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"What was this plan?" you sighed as you sat down on the sofa again, rubbing the side of your temple as a headache swamped over you.

"it's simple, okay?"

"nice, can you tell me now?" you closed your eyes, barely noticing that Kurogiri was in the room with you. you messed around with your wires, shooting them out of your shoulders and back in again, out of your hand and back in again, out of your arms and back in again as boredom suffocated your 18 year old mind. at least it was better than death or him.

"yeah sure, i'll tell you." he paused, and started again, whispering through the phone, "i want you to tell the villains that the heroes have contacted you and tell them they are coming from the West... pro heroes will be there and me, Deku and some others will be coming from the East to get you...." he sighed, you could almost hear the frown on his face, "i wasn't supposed to tell you but Aizawa told me to anyway, so here i am."

"okay... are you sure this is going to work, Hedgehog boy." you muttered, glancing at Kurogiri looking at you with curiosity, "because i'm not sure... they seem to have gotten smarter."

he chuckled at that and he scoffed, "so have we... its in a few months time."

"A FEW MONTHS!" you yelled, then suddenly, after having a 2 minute stare off with Kuro, you lowered your voice and sighed, "why?"

"we need to prepare and i was hoping you could manage to get all of them out of there... by the way, which one are you in?" he inquired, "he has six... seven? i don't know but just give me a direction..."

"umm... when i went to meet you there were a few trees but it seemed out in the open. i looked back and i saw that it was kind of built into a tree...? i don't know...." you groaned. he sighed and responded.

"we'll find you then, don't worry..." he whispered and the he hung up on you. You sighed as you placed your phone down, D/N gently plodding at your heels. You walked past Kuro and as soon as you got in the other room you suddenly exploded in pain for some reason. Your wires shot out of your back, a scream escaping your lips before everything that surrounded you turned black.



i walked in with Toga and Dabi at my heels, the same stupid smile adorning Toga's face as she sneaks her hand into Dabi's, to with Dabi responded with a tug of his own arm to move away. right in front of me, Y/N lay on the floor writhing in pain as her wires went crazy again. blood filtered lightly out of her mouth while her eyes rolled to whites. i rushed to her side, hardly noticing Toga's disappointment with Dabi. running a shaking hand through her H/C hair, i sighed, lost in what to do. eventually i managed to calm her down in this state and picked her up, carrying her out of the room. as i walked to where she was when she was first here, Yuii ran up to me.

"dad...?" she stared at the limp Y/N in my arms and her eyes widened, "did you...?"

"no i didn't... i promise." i assured her, placing a hand in her light blue hair, her fox ears flattening slightly as she calmed down.

"then what happened?"

"i don't know... it could be from what happened before..." i whispered, my mind rushing back to two days before now - when she was unconscious with a knife sticking out of her head. "go to Dabi and Toga, Yuii." she nodded and walked off, letting me continue on my way. i heard a whine and looked down to see her dog at my heels. no... i thought, looking away before i remembered something that i wish i didn't remember at all. a sigh escaped my lips as i lay her down on the cold mattress, the folded duvet at the foot of bed falling around her body when i let it go as her slow breathing made her chest rise and fall. i bent down and kissed her forehead without realising. when the realisation kicked in i looked away and walked out of the room before a small voice rang out through the gloom.

"Shigaraki..." i peered through the open door again to see that Y/N was awake, her E/C orbs staring at me, "w-what happened?"

"oh... you passed out, Y/N." i simply said, but added quickly as her dark eyes widened, "i don't know why... but you're fine now."

"i... i think i know," she was so quite i had to walk in the room to hear her. she sighed before finishing, "my brother has this thing that he uses on his knives before he throws them... it causes the person to 1) hallucinate, 2) faint 3) do what i did."

"okay, why does he do that?" i crouched down in front of her and placed a hand on the bed frame.

"he says it makes his prey weak." she muttered, closing her eyes.

"look, just sleep, you need it..." just as i said that, her dog jumped onto the bed and curled up to her. i flinched as he/she licked me and stood up immediately, walking out of the room, "i have to go somewhere..." i walked out of the room without a single word and went off into the corridor, walking to where ever i would think to go...

to where ever i felt better... normal... to feel like me.



i followed Dabi into the kitchen and took a slice of pizza Mr Compress got for the League. it was out of the two boxes and it was just cheese, nothing else. the warm, soft dough broke away followed by the melted, stringy cheese, and danced on my tongue. i looked at Dabi who took a slice of pizza too and smiled at him. i got a glare in return.

"Dabi... we need to talk." i spoke, standing straight as my smile fell. i was going to be serious now... this was a serious discussion... no more miss happy school girl.

"about what, Blondie?" he sighed as he took another slice.i stared at him - this was his fifth slice, "what? no one else seemed to want the pizza, it's been here for hours!" i sighed and continued.

"Dabi... i like you..." my voice dropped as i blushed - my hands curling into fists, "i like you a lot... i don't know why, but i do..."

"you like me?" he put the half eaten slice down on the lid of the box and walked up to me, "you, of all people?"

"yes..." i whispered, a sudden lump in my throat as i looked at the tall man before me.

"me...?" he asked again and i nodded right before he lifted my chin and kissed me. at first i was shocked, but i fell right into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him. This was exactly what I wanted...

He moved away and looked at me, his emotionless face hiding his true feelings. After a while of looking at eachother - he turned away and walked to the pizza; grabbed my hand; walked out of the room with me.

And the rest of that night was a blur that I couldn't quite piece together...


You sat up in the bed that he put you in and ran your hand through your messy, H/C hair. Question buzzed into your mind, dancing on your tongue, making you feel sick and a small head ache to start its eruption. The room was the exact room you were in at the start of your story as a kidnapped teenager.

You turned to your dog and grinned to see that he/she was fast asleep - their chest rising and falling in a calming pattern. You lay back down and cuddled your dog - not wanting to talk.... just wanting to stay there in that one, peaceful moment.

The thought that your brother was after you have you chills. You didn't deserve it - to put it simply - but he still hunted you.

"Let's just hope he won't find his prey." You whispered, weakly.

Pain || Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now