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You sat down on the floor, tears in your eyes as you lover was whisked away from you. To think the heroes won't even try to save you as it would be too risky. Your fist hit the floor in anger as you felt rage fill you up to the brim. why would Toga even say that?! why the actually hell cant i leave this place? WHY AREN'T THE HEROES DOING ANYTHING?! some many questions, so little answers.

"if i was in their shoes i would do something..." you whispered as the tears ran down your cheeks and floated down to the floor. you hit the floor again, but this time with a fist covered in wire. this caused the floor to crack slightly and you screamed in rage, saying something you thought you would never say, "I HATE YOU! I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!" you knew who you were talking to. whether anyone else did, you didn't know.

the heroes.

the god damn saviours that were supposed to save you. but who aren't even trying because it was "too risky." you've only been there for what, four days? and this place already felt like a permanent home. that was a funny way of thinking about it. this place? a home? it would be a home once hell freezes over!

but to think the heroes didn't even bother because they could die. isn't that what heroes do? risk their lives to save others. the only time they would've save you would've been if you were a hero right? if it was worth it...

well, isn't that kind of them. A sudden flash of hatred prickled your mind, until someone's voice broke you out of a blood red trance.

"what's gotten into you all of sudden?" you looked up to see Dabi standing in the doorway holding a plate with toast placed a bit too far on the edge of it. you froze a you looked around and suddenly remembered why you hate it when you get angry and upset. the sofa was thrown against the wall and the table was broken, one of its legs torn off. the fragile things on the table, glasses, a vase and mug of untouched coffee, were either smashed near the wall or on the floor by your feet. the bookshelf was lay on the floor, books were everywhere and the light bulb, even though it was working, had a huge crack in it.

"hello? anyone home?" he walked over to you and flicked your head, which caused you to brake out of your icy cold fear.

"i'm sorry." you whispered, rushing to explain, "when i get angry or upset these," you shot out a dozen wires and lifted the bookshelf back up, "go mental and i can't control them. at least for the most of it, sometimes i have full control but i..." you struggled to get the rest out as he stood there smirking at you, "i-i... that's when i go mental... and... i've been known to hurt people, like... you know how my boyfriend had this scar on his neck?" you asked, for which he nodded in response, "i gave him that..." a shaky sigh danced on your breath and you apologised again.

"don't worry about," he waved it off like it was a pest, "it's Shigaraki you have to worry about. but when this new reaches him... maybe he would see you a bit differently." he muttered, but not quietly enough, for you could cling onto every word. when he wandered out the room, you shot your wires all over the place, trying to clean up a bit. after a few minutes, which really tired you out, the books were back on the shelf and the sofa was in the right place. the broken shards were in the small bin that was in the kitchen and the vase was back on the awkwardly standing table.

You sat down on the sofa to contemplate whether what Toga said was true. Would I fall in love with him? You thought, but after you mentally shook your head, throwing the thought of loving him out of your mind, no way! I love my boyfriend! Not shigaraki!

then, Shigaraki walked in, oblivious to all the damage to the room. he smiled at you as he walked over to stand over you.

"so, the front door is unlocked and the way to get there is this way," he pointed to a door, "don't escape while i'm gone, i'll be back in a bit." he headed off through another door and left you in a pool of confusion. he seemed in a hurry to get somewhere, but where?

"well, why would he tell me that?" you said, "why would anyone in their right mind... wait, never mind, i can escape." you headed towards the door he pointed and kicked it open, running through the corridor, the anticipation of the Japanese comforts overwhelming you. as you came across the door with day light streaming through it, you couldn't hold back your excitement. until you tried the door.

it wouldn't budge. it was clearly locked and all excitement was replaced with dread. you tried again, rattling it as rust flew of the door knob, but again, it wouldn't budge.

"h-he tricked me?" you raked your hands through your hair trying to think, "m-maybe it was the wrong door?" you went through the whole of the corridor, trying all doors, from which were locked or lead into another room. that's when dread really kicked in. you held onto your hair, fear prickling your finger tips, thinking.

"i couldn't escape, so if i head back it would look like i haven't moved... but what about the CCTV cameras..." your voice trailed off to nothing. he went into the CCTV cameras... a voice rung through the corridor.

"Well, well well." he was there, smirking, a low chuckle escaping his lips, "Y/N? tried to escape? and to think i thought the damage i gave to you would make you realise we control you... that i control you." he walked over to you, causing you to back away again, "so? you didn't listen." he held out a knife and threateningly waved his hand towards you, "now it is time for your punishment." he pinned you against the wall and you flinched as he brushed your hair behind your ears. a whimper ran on your tongue as he pushed the blade into your arm. you didn't scream, surprisingly you felt used to the pain of a blade cutting your flesh. You smirked at him, knowing he wanted to make you scream, to relish in your agony.

"Not gonna work, pet-" you giggled at the shock the broke through his perfect shield. You were gonna get your revenge. You placed your hand on his and dug the wires into his pale hand, prying them off the blades handle. Then, from there, you gently pulled out the knife, hiding your pain, and waved it Infront of him, "now, what should I do for fun?" You asked, finally getting the upper hand. He didn't move away, like you wanted him to, but instead he threw your wrist against the wall, followed by the other one. His face edged closer until it was inches from yours.

"I have an idea~" he whispered, sending a chill down your spine, "you are gonna be the death of me, kitten."

And then he did something you didn't expect, nor wanted.

Pain || Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now