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"its you, Y/N..."

you gasped at what he said and kicked Dabi in the leg. this did not help in your favour though, he moved his head and whispered in you ear.

"i could burn you to a crisp if you want. trust me, screw up and you will be dead." he let you go and followed Shirgaraki out of the door, Toga bouncing behind them. you looked at the door and sighed.

"i have been dragged to hell. there is no way i'm going to be able to see the surface again... unless." an idea struck your head, "unless i have my own plan..." you smiled to yourself, a plan forming in your mind, "but first i need bakugo." you thought of the hedgehog that you hadn't spoken to in a while and then you thought of your phone. and then you thought of the kiss.

god he was such a good kisser despite his cracked lips. i really wish he ment it because if he did then that would be amazing.

you dug your nails into your leg to stop yourself from thinking like that.

"i need to get my phone." you stood up and walked out the door to see Shigaraki slumped on the sofa, Toga smiling to herself as she cleaned her knives and Dabi leaning against the wall. you sighed as you awkwardly sat next to Shigaraki. he turned his head slightly, looked at you and stood up and moved to the other side of the room. you pulled your legs up and wrapped your arms around them. you heard Toga humming to herself and then someone spoke. you realised it was you.

"hey, i've only seen you guys... i thought there were more in the league." you whispered, trying to at least get them to say something.

"you want to see the others? i thought you liked seeing my face." Toga responded, smiling.

"well, yeah, kinda."

what the hell am i saying?!

you tried to stop yourself but you started saying other things, but you couldn't.

"or are you just really embarrassed by them and you don't want a teenage girl to see them?" you smirked, "cause if you are, then what kind of league are you?" Shigaraki glared at you, folding his arms across his chest.

"fine, you can join us in a meeting, don't blame me if they kill you though." he got up and walked over to you, "just don't disrespect the league, because if you are wanting to live, then you have to respect us." he was really close to you and your thoughts ran back to when you kissed. he pushed on your shoulders and headed off. "the next meeting is tomorrow." once he left, Dabi started muttering things about him, while Toga placed her beloved weaponry down and walked into the kitchen.

"Do you want anything?" She asked Dabi as she passed him from which he shook his head, no. She turned to you, "what about you?"

"I think I'll pass." You whispered, "I'm not hungry." You stood up and walked to Dabi as he was the only one left with you.

"What is it, freak."

"Do you know where Shigaraki put my phone?" You asked, it was in your bag when he took you and as far as you were concerned your bag was here.

"Why?" He stood up properly now, looking at you with his beautiful eyes.

"I, I was just asking because if anyone texts or calls me and I don't answer they could tell the heroes that I'm dead." You explained fluently, not messing up or stuttering on any word. Even while your heart was pounding in your chest. He seemed to think about it and suddenly indicated for you to follow him. So you did and when he took you to a room, he told you to sit while he gets it.

You looked around and took in your surroundings. The room was painted brown, a nice light brown. The floor was laminate wood flooring, a creamy colour and there were shelves as far as the eye could see filled with books

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