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i turned around, catching Y/N before she hit the floor. her eyes were closed and her skin was very cold, pale and her breathing was slow and ragged. a small amount of blood dribbled onto my hand. i looked around to see no one near us. did she pass out on her own? 

"no... she's bleeding..." i frowned, slowly walking back to the base through the night. as i moved, i turned into a jog, then going into a run. she wasn't going to die on me now... not now... i growled as the thoughts that flew into my head poisoned how i should feel, "why do i care... why? i shouldn't... i shouldn't care." i sighed and once i get to the base, sweat pouring down my spine, i kicked the door down and yelled, "i need help! it's Y/N" i pushed the door closed with my foot and rushed through the corridor to be met by Toga and Dabi.

"what happened?" Dabi looked at me questioningly, Toga heading off to get a first aid kit.

"i dont know... she just collapsed and she's bleeding too. i didn't see anyone but i can't be too sure..." i whispered, jogging over to the sofa and lying her carefully down on the soft cushions. everything was a blur as we tried to help her, Toga trying to see the wound. Dabi trying to wake her up, Atsuhiro Sako (for people who don't know - mr compress) just standing there with me. the others weren't there, probably asleep or something, but i didn't care. all i could think about was if Y/N was going to die or not. whether it was for my plan or not... i didn't know, but i did know i would get back on track. just think of your plan, Shigarkaki... i glared at the floor.

"she's probably going to die." Sako said out of the blue in a matter-of-fact tone.

"how...? she collapsed. passing out wont kill her." Dabi sighed, sitting on the floor next to her.

"she could cause she got hit in the head, Dabi." Toga muttered, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, "you of all people should of known that."

Dabi turned to her then, "well sorry! i don't actually care, Miss smarty pants!" he flopped back down and i walked over to Y/N, stroking her H/C hair.

"Y/N wake the hell up or i'll eat your teriyaki..." nothing happened, so i shrugged, "it was worth a try."

"be serious Hand Face." Dabi growled at me.

"i thought you didn't care." i cocked my head to the side as i perched myself on the end of the sofa.

"i don't but you could at least help... and anyway, do you care?" he asked me, smirking.

"no... of course not. she is to die with the heroes..." or maybe she could join us... i shook my head and muttered, "stop thinking that way..."

"hmm, ok." he stood up and walked off, "i'm going for a walk." i turned to look at him as he opened the door to the outside and strode through it. it was just me, Toga and Sako... and Y/N. i frowned as i looked at the floor again. i had to get in the right mind set for the meeting tomorrow.

"I found it!" Toga shouted all of a sudden, causing me to jump. the light flickered all of a sudden and a bunch of wires sprouted out of Y/N's back, thrashing around. i stood up and i turned to face her before i was thrown onto my back. i heard Toga yelp as she jodged the wires, Sato doing the same. i couldn't believe i was caught off guard. i rolled and crawled over to her, not really knowing what i was going to do, but i couldn't let her attack us like that. i placed a hand on her leg and activated my quirk. as soon as i did, the wires stopped moving and i heard a small yelp.


you squeezed your eyes closed as you lay on something soft... pillows? it was the sofa... a throbbing pain pulsing through your head. not only that, but your leg burned with a sort of familiarity to it.

Pain || Tomura Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now