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"i love you..."

you looked up and stared at him, but before you could say anything, a bark cut you off. the familiar dog ran to you, looking as skinny as hell but other wise okay. He/She started to lick your cheek as you cuddle him/her and stroked him/her. you smiled, and entwined your hands into his/her F/C (fur colour) gently kissing his/hers head. Shigaraki let out a sigh that you only half heard and left the room, leaving you with D/N.

"i missed you so much!" you exclaimed, moving away and grinning, tears forming in your eyes, "i can't believe he actually did this..."

you didn't realise, but in the distance, Shigaraki was alone, sat down on the floor against the wall; his head in his hands. you didn't realise that what he said was true, but he didn't want to feel it. and you didn't realise that you loved him back.

all you knew was that you were alive, D/N was alive and you did something that you thought would not happen.



i stood there in my room, lightly my curtain on fire and blinking, extinguishing the red flame. just a 10 second stare, wait for five and blink. there and then gone. my pupils were slits again and my teeth were sharp; my lip, where i was gnawing at it, was bleeding and when my pupils were slits, everything was better in focus. i growled and kicked my bed, completely stopping my game of fire. 

"Y/N, what and interesting girl you are..." i smiled to my self and sat down, messing with the carpeted floor, "what an interesting girl you are." i sighed and flopped back, lying on the floor. i wonder what her quirk is like... "i want to see your quirk, Y/N... i want to copy it, Y/N!" i giggled and then i smiled, placing my hand flat on the wall next to me, "just like i do with everyone else..." just as i said that, i tapped the wall and a black hole appeared, a shadow almost, but not quite. it was defined properly, but hey, it was there. i glared at it and poked my hand through it, watching it as it engulfed in the black liquid. i then put my other hand through, followed by my head and then i jumped. i jumped into a new world... a new void. i jumped into my world. the world where i rule. the world where i train. the world where anyone else would die. i sighed and i walked over to the blue and white fox that was perched on a rock. she turned to face me and smiled.

"hello, Yuii."

"hey, i'm bored so i came here to talk to you." i smirked at her and she flashed her brilliant, white and sharp teeth into a beautiful smile. i sat down next to the demonic fox and sighed.

"is your dad still...? you know?"

"yes, he is." i shuddered and i turned to her, "and now, because of it, i'm in a lot of pain - headaches, back aches e.t.c."

"well, i'm sure you'll be fine." she turned away and went into a human form, her white-blue hair flowing down her back.

"he has your daughter... Anatayo." i whispered as her blue eyes scanned my face.

"Y-Y/N?!" she asked, standing up all of a sudden, "he has my baby girl?"


"GAH and now i can't leave this forsaken place and he is hurting my child..." she jerked, turning wings sprouting out of her back as she left her spirit animal for a while, "Eto...?"

"he... he's alive. he hurt her too." 

she growled and fluttered her wings in agitation.

"why is your spirit animal a fox?"

"cause my personality best fits a fox." she sat back down and turned to me, "please, look after Y/N for me... i've never trusted Shigaraki or the League... especially All For One." she shook her head and turned away, "you should go, Yuii. i feel that your dad will be in your room soon..."



"Y/N... she looks nothing like you... why is that?"

"she looks mostly like her dad..." she sighed, "god i miss him... i hope he's okay." as worry contorted her face.

"I'm sure he is." I whispered as I wondered off towards the mini portal. I turned to her again, "when will you have enough strength to leave?"

"Soon... real soon." She whispered back and turned back into her spirit animal, the blue and white fox. I sighed and slowly made my way back through the portal. So much for a conversation.

As soon as I get to the other side, in the normal dimension, I sit down and close the portal, creating another one to another place in front of me. This time, instead of black, it was the same as Kuro's. Except this time it wasn't him. I'd managed to copy his quirk, just like I copied Toga's. The only person I needed to copy now was Dabi... but he hasn't used his quirk in front of me. I walked through the portal and landed into the living room to see my dad, gobsmacked, sat in the corner staring at me.

"Hi, dad." I smiled and he smiled back at me.

"Hey, sweetie." He stood up and pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair.

"What's wrong...?"

"Nothing," he sighed, pushing me away, "I kissed Y/N..." at that, I froze, staring at him.

"Y... you..." then I exploded, "YOU KISSED HER?! YOU KNOW THAT THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE LIKE THAT SEEM TO DIE!" I glared at him, "I thought you hated her anyway, or was that another one of your manipulations...?"

He stayed silent and stared at me, before walking off. That's when I heard a small voice behind me.

"Shigaraki..." it was Y/N, her H/C hair falling down her back. My dad stopped at turned to face her, "I think your daughter is very clever." She hesitated, almost as if she wanted to say something else but decided against it.

"Is that all?" He turned away after she nodded and walked off, leaving me with her.


You sighed and sat down, taking some of the ham you took out of the fridge and giving it to your dog. Everything was slowly turning away from you, rushing out of your grasp. As you sat there Yuii stared at you, but you didn't care, the dimly lit room eerily quiet. Your phone buzzed and you turned it on to see a message from Bakugo.

Have a plan, call me in 10


You sighed and quickly turned it off, giving your dog the whole packet of ham to munch on. Standing up, you walked over to where the table was, the broken table, and rested your hand on it, tracing the intricate designs on it.

Shigaraki... did he really love you?

Pain || Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now