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12 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours, 32 mins and 48 - make that 49 - seconds: how long you've been there. a good few weeks less than that was how long since you kissed Shigaraki. just the thought of it made your lips tingle and a flutter to build up in your stomach. you were sat down in the living room by yourself apart from Yuii and your dog. Yuii was sat messing around with your dog, running her hand through her/his fur and giggling. as you looked around you wondered what was going on in that little girl's mind. was she sad? happy? was she lonely? was she in pain? she seemed like she had a good wall inside meaning that closing herself off was easy. your eyes drifted back to her and she looked up, catching your gaze with her amazing, green eyes. the same, slightly crooked and broken, smile etched into her face and so you smiled back, waving. she stood up, your dog following her, and walked over to you.

"Y/N? are you okay?" she asked, flopping down next to you, her tail and ears moving naturally with her. her blue hair was slightly messy - not surprising you though, she had only just woken up a few hours ago.

"yeah, i'm fine... just a bit tired that's all." the drug that your brother used was slowly wearing off - it was a lot better since the last thing that happened... you shook your head, forbidding the thoughts from resurfacing., "yeah i'm great, how about you, Yuii?"

"oh i'm amazing!" was what she simply said. She looked like she wanted to say more, but she didn't. She stayed silent and sat there, stroking your dog. The silence was deafening and was crushing you, making you feel tense and shut out.

The villains had left you there to look after Yuii as they go and do something, they hadn't told you what though, so you were stuck there, weak and tired, sad and lonely. The sadness was from your brother. You wished he loved you, but you knew that that would never happen. The room, again, seemed different today - just like it did the day before... it seemed broken, a twisted place with horrible memories. The shadows more defined than ever - the contrast between the white ceiling and the walls sharp.

"Y/N... you have to be careful..." Yuii suddenly whispered, finally pushing the silence away.


"I feel like something bad is going to happen... please," she turned to you, begging, "please be careful, Y/N." Her eyes seemed to glisten in the light, her teeth a pure, dazzling white.

You nodded in response, "Yeah I will..." and then you stood up, going into the kitchen where the half eaten pizza sat in its box. Taking out a big plate, you stuck it on there and shoved it in the microwave for four minutes. A piece of paper sat on the box too and you read it, Shigaraki's words scribbled all over it.

"Y/N, here have the pizza - chips are in the oven, just turn it on and don't die while we are out. Don't forget to drink and give Yuii her medication (it's in a cupboard in the living room) when she says she is in pain. Be back soon


You grinned to yourself just as the microwave beeped. As soon as it went off you opened it and took it the pizza, burning yourself slightly on the plate.
"Crap!" You clenched your teeth and placed the plate roughly on the table. Yuii walked in and looked at you.

"What happened?" She asked and then she saw your hand, the skin already raw. She walked up to you, her faces softening as she placed her hand on yours. A soft glow emitted from her pale, scarred skin as you felt the pain ebb away. Once she removed her hand, you looked at your hand to see that it was fine. strange... 

"Thanks..." you whispered, pulling out the tray of chips you cooked 10 mins ago and shoving them on a plate. You sat down and so did she as you dished out the food, 4 slices and some chips for her the rest for you. You both dug into your meal, not talking as you ate the warm food. once the warmth was gone and you two sat there, your stomachs filled and your emotions lifted, Yuii finally spoke again, going off and getting lost into what she was saying. you couldn't concentrate though, a strange sound buzzing in the distance. it was a strange low sound but it crept up in pitch - slowly getting higher and higher, louder and louder. it only took a feww mor minutes for it to clock into Yuii's minds. her fox ears twitched as she fell silent, rotating this way and that to pick up the sound. it was creeping up slowly and was still quite, but you could tell it was getting louder. you stared at Yuii as she jumped up, her eyes going to slits and her teeth turning demonically sharp.

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