesn't matter what others see. in you, cause you is just what you do. take the pain in life, it's okay. sooner or later it'll be a sunny day, in you own way." you look up and sing your own bit, "so as she smiles down on me. i'll be who she wanted me to be. cause i'm perfect as can be. take it and i'll be free some day!"

"BABE?!" The familiar, calming voice shouted. It was him. Your boyfriend, hirako.

"H-hirako!" You got up and ran, limping, into his arms. He stroked your hair and kissed you, making you smile.

"What happened?" He asked, staring at your arms.

"Shigaraki..." you respond, silence being your answer. He immediately puts his hand on your wounds, healing them. Then, after every cut, every scratch, every broken bone, other than the carved letters, were healed. he held you in his arms.

"i love you." he whispered in your ear, making you feel all tingly.

"are you not going to heal the letters?"

"i can't, he wont let me. he said if i did he'd kill me, then kill you." your blood goes cold and your eyes widen in fear.

"what? why?"

"because he said it was a "label"." he put air quotes around the word label and then smiled at you, "it is great to see you again."

"i know, it is amazing to see you to-"

"well, well, well. Hirako-kun, what a surprise." Toga walked in and smiled at him, "you did your job, now leave."

"wait! are the heroes coming?" you broke in and asked desperately.

"i-i'm sorry." he looked down, not at you, "they said it would be pointless. I've tried and i still will, but they might not actually come. i'm so sorry, babe." he smiled sadly.

"aww, calling her babe? it might be the last time you ever do that, Hirako" she said, gently stroking her blade.

"what do you mean?"

"don't you ever read? if you did, you'd understand." she smiled at him, getting closer, "the victim falls in love with their captor~" she laughed.

"wait... what?" he still didn't get it, but you understood fully.

"it takes a while, but, 90% of the time, the kidnapped persons falls in love with the person who took them~ and in this case, your "babe" will fall in love with Shigaraki and forget all about you. i bet you she already felt something towards him."

you frowned, and then remembered the feeling when he smiled at you before. no. it couldn't be. you couldn't be falling in love with him.

"wait... Y/N is that true?" he turned to you, tears in his eyes as his hazel eyes stared into your E/C ones.

"no. i will never love him. not in a million years. i love you, Hirako. and only you." you pressed your lips on his cheek and Toga took his arm, dragging him away.

"we shall see. we shall see." she muttered, smiling a crazy, terrifying smile. and suddenly, you were alone again.

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