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His cold lips were pressed against yours and icy cold shock shot through your body. You tried to pull away but with the wall against your back, you couldn't move. As he kissed you, you started to melt into the kiss, waiting for him to finish. no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't pull away from him, you just kissed him. after a minute or so, he bit down lightly on your lip and pulled away, smirking.

your hand flew to your mouth and felt a slight dent where he bit you. it made you angry and your hand went from your lips, to his face in an instant. striking him, you went to grab his shirt but he moved away.

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" you turned to look at the villains by his side, rage filling you to the brim. it was Dabi and Toga. an impish grin still plastered over his face made you want to take the stupid knife in his hand and strike him with that instead. you took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, but nothing was working. Shigaraki took you by the shoulders and smashed your head against the wall.

"slap me again and i'll add another hand to my collection." he threatened staring into your eyes with his crimson ones. you felt dizzy and your head was pounding but you weren't going to back down. you took him by he shoulders too, turned and threw him against the wall, taking the knife and pressing it against his neck, pinning him against the brick wall.

your vision went dark as you lost all control.



she stared at me, her eyes going out of focus as her metallic wires ripping pictures off the wall and throwing Dabi and Toga on the floor, holding them there. the knife that was pressed against my neck drew a small amount of blood and her hand holding my wrist down was gripping tightly. her eyes were a strong shade of e/c, boring into mine as she pushed the knife further when i tried to move.

"wanna threaten me again?" she asked, her head cocked to the side, "cause, you aren't the only one with a few tricks up their sleeve."

"sure, i'll threaten you again." i smiled, her grip tightening and i loved it, "repeat any of this again and not only will it be your hands that belong to me, but your heart, i'm sure i'd be able to find somewhere to put it." she froze then, almost letting the blade drop to the floor, almost lossing all of her grip on me. i could almost feel how cold her blood was, almost see her goosebumps.

"why'd you do it?" she still held her ground, but not for long. Dabi walked up to her and took her by the shoulders, pulling her away from me. his arms wrapped around her waist as he held her still, her struggling and begging him was oblivious to him.

"why?" i laughed, staring into the dilated pupils that occupied her eyes, "oh, i know, you thought i loved you and wanted to smooch your face off! well, no, eww gross. who would ever want to kiss that?!" i indicated to her as i said it, her h/c hair shading her eyes as she glared at me, "i did it to see if what Dabi said was true. a test if you like..." i walked over to her, gripping her wrist, "to see if you are actually a normal person or not."

"what's normal in a world like this?" she asked, her pupils slowly going back to normal.


you look into the eyes of the monster before you, the smirk that played on his lips taunting you. as he stood there, Dabi loosened his grip on you.

"this world is the normal, you should know that." he smiled.

"who's the villain here?" you asked, "who is not normal at all 'cause they have something wrong in their head?"

"you... Y/N it's you."

sorry it's shorter than the others but the next one will be longer, i promise!

don't be scared to comment and vote!

any requests private message me, post on my profile or even comment.

next update: 6-9 days.

hope you liked it!

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