Something is wrong with Jeff

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Trish's POV

I have just come out of English on my own since Ashley wasn't in school today she texted me earlier and told me she didn't feel good so I came to school on my own and when I got there the girls already knew.

I met up with the girls outside the lecture theatre and then we walked inside and started to talk about our lessons we just had.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

I just had English and when I walked out I was met up with my brother and Lita they smiled and followed me I kept thinking about what Trish said yesterday that she doesn't like self centred guys or guys who think they are something.

I am nothing like those sort of guys I know that but if Trish doesn't know me then she might think I am like that and I don't want her to think of me like that......wait what am I thinking I don't know the girl all I know is her name and that she is from Canada that's it.

I was so much in thought I didn't notice someone in front of me they tapped my shoulder and I reacted badly when I realised it was my brother I let go.

Matt: what the hell was that for?

Jeff: you scared me

Matt: you need to work on that

Jeff: *rolls eyes*

Matt: what's been up with you lately

Then I heard a voice behind me I turned and saw Lita she walked in front of me and by Matt's side.

Lita: you're not the same Jeff anymore

Jeff: of course I am

Matt: you're not

Lita: you are always staring into space, you're always thinking like something is on your mind but you don't want to tell us, you always change your attitude like one minute you can be nice to us and the next you can be harsh.

Matt: so what's wrong?

Jeff: nothings wrong

Then I saw the lecture theatre door open and out walked Trish she didn't look at us she just walked past and she headed to her locker I'm guessing.

Lita: is it her?

Matt: huh?

Lita: Jeff has been spacing out a lot since that girl came here

Matt: how do we know it was her we don't even know her name or where she is from

Lita: I know her name but not where she is from

Matt: how did you know her name?

Lita: I walked through the park and I heard a guy call her name

If Lita tries anything to hurt her I won't be happy.

Lita: I think it is her

Matt: how can you be so sure though

Lita: starters it is easy to tell that Jeff stares at her and second he has been changing since she arrived

Jeff: I have not

Lita: see what I mean

Matt: I know he is even like this at home

Lita: he is?

Matt: *nods*

I walked away from them and I could Matt shout me but I ignored his shouting and I went to my locker to grab my phone.

At Jeff's locker

I opened the door and I saw Trish at her locker she was on her phone then she put it in her pocket and then she closed the door and she didn't look my way and then she walked off.

End of POV

Lita's PoV

Jeff just totally ignored Matt's shouting I looked at Matt and he looked worried.

Lita: now do you believe it is that Trish girl?

Matt: I'm still not sure

Lita: face the facts Matt

Matt: I know he has been changing but we don't know it's her it could be someone else

Lita: are you sticking up for that girl?

Matt: what? No why would I stick up for someone who I don't even know but I am just saying he would never act like this if a girl was involved.

Lita: no but he would act like this if he was with the girl he loves the most

Matt: so basically you're saying Jeff likes this Trish girl

Lita: *nods* that is exactly what I am saying

Matt: what if he doesn't like her

Lita: it's pretty obvious that he does

Matt: we'll have to find out

Lita: *nods*

I saw that Trish girl walk past and she was on her phone talking to someone it could be that guy again.

Matt: what about that guy she was with?

Lita: he's her friend because I heard say that

Matt: oh

She walked past she didn't acknowledge us and we heard her talking to this person.

Trish's phone call convo

Trish: hey Zak.....why? promised me Zak......I know you're sorry but you keep doing this and it does hurt you know......okay but don't you dare get hurt again......I do mean it you got hurt and Nick and Aaron don't want you keep getting hurt......I understand it is for evidence but you don't always have to do that.......look I've got to go I'm going to meet the girls again.......alright I'll see you after school be careful girls think you're cute.......yeah whatever you say.......okay okay jeez calm down Zaky......I never promised that.......alright see ya.

End of phone convo

She carried on walking and I faced Matt.

Matt: what the

Lita: we need to find out what is going on

Matt: this is all confusing

Lita: I know but if we don't find out soon Jeff may stay like this

Matt: oh

Lita: okay we need to find out what is wrong with Jeff

We then walked away to find Jeff.

End of PoV

Trish's PoV

I walked back in the lecture and when the girls saw me they smiled.

Mickie: hey what took so long?

Trish: sorry Zak called to tell me he got hurt again

Victoria: does he get hurt often?

Trish: hmm depends really

Ashley: really?

Trish: *nods*

We carried on talking about anything that came to our minds then the bell rang and we went to our next class which was science with Ronson instead of James.

End of POV

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